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Visual materials for written description


Description of Places, buildings


Description of Objects



Description of Events




Description of Famous Russian and American People (Visual Aids)








Punctuation makes your writing easier to read. Some people say: the less punctuation the better. And that’s certainly true to some extent. Nevertheless, proper punctuation should be used when you write an article. Let us concentrate on four main stops, which are a comma, a semicolon, a colon and a full stop.


  1. Use comma to separate a series of words of the same type: E.g. A professional reporter should write clearly, concisely, and accurately.
  2. Use comma to separate a series of phrases of the same kind: E.g., His article was more refined, more intellectual, and more expressive, than Smith’s one.
  3. Use comma to mark off words and phrases such as ‘however’, ‘in fact’, ‘for example’, ‘of course’: E.g. With punctuation, however, you play carefully.
  4. Use comma, where two sentences are joined together by a conjunction, if you want to lengthen the pause: E.g., They wanted to leave Athens, but their friends detained them


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