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Full stop

You should use a full stop in a text to mark the end of a sentence


Exercise № 59. Rewrite the whole of the text. Put punctuation marks where necessary.

The Government’s central economic objective is to achieve high and stable levels of growth and employment in meeting this objective the Government wants to encourage a fair society in which everyone can share in higher living standards and wider job opportunities and to see economic development taking place in a way that respects the environment Stable public finances are key requirements for long-term economic stability the Government’s fiscal policy is guided by two strict rules.


· That over the economic cycle the Government will borrow only to invest and that current spending will be met from taxation

· That public debt as a proportion of national income will be held over the economic cycle at a stable and prudent level


These rules require that current taxpayers pay for current spending since they enjoy its benefits future generations gain from public investment so it is reasonable to borrow to finance investment with future generations bearing the corresponding debt servicing and depreciation costs to implement its new rules in July 1997 the Government announced a five-year deficit reduction plan.


Aries, the Ram March 21 – April 20

Positive: strong, enthusiastic, positive, optimistic, ambitious

Negative: tactless, stubborn, unreasonable, and irritable

Taurus, the Bull April 21 – May 20

Positive: honest, reliable, cautious, and thorough

Negative: unforgiving, stubborn, materialistic, and overbearing

Gemini, the Twins May 21 – June 20

Positive: bright, creative, charming, adaptable, intellectual

Negative: shallow, unreliable, doesn’t concentrate, easily bored

Cancer, the Crab June 21 – July 20

Positive: home-loving, sympathetic, kind, loyal, patient

Negative: timid, unambitious, lazy, retiring

Leo, the Lion July 21 – August 21

Positive: leading, organizing, generous, hospitable, popular

Negative: arrogant, rude, conceited, materialistic

Virgo, the Virgin August 22 – September 22

Positive: Hard working, responsible, moderate, trustworthy, open-minded,

Negative: critical, cold, too tidy, miserly

Libra, the Scales September 23 – October 22

Positive: fair-minded, harmonious, considerate, and artistic

Negative: insincere, escapist, vain, jealous

Scorpio, the Scorpion October 23 – November 22

Positive: brave, strong-willed, highly principled, determined

Negative: boastful, sly, ruthless, vengeful

Sagittarius, the Archer November 23 – December 20

Positive: honest, broad-minded, practical, trusting

Negative: restless, risk-taking, tactless, undisciplined

Capricorn, the Goat December 21 – January 19

Positive: patient, serious, business-like, hard-working, self-controlled

Negative: bossy, narrow-minded, critical, materialistic

Aquarius, the Water Carrier January 20 – February 18

Positive: individualistic, honest, humanitarian

Negative: fanatical, eccentric, temperamental, impractical


Pieces, the Fish February 19 – March 20

Positive: idealistic, sympathetic, loving, trusting

Negative: depressive, gloomy, lazy, easily led


Contrast and Addition Structures:

  1. They are charming, but shallow.
  2. They are not only stubborn, but also overbearing.
  3. Although they are generous, they can also be greedy.
  4. They can be energetic. In addition, they can be persistent.
  5. They are timid. Furthermore, they are completely unambitious.



  1. Gemini people are supposed to be good businesspersons.
  2. Libra people are thought to be artistic.
  3. Sagittarius people are said to be honest and trusting.


Exercise № 60. Write a short paragraph saying how typical or untypical you are of your sign. Use provided structures.


Exercise № 61. Write your horoscope for tomorrow. Say what kind of a day it will be for your star sign. Try to make it funny.




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