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Причастие и причастные обороты в функции определения
Причастие, употребляемое в функции определения, может стоять перед определяемым словом или после него. Оно переводится на русский язык соответствующим причастием и ставится перед определяемым словом независимо от его положения в английском предложении: The conclusions being drawn are based on recent finds. Выводимые заключения основываются на последних находках. Latin was the ancestor of all the languages mentioned. Латынь была предком всех упомянутых языков. Причастие с зависящими от него словами образует причастный оборот. Причастный оборот в функции определения стоит после определяемого слова (существительного или местоимения) и переводится причастным оборотом с соответствующей формой причастия или определительным придаточным предложением: The study was dimly lit by a candle burning in the adjoining room. Кабинет был слабо освещен свечой, горевшей (которая горела) в соседней комнате. Определительный причастный оборот типа «as given», 1 состоящий из союза as+причастие II, стоит после определяемого существительного и переводится на русский язык придаточным предложением, начинающимся со слов 1 Аналогичное сочетание союза as и причастия II может образовать и обстоятельственный оборот, например: as stated above — как указано выше (см. стр. 86). «в том виде, как», «так, как», или причастием в функции определения: The author's general conclusions as given in his latest work, are of great practical value. Общие выводы автора в том виде, как они даны (приводятся) в его последней работе, имеют большое практическое значение. Общие выводы автора, приводимые (которые приводятся)... Упражнения 1. Переведите, определив форму причастия. Обратите внимание на место причастия в английском и русском предложениях. 1. Of the three instances cited, only the last possesses a verbal suffix which is regularly found in other words. 2. The results obtained are consistent and may be summed up in one simple rule. 3. A proper noun is a name given to one particular person or thing. 4. The information gained throws a flood of light upon the mode of action of the human vocal apparatus. 5. The language processes apply not only to English, but to all languages. In all of them you will find words dying out, and words being born, words being created and old words being put together to form new words, words being taken from other languages and words changing their use and meanings. 6. Formal excavations began in 1961. From work already completed we have established that the ancient capital was correctly described in the «Outline of Historical Geography». 7. The following figures, 2 partly covering the territory investigated, illustrate the extent of losses caused by the fire. 8. The new poetry differed from the old in other respects than in the technical form of its verse. There was also a change in the subjects treated, and in the manner of treating them. 2 figures — цифровые данные. 76 2. Переведите предложения с оборотом «as+npu-частие II». 1. The conclusion appears reasonable that Italian as spoken and written by the multitude of correct, nondialectal speakers and writers, is a compromise language, continuing the traditions of various dialects. 2. The evidence seems to show that urban life, as understood by the Romans, disappeared; the decay of the towns now became complete. 3. Broadly speaking, the subject of this literature had been man and his passions as influenced by his environment and by nature. 4. The English language as written at this time has several peculiarities which deserve to be noted. 5. This, however, does not seem to me to invalidate the general truth of the theory as here explained. 6. The first stage towards modern administrative «expertise» was in the establishment of specialized branches of the court. The first 01 these departments was the Exchequer 3 as organized by Henry I. Особенности перевода определительных оборотов с причастием II, образованным от глаголов, не имеющих в русском языке страдательной формы причастия. Английское причастие II страдательного залога от целого ряда глаголов, 4 которые в русском языке принимают предложное дополнение, не имеет соответствующей формы страдательного причастия. Такое причастие с относящимися к нему словами переводится определительным придаточным предложением, а предлог, относящийся к русскому глаголу, ставится перед словом «который»: It is known that the language spoken by these tribes was Germanic. Известно, что язык, на котором говорили эти племена, был германским. 3 The Exchequer [iks'tSeke] — казначейство. 4 Список глаголов, не образующих в русском языке соответствующей формы страдательного причастия (на «-нный», «-мый»), приводится в разделе «Страдательный залог» (см. стр. 12, 14). The Congress attended by scientists from several countries was held at Copenhagen. Конгресс, на котором присутствовали ученые из многих стран, состоялся в Копенгагене. Упражнение 3. При переводе обратите внимание на причастие в функции определения. 1. The man addressed by us turned out to be a teacher. 2. All the questions answered by him concerned his work. 3. The meeting attended by us was held in a big hall. 4. The group joined by them consisted of 12 people. 5. The book referred to here was published last year. 6. The man allowed to enter the first was very old and weak. 7. At last we saw the picture so much heard about. 8. There is only one group of words influenced by this phonetic change. 9. The language spoken in this small country is of a mixed origin. 10. The two men referred to were highly-placed officials. II 11. A ceremony attended by famous men of letters was held at the Bolshoi Theatre. 12. A new program agreed upon by the two countries envisaged an interesting form of cultural cooperation. 13. The review is divided into three parts followed by a brief comment. 14. These manuscripts are somewhat newer than those referred to in the preceding paragraph. 15. The system followed in indicating the source whence a passage has been taken will, I think, be found sufficiently exact. 16. The ruling elite (in old Japan), amounting with its families to about one sixteenth of the population, was a hereditary class of fighters, forbidden to pursue any other vocation. 17. Of what origin were the tongues spoken by the earliest men? — is the question still pondered by those who devote themselves to this branch of study. 18. In the nineteenth century steam navigation and the railway were making it possible to transport goods in quantities hitherto undreamed of. 19. The number of words borrowed from foreign languages now surpasses the number of native words, and in place of complicated system of inflexions possessed by Old English, Modern English has very few inflexions. 20. Flaubert5 like Dickens was a great writer faced with the problem of giving a true picture of a society. 21. The museum, beautiful and well cared for, has one of the best collections of Islamic manuscripts in the world. 22. The long Civil Wars, followed by the reorganization of the Roman Empire under Augustus and Tiberius, gave the distant Island (Britain) a hundred years of respite. 23. It must be stressed that within this period the changes referred to were not peculiar to one section of Romania, but appeared universally in all the future Romance countries. 24. Edward II was not much of a king. He was a weakling, influenced by vicious favourites, who practically controlled the government.