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English-English vocabulary

of tourist terms

(Англо-английский словарь туристических терминов)

A la carte type of menu where each dish is individually priced

Abroad in a foreign country; overseas

Accelerated made quicker

Accommodations places at which travellers can obtain a bed (and usually food) while on a trip (hotels, motels, inns, camping grounds, and so forth)

Accompaniments equipment on a dining table such as salt, pepper, etc.

Accompany travel with

Accurate correct

Activity holidays holidays offering special activities such as walking or cycling

Additional extra

Adjoining next to each other

Advance reservations reservations made by guests before they arrive

Advertisement notice of object or service for sale

Advertising agency company which prepares advertisements

Air-conditioning system system controlling air quality and temperature

Allocation of accommodation deciding in which room each guest will stay

Alteration change

Amenities places to go to and things to do

American Plan full board

Amount quantity

Amusement park an area that offers different kinds of amusements or entertainments, such as thrill rides, magic shows, and so forth.

Apart from except

Aperitif alcoholic drink taken before a meal

Appeal attraction

Appointed chosen

Appointment time arranged for a meeting

Appropriate suitable

Architecture buildings and styles of making them

Area code telephone number for a part of the country

Arrival and departure cards/ embarkation and disembarkation cards cards filled out by international passengers, usually for statistical purposes

Atmosphere feeling; ambience

Attend to deal with

Audio visual presentation presentation making use of sight and sound, e.g. with tape recordings and films

Automatically without special instructions; by itself

Available ready for use

Banquet large, formal dinner

Based located

Based on calculated on

Basic charges charges that do not include any extra services or orders

Bed plan plan used by a tour operator, which describes the flight arrangements and hotel arrangements for tour groups

Beverage drink

Biannually twice a year

Bill record of what the customer must pay

Block booking booking of a number of beds at one time

Booking reservation

Book-keeper person who records money paid and received

Boutiques small shops

Branch local office of a company

Brochure a pamphlet usually put out for promotional purposes.

Brochures small book or booklet giving information

Budget financial plan

CAB the Civil Aeronautics Board of the US Department of Transportation. It regulates such matters as routes and fares within the United States.

Calculate compute; work out

Cancellation message from a person with a booking saying he isn't coming

Capacity number that can be accommodated

Car ferry a ship that carries automobiles and passengers across relatively small bodies of water like the English Channel

Car rental agency / car hire a service for renting automobiles for short periods of time

Carafe open glass container for wine, water, etc.

Caravan / van a type of automobile with sleeping space. In camping, the traveller carries a tent or other equipment with him

Caravanning / camping travelling with one's own facilities for shelter and often for eating

Carrier transport company, e.g. airline, ferry company

Carving cutting meat, etc.

Casino a place for gambling

Category type class

Catering services / the restaurant and bar business services where the public can obtain food and drink

Charged to...account put on... bill

Charter plane an aircraft that has been rented to fly when and where the service is desired

Chartering renting an aircraft, usually from a nonscheduled airline

Chat informal talk

Check against compare with

Checking in registering

Chef cook who works in a large kitchen

Chilled made cold

Chips / French fries / pommes frites deep-fried fingers of potato (GB / US / Fr)

CIT charter inclusive tour. This is a packaged tour that uses chartered aircraft for transportation

Clarification extra information to make something clear

Classification way of dividing

Clerk office worker

Coach comfortable bus, often used over long distances

Coast the part of the land where it joins the sea

Cocktail bar bar for drinks before dinner

Commemorate is in memory of

Comments things to say

Commission a percentage of the price of a sale that is paid to the seller

Common usual

Complimentary free

Compulsory necessary; obligatory

Computer terminals electronic senders and receivers of information to and from a computer

Condominium a building or group of buildings in which an individual can buy a unit. The public spaces are owned jointly by all the purchasers of the individual units

Confirm agree to a booking

Conglomerate a corporation that engages in many different kinds of business, often on an international scale

Consecutive one after the other

Consist of is composed of; is made of

Consultant a person who offers his experience and knowledge in a particular field to individual customers on a fee basis

Contact communication

Continental breakfast light breakfast

Continental Plan bed and breakfast

Contract formal agreement, usually written

Control direction; supervision

Convenient in a useful position

Convention a meeting at which people usually within the same field or business exchange their ideas, experiences, specialized knowledge, and so on

Cork stopper in top of wine bottle, etc.

Corked (of wine) having an unpleasant taste because of a poor cork

Correspondence letters

Cottage small house in the country

Courier tour leader

Courses different parts of a meal

Couscous a North African dish consisting of meat and vegetables in a spicy sauce, served with semolina

Cover the equipment on a dining table laid for each customer

Create make

Credit card a card issued by a company or a bank to a person with a good credit rating

Cruise a pleasure voyage by ship

Cuisine cooking

Currency money

Current in use at the moment

Customer person using a hotel

Customs government department which checks imports and exports

Cutlery knives, forks, spoons, etc.

Cut off unable to continue the call because of a broken connection

Deals with works with; handles

Delays unscheduled periods of waiting

Delegates people attending a conference

Demand amount people wish to buy

Deposit money required to confirm a booking

Deposited given for safe keeping

Deserted empty; without people

Dessert final course in a meal where something sweet is served

Destination place to which a person is going

Destination advertising advertising that stresses a resort area or some other tourist destination

Development growth and advancement; v develop

Diabetic a person with the disease diabetes which makes it necessary to limit the amount of sugar eaten

Diary daily record

Diets restricted eating programmers

Direct mailing a form of promotion that involves mailing brochures or throwaways to a selected list of people

Discotheque dance club with modern music

Discount amount deducted from the price for reasons such as quick payment or cash payment

Discovered found

Discretion freedom to decide

Disposable income income that can be spent for purposes other than such necessities as food, shelter, and taxes

Documentation documents, pieces of written information

Drawn up prepared

Drugs medicines

Duty-free goods merchandise on which there is no customs tax on foreign merchandise

Duty manager manager made responsible for day to day operations

Economy saving money

Emergency problem which requires immediate attention

Enclosing putting with the letter; n enclosure

Entertainment amusement, show or performance; v entertain

Entertainment activities that amuse people, including going to theaters, nightclubs, art exhibitions, and so on

Entree course before the main course

Escorted tours tours accompanied by a courier

Essential necessary

Establishments places of business

European Plan only bed

Events happenings

Exchange rate amount of one currency that can be obtained for an amount of another

Excluding the opposite of 'including'

Excursion normally, a trip away from a person's usual place of residence for less than twenty-four hours

Excursionist a person who takes an excursion

Excursions local tours

Exhibitions public displays of, for example, products and pictures

Expansion increase in size; growth; v expand

Expenditure money spent

Exported sold abroad

Extend make longer

Extension internal telephone number

Extensive wide

External calls calls to numbers outside the hotel

Facilitate make easier

Facilities equipment

Factors facts of particular importance

Familiarization making something familiar or known

Familiarization tours tours accompanied by a courier

Familiarization trips (FAMs) trips for people in the tourist industry to get to know and inspect an area and the services available

Family-oriented directed towards families

Family plan getting reduced fares by members of a family travelling with the head of the family

Fares prices of travel tickets

Favourable advantageous

Fault failure; breakdown

Fee charge

Fifty-three seater coach with fifty-three seats

Fill in complete

Filleting removing the bones from fish, meat, etc.

Financial concerning money; the n and v finance

Fire notice instructions on what to do if there is a fire

Fix repair; put right; put in order

Fix a price decide on a price

Flats large serving plates

Flight airline journey

Flight inclusive tours tours which include cost of flight, transfers, accommodation, etc.

Floor show performance in a club or restaurant

Foresee expect; anticipate

Fortnight two weeks

Franchise a business operated according to guidelines and standards set down by whomever sells or leases the franchise

Free-lancers people who work for themselves

Free port a port where people can buy some types of merchandise without paying customs duties on their purchases

Fringe benefits benefits other than pay

Front-desk employees hotel personnel who work at the registration, information, and cashier's desks

Fuel petrol, oil etc.

Full board accommodation and all meals

Function room room used for meetings, lectures, dinners, etc.

Gala special; festive

Garments pieces of clothing

Generating producing

Get back to you contact you again

Gourmet a lover of good food; also used as an adjective, as in the phrase gourmet meal

Grade level

Ground arrangements arrangements made at the destination such as booking hotels, hiring cars

Guarantee be sure of; n guarantee

Guests people staying at a hotel

Guest house / tourist home small establishments that accommodate travellers. They usually have relatively few rooms

Guide a book or person giving information about a place

Guided tour a tour, often for sightseeing purposes, that is accompanied by a guide

Handicraft the art or skill of making articles by hand, often pottery or fabrics

Handled dealt with

Harbour port

Headache pain in the head

Heart attack sudden illness of the heart

Help yourselves take what you want

Herbs plants whose leaves are used in cooking

High season the period of heavy travel and higher fares

Hold the line wait

Holidaymakers people who are on holiday

Hors d'oeuvres small dishes served at the beginning of a meal

Hospitality room room used for the reception and entertainment of guests

Hotel register book in which information about guests is recorded

Hotel voucher form issued by travel agent reserving hotel accommodation and often recording part of full payment in advance

House speciality special dish prepared by a restaurant

House wine restaurant's own wine

IATA the International Air Transport Association, a voluntary association of international airlines

Ideal perfect

Identification way of showing who you are

Immigration government department that deals with the entry of people into a country

In association with together with

In season at certain times of the year

In touch in contact

Inaugural opening

Incentive trip a trip offered by an organization, usually a business firm, to reward successful effort or to induce an employee to make a greater effort

Incorporate include

Independent tours tours including flights and hotel only

Independent travel holidays for which people make their own travel and accommodation arrangements

Independent traveller a traveller or tourist who is travelling on his own rather than as a member of a group

Indicated shown; n indication

Infrastructure the facilities such as airports, roads, water, sewers, electricity, and so on that are necessary before development of an area can take place

Inhabitants people who live in a place

Initial first

Inn a place that offers shelter and food to travellers, often in rural areas, it was more common before railroads and modern hotels came into existence

Institutional advertising advertising intended to keep the name оf a corporation - such as an airline - in the public eye rather than to give much information about specific services

Insurance protection against accidents, loss or damage; v insure

Interconnected connected with each other

Interested parties people who are interested

Internal tourism / domestic tourism tourist travel within the same country of which the tourist is a resident

International tourism tourist travel between two or more countries

In the meantime before that time; meanwhile

In the region of about; approximately

IT inclusive tour, a packaged tour that offers transportation, accommodations, and often other inducements

Itemized detailed; n item

Itinerary travel program

ITX fares tour-basing fares. They are special lower fares offered for sale by the scheduled airlines through tour operators and travel agents

Joint-destination combination of two destinations

Journalists people who write for newspapers and magazines

Jumbo jet large aircraft with a seating capacity of about 400 passengers

Labor-intensive the industries with a high proportion of workers to the number of people served are called labor-intensive

Labour-saving work limiting

Launch introduce on the market; n launch

Layout arrangement of seating and equipment

Leakage the tourist money that leaves the tourist destination area because of imports, profits for foreign investors, and so on

Ledger account account paid at a fixed time, for example, the end of the month

Left off not put on

Leg a segment or a part of a journey

Legibly in a way that is easily read

Leisure free time

Let occupied; rented

Liaison co-operation

Lift elevator

Linen sheets, towels, etc.

Link connect

Load factor the number of seats that have been sold on an aircraft / the percentage of seats that must be sold before a flight is profitable

Long-haul long distance

Loosened made free; undone

Lounge bars bars with comfortable seating

Low season the period of light travel and lower fares

Low budget low cost

Magazines publications, usually weekly or monthly

Mail order firm a company that sells merchandise primarily by mail, sending out a catalogue from which customers can order merchandise that is delivered by mail

Main dish most important or principal dish

Makes equals; comes to

Manual hand-operated

Marina a place at which boats can dock, the marina usually offers electricity, telephones, water, etc., so that people can use their boats for accommodation

Market a place where people meet to buy and sell

Marmalade type of jam made with oranges, lemons, etc.

Matter subject; question

Media the plural of medium, in current usage, the term refers to the means of spreading information through the print media, like newspapers and magazines, and the broadcast media, like radio and television

Medieval from the middle ages, about 1300-1500

Medium-sized between large and small

Members of staff people who work in a hotel

Memory store of information.

Mentioned spoke about

Method of payment way of paying

Migrants people who travel from one place to another to work or to take up residence

Mineral water natural water sold in bottles

Missing cannot be found

Modified American Plan room, breakfast and dinner

Monument something that commemorates

Motel hotel with special facilities for motor vehicles

Multiplier effect the number of times which money that originates with tourism is spent within the economy of a tourist destination area

Nearby close; near

Night life evening and night entertainment

Nonscheduled airline an airline that operates its planes on routes and at times when there is a demand for service rather than following a timetable

Normally usually

Obtain get

Occasions times

Occupancy rate the percentage of rooms or beds in a hotel that are occupied in a particular period of time

Off-season the part of the year with the fewest guests

On board on (used of ships and planes)

On call available for contact

On display put where it can be seen

On me in my possession now

On time at the correct time

Open round the clock open 24 hours a day

Opening ceremonies formal occasions at the opening of conferences

Optional visit visit that can be made if desired

Original first

Otherwise if not

Outside line telephone line going out from hotel

Outskirts edge; limits

Overbooking taking a number of bookings that is greater than the number of beds available

Overcharged charged too much

Package inclusive tour

Packed lunch picnic lunch

Participate take part

Particularly specially

Payable which should be paid

Pension a type of accommodation for travellers, especially in Europe. Nowadays, it usually offers bed and breakfast at low prices

Place of issue place where passport was obtained

Plain simple

Pool this is a shorter way of saying swimming pool

Post record

Postpone deiay until a later date; defer; n postponement

Preceding earlier

Preliminary introductory

Preserves marmalades and jams

Previous last

Printed out produced in a written form

Price elastic market a market that responds to the inducement of lower prices

Procedures methods; ways of doing things

Programmed instructed; n program

Promoting encouraging the success of; n promotion

Promotion paid advertising and public relations efforts that in the case of tourism encourage recreational travel either generally or on specific carriers and to specific places

Promotional fares special cheap fares

Proposed suggested in a formal way; n proposal

Proportion comparative part

Proprietor owner

Provide give; supply

Public figures well-known people

Publicity information that gets people interested

Purpose of visit reason for visit

Put you through connect you with

Qualify meet the requirements

Quality level or degree of excellence

Query question

Quotes prices offered by a supplier; the full form is quotations; v quote

Rack rate individual rate for a hotel room

Rare only cooked a little; underdone

Rate charge

Reasonable not too much

Recently not long ago

Reception welcome party

Recommend speak well of; n recommendation

Reduce make less; decrease; n reduction

Refund repayment; v refund

Regret be sorry

Region area of a country

Registers records information about guests

Release-back clause clause in a contract between a tour operator and an hotelier which provides for a period of notice, e.g. two months, if the tour operator does not need the beds he has booked

Relevant appropriate

Repeat visitors visitors who return to the same place

Reservations agent airline employee who makes reservations and give information via telephone

Resort 1. place where tourism is the main business; 2. a place where people gather for recreational purposes

Retail outlet a place where products are sold to the general public, in the case of travel, the product is a service rather than tangible merchandise

Risks dangers

Room board board showing room status

Room service a catering service in which food and drink are brought to a guest's room in a hotel

Room status condition and availability of each room

Rough idea approximate idea

Rude not polite; impoUte

Running total current total

Sales ledger statement of sales

Sales voucher receipt when credit card is used

Scenic route route through beautiful countryside

Scheduled airline an airline that operates its aircraft on fixed routes at fixed times

Scotch on the rocks scotch whisky served with ice

Segment part; sector

Selection choice; v select

Self-catering arrangements arrangements where guests provide and prepare their own food

Senior citizen man over 65, woman over 60 years old

Set meals meals with a limited choice of dishes

Settle pay

Short-staffed with fewer staff than necessary

Sightseeing excursion a trip of less than a day's duration for the purpose of looking at local attractions

Significant full of meaning; important

Sittings services of a meal

Six p. m. release not holding rooms after six p.m.

Skilled good at his work

Snack light meal such as a sandwich

Snack bar a quick food service

Social director a person at a resort hotel or on a cruise ship who is in charge of the activities that are designed to amuse and entertain the customers

Social tourism recreational travel that is paid for wholly or in part by a government, a labor union, or a similar organization

Soft-boiled eggs eggs boiled for about three minutes

Soft drinks non-alcoholic cold drinks

Sort type; kind

Souvenir object that brings back memories

Souvenir shop place where tourists can buy objects that will help them to remember their trip

Spicy strong tasting because of high pepper or chili content

Sponsors organization or company, which pays for an event; v sponsor

Standards levels of performance

Standbys unreserved airline tickets obtained shortly before departure

Stated said; n statement

Straight away immediately

Suburbs parts of a town outside the center

Suites hotel bedrooms with adjoining living rooms

...suits me is to my liking

Sunbathe lie in the sun to get a brown skin

Superstructure the development that takes place on the base of the infrastructure

Supplement additional cost

Surcharge additional charge

Survey scientific enquiry

Symptoms signs of illness

Systems ways of doing things

Table d'hote restricted choice

Tabular ledger book for recording charges

Tailored specially prepared

Targets aims, objectives

Tasks jobs

Tax incentives various kinds of tax benefits offered to investors in a project

Tender price offered by a supplier, usually in writing

Theme central idea

Theme park a special kind of amusement park that has a unifying concept, disneyland in California uses the disney cartoon characters, like mickey mouse and donald duck, as its theme

Therefore because of this; for this reason

Three-piece band group of three musicians

Throwaway in advertising, usually a one-page advertisement that can be widely distributed by mail or by hand

Throughout all through

Ticket agent airline employee who makes reservations, answer inquiries, and sell tickets

Tough hard and difficult to eat

Tour groups groups of people travelling and staying in hotels under one booking

Tour guide / Tour conductor the person in charge of a tour or an excursion

Tour leader person in charge a tour groups

Tour operators the people who package or put together tours

Tourism travel away from a person's usual place of residence for a period longer than twenty-four hours, primarily for pleasure or recreation, and frequently to multiple destinations

Tourist attraction anything that may cause a tourist to visit an area, it may be a beach, a mountain, a historical landmark, and so forth

Tourist-day a 24-hour period spent by a tourist in a location other than his usual residence

Tourist deficit a condition that results from a greater outflow than inflow of tourist money

Tourist destination a place or area to which tourists travel

Tourist potential possibilities for increasing tourism

Trade media newspapers and magazines connected with the trade

Traditional not modern

Transfer transportation to and from airports, including baggage handling

Transferred moved to; n transfer

Travel agency place where travel agent works

Travel agents companies or people who sell journeys and holidays

Traveller's check a special kind of insured check issued by american express and other companies and banks

Trend movement

Turnover number of customers arriving and leaving

Two-hourly intervals every two hours

21-day and 45-day excursions the number of days refers to the length of the passenger's stay at his destination

Up front in advance

Up-market expensive

Upset angry and unhappy; annoyed; v upset

Up to date current

Urbanization the growth of cities and their immediate suburbs and also the movement of large numbers of people to urban centers

Urgent requiring immediate attention

US National Park scenic areas that have been set aside by the government for the enjoyment of the public

Vacant free; unoccupied

Valid in operation; applicable

Various different; a number of; v vary; n variety

VAT Value Added Tax; a tax on goods and services in Britain

Vegetarians people who don't eat meat and other animal products

Venue meeting place

Veterinary surgeon doctor for animals

Visa a travel document that gives permission for a foreigner to enter, or in some cases to leave, another country

Volume size

Walk-on services air services on which seats can not be reserved

Washing-up cleaning the plates, cutlery, etc.

Well done well cooked

Well-sited in a good position

Wine list list of wines served with a meal

Within before the end of

Workshops study groups

World famous known all over the world


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