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Vocabulary. To comprise -включать. составлять ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 10 из 10
To comprise -включать. составлять Local authorities -местные органы власти take decisions -принимать решения to play a prominent part -играть заметную роль to predict -предсказывать to be aware of -знать, осознавать to cut back on spending -сокращать расходы prosperity -процветание to enable -позволять to alter -измениться recession -упадок to affect -влиять the extent -степь the outcome of the actions -результаты действий make up -составлять to have dealings -иметь деловые связи total spending -общие расходы
What is economic environment? a)…the business environment in which firms exist and operate. b)…the business environment in which firms suffer badly. c)…the business environment in which firms experience high sales.
II. Завершите предложение в соответствии с основной темой абзаца. The passage is about… a) how total spending declines. b) the importance of the economic environment c) controlling and predicting economic activity
III. Определите, в каком абзаце сообщается о том, что происходит в экономической среде, когда экономика переживает спад. a) 3абз. b) 4абз. с) 5абз.
IV. Выберите предложение, соответствующее содержанию текста (относительно снижения объёма продаж в фирмах). a) At such times many firms will be investing funds to enable them to produce more. b) Consumers have plenty of money to spend and firms expect high sales. c) During periods when people have less to spend, any firms face hard times as their sales fall.
V. Выберите вариант завершения предложения, соответствующего содержанию текста. All these organizations and the decisions they take play a prominent part … a) in shaping the business environment in which firms exist and operate. b) in controlling the economic environment. c) in experiencing high sales and general prosperity.
VI. Подберите английский эквивалент слову, данному в скобках: (предсказывать) а) purchase b) spend c) predict d) enjoy (включать) а)decide b) enable c) decline d) comprise (процветание) а) prosperity b) implication c) experience d) success (расходы) а)cheap b) decline c) items d) spendings
VII. Выберите форму сказуемого: When the economy … a boom, firms experience high sales and general prosperity. a) enjoys b) is enjoy c) is enjoying d) enjoyed
VIII. Найдите грамматическую ошибку в структуре предложения. The economic environment alters into the economy moves into a recession. a) as b) alter c) a d) move
IX. Поставьте соответствующий предлог. This can have enormous implications … business as a whole. a) to b) for c) of d) from
X. Расшифруйте следующее сокращение. It’s the outcome of the actions of all the groups who make up society… a) It has b) It is c) It was d) притяжательный падеж
XI. Определите, в каком времени группы Indefinite и в какой форме находится следующее предложение. No individual firm has the ability to control…. a) отрицательная форма Present Perfect b) положительная форма Present Indefinite c) отрицательная форма Present Indefinite d) положительная форма Present Perfect
XII. Чем является глагол ‘to be’ в предложении. You should be aware that…. a) смысловой глагол b) вспомогательный глагол c) модальный глагол
XIII. Составьте предложение из следующих слов. Rices/ spending/ and/ income/ total/ unemployment/ as/ falls.
XIV. Найдите правильный вариант перевода слова согласно тексту. State experience a) состояние a)переживать b) государство b)опыт c) утверждение с) знания
Investment as a term has two meanings: 1. Expenditure on the purchase of financial securities such as stocks and shares. It is also called financial investment. Portfolio investment is undertaken by persons, firms and financial institutions in the expectation of earning a return in the form of interest or dividends, or an appreciation in the capital value of the securities. 2. Capital expenditure on the purchase of physical assets such as plants, machinery and equipment (fixed investment) and stocks (inventory investment), i.e. physical or real investment. In economic analysis, the term ‘investment’ relates specifically to physical investment. Physical investment creates new assets thereby adding to the country’s productive capacity, whereas financial investment only transfers the ownership of existing assets from one person or institution to another. The long-term significance of investment lies in the contribution it makes to economic prosperity. Building new factories, adding new machinery and equipment, and investing in new techniques and products enables industry to supply a greater quantity of more sophisticated products and services to the consuming public, while similar investments in the provision of social capital(schools, health, etc.) contribute vitally to the up-grading of general living standards.
Vocabulary: Expenditure - расходы securities -ценные бумаги to undertake -предпринимать appreciation -оценка, повышение ценности to relate to -иметь связь, отношение thereby -таким образом, в связи с этим capacity -возможность to transfer -передавать, переносить significance -значение up-grading -высокий, living standards -уровень жизни
I. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос: What is investment? a) expenditure on the purchase of financial securities. b) expenditure on the purchase of physical assets. c) expenditure on the purchase of goods and services.
II. Завершите предложение в соответствии с основной мыслью третьего абзаца The main idea of the passage is… a) how to invest in new techniques b) the difference in physical investment and financial investment c) how to enable industry to supply a greater quantity of more sophisticated products
III. Определите, в каком абзаце сообщается о том, что ценные бумаги приобретаются физическими лицами, фирмами и т.д. а) 4абз. b) 2абз. с) 1абз.
IV. Выберите предложение, соответствующее содержанию текста (относительно значения долгосрочных инвестиций). а) The long-term investment will help them to rent some facilities. b) The long-term investment is not so necessary for the firm. c) The long-term significance of investment lies in the contribution it makes to economic prosperity.
V. Выберите вариант завершения предложения, соответствующего содержанию текста. Capital expenditure on the purchase of physical assets such as … a) services and goods b) market shares c) plant, machinery, and stocks
VI. Подберите английский эквивалент слову, данному в скобках: (возможность) а) whereas b) assets c) capacity d) quantity (создавать) а) purchase b) create c) supply d) add (процент) а) appreciation b) prosperity c) interest d) rate (обеспечение) а) provision b) demand c) asset d) consume (ценные бумаги) а) equipment b) securities c) suppliers d)earnings
VII. Выберите форму сказуемого: The term ‘investment’ … specifically to physical investment. a) to relate c) is relating b) relates d) be relate
VIII. Найдите грамматическую ошибку в структуре предложения. Investment as a term have two meanings. a) a b) meaning d) has
IX. Поставьте соответствующий предлог. Building new factories, adding new equipment, and investing … new techniques and products enables industry to supply …. a) to b) in c) for d) under
X. Расшифруйте следующее сокращение. Physical investment creates new assts thereby adding to the country’s productive capacity…. a) has b) was c)is d) притяжательный падеж
XI. Какую функцию выполняет причастиеI в предложении. … whereas financial investment only transfer the ownership, of existing assets from one person… .a) обстоятельство b) определение c)дополнение
XII. Чем является глагол ‘to be’ в предложении. а) смысловым глаголом b) вспомогательным глаголом с) модальным глаголом
XIII. Найдите правильный вариант построения предложения. a) Who is portfolio investment undertaken by? b) Who portfolio investment is undertaken by? c) Who portfolio is investment undertaken by?
XIV. Определите, в каком времени употреблено сказуемое в предложении. Long-term investment in new techniques enabled to create a great quantity of more sophisticated products. a) Present Perfect b) Present Indefinite c) Past Indefinite
XV. Найдите правильный вариант перевода слова согласно тексту. Stocks value a) инвентарь а) ценность b) запасы b) стоимость с) акции с) значение
1. What is a partnership? 2. In what professional fields are partnerships likely to be? 3. In what businesses is a partnership a common form? 4. What owner of a partnership is called a general partner? 5. What owner of a partnership is called a limited partner? 6. What is a secret partner / a silent partner? 7. How can partners combine their resources when starting a business? 8. What backgrounds should partners have to operate a business? 9. What are the advantages of a partnership? 10. What are the disadvantages of a partnership? 11. What is a corporation? 12. What types of corporations do you know? 13. Who, s a stock holder? 14. What are the advantages of a corporate form of ownership? 15. What are the disadvantages of a corporate form of ownership? 16. What kind of legal procedure does a person have to follow to form a corporation? 17. What does it mean «to organize the corporation?» 18. What has a final authority in management of a corporation? 19. How often does a general meeting of a corporation take place? 20. What is accounting? 21. What, s the aim of accounting? 22. Who needs the data providing by accounting departments? 23. What are the two types of records which most businesses prepare? 24. What does a balance sheet show? 25. What does an income statement show? 26. What, s the difference between an accountant and a book-keeper? 27. Why do corporations need financing? 28. What is called an equity financing? 29. What, s a stock certificate? 30. What does it mean «a negotiable stock certificate?» 31. How is the value of a share determined? 32. What does the value of a share depend on? 33. What is debt funding? 34. What activities produce an inflow and an outflow of capital? 35. What products are called adaptations? 36. What products are considered to be innovations? 37. Why are many adaptations and innovations produced by small business? 38. Why do some promising products have no success? 39. Is it important to obtain a patent? Why? 40. What must be done for better selling of a new product? 41. What does marketing mean? 42. What is another term for «the movement of goods and services from producers to consumers? 43. What activities does marketing consist of? 44. What operations does marketing include? 45. What helps producers to predict what customers will want to purchase? 46. How do producers influence on consumer , s choice of purchasing? 47. Is marketing research very important? Why? 48. Why is it necessary to have competitors in business? 49. In what forms can a business be privately owned? 50. What is the most common form of private ownership? 51. What kind of business is likely to be a sole proprietorship? 52. Is it easy or difficult to start an own business? 53. Why do individuals want to have their own business? 54. Why can owners of sole proprietorships put their policies into effect very quickly? 55. What problems does an owner of sole proprietorship have to solve? 56. What are the risks involved with a sole proprietorship? 57. What are the advantages and the disadvantages of sole proprietorship? 58. What is the definition of business? 59. What is production? 60. What is the main goal of any business? 61. What is profit? 62. What does the economy comprise? 63. What is the economy difficult and complicated for? 64. What characterizes the state of the economy when it enjoys a boom? 65. What characterizes the state of the economy when it moves into a recession? 66. Can the economic environment be controlled? 67. What kind of business is like to be a sole proprietorship? 68. What is partnership? 69. Is there any difference between a silent partner and a secret partner? What is the difference? 70. Name the advantages of partnership? 71. In what professional fields can the partnership found? 72. Who can own a corporation? 73. What are the advantages of the corporate form of ownership? 74. What kind of corporations usually doesn’t issue the stock? 75. What is the purpose of accounting? 76. What can you know analyzing the income statement and balance sheet of a company? 77. What is the purpose of the ratio analysis? 78. How do you understand the term ‘adaptation of products’? 79. What is an innovation? 80. Why is it so important to obtain a patent? 81. What is inflation? 82. What characterizes hyperinflation? 83. What causes demand-pull inflation? 84. What causes cost-push inflation? 85. What is financial investment? What is real investment? 86. What type of investments makes contribution to economic prosperity? 87. What characterizes financial investment? 88. What does marketing mean? 89. What activities do marketing made up? 90. What is important in marketing? 91. What characterizes mild inflation?
Список литературы 1. Антонов О. И. Английский язык для бизнесмена. Тверь: Варяг, 1992. – 100с. 2. Воронцова И.И. Английский язык для студентов экономических факультетов. М.: Приор, 2002. – 144 с. 3. Саженкова А. Г. Тексты для чтения по Экономике и Менеджменту. М.: Международный Университет, 1998. – 64с. 4. Шевелева С. А. Английский по экономике. М.: Юнити-Дана, 2004. – 415 с.
Содержание Предисловие Тексты для чтения c заданиями Контрольные вопросы Литература