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Addendum Number 1


Of participation of the students of Kyiv National Economic University students within the programme of interfaculty specialty Kyiv National Economic University & CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting, executed as part of the first year university education within the Kyiv National Economic University starting from the year 2015/2016

  1. Inter faculty specialty entitled Kyiv National Economic University & CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting (hereinafter referred to as the KNEU & CIMA CBA) is directed to the students of the first degree of university education, especially those obtaining university education from the faculties of finances and accountingas well asmanagement (international economics).
  2. The Programme of the KNEU & CIMA CBA encompasses the following subjects (taught with the application of the Ukrainian language as well as English):


Program entitled Certificate in Business Accounting
Title of a subject taught at the Kyiv National Economic University ECTS Points Equivalents within the CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting
External CIMA computer based exam - C1- Fundamentals of Management Accounting
Accounting (Б у х г а л т е р с ь к и й о б л і к)   C2 – Fundamentals of Financial Accounting
Statistics (С т а т и с т и к а)   C3 – Fundamentals of Business Mathematics
Mathematics of Finance (Ф і н а н с о в а м а т е м а т и к а)  
Macroeconomics (М і к р о е к о н о м і к а)   C4 – Fundamentals of Business Economics
Macroeconomics (М а к р о е к о н о м і к а)  
Fundamentals of Ethics, Corporate Governance and Law - C5 – Fundamentals of Ethics, Corporate Governance and Law



  1. KNEU & CIMA CBA programme graduates – upon meeting of the below stipulated conditions – are awarded Certificate in Business Accounting issued by CIMA.
  2. Those Kyiv National Economic University students are entitled to take up the KNEU& CIMA CBA course who have completed at least the first semester of first level university education (the equivalent of bachelor) at the Kyiv National Economic University.
  3. The student accepted for the academic year of 2015/2016 or in the following years should sign up for the programme of the KNEU & CIMA CBA not later than at the fifth semester of university education. In the 2015/2016 academic year the participants of the aforementioned program may be constituted by persons currently executing the sixth, seventh, and eighth semester of university education.
  4. A student is accepted to the KNEU & CIMA CBA program having registered with CIMA.
  5. The process of student registration takes place with the mediation of the administration of the Kyiv National Economic University (along with the participation of the coordinator on behalf of the Kyiv National Economic University) based upon CIMA registration form and settlement of the registration fee by the student for the benefit of CIMA in the amount and with the application of the level determined within the provisions of addendum number 1.
  6. Having completed the process of registration with CIMA, Kyiv National Economic University student is granted the status of CIMA student, which grants particular entitlements – addendum number 2 and www.cimaglobal.com.
  7. The student who participates within the KNEU & CIMA CBA programme is awarded the same rights and has the same responsibilities imposed upon him as other Kyiv National Economic University students.
  8. The condition, which is indispensable to be met in order to obtain the Certificate in Business Accounting is:

a) Completion during the process of execution of the first level university degree at the Kyiv National Economic University of the programme stipulated in point 2,

b) Passing of CIMA standardised exam in English language: C1 - Fundamentals of Management Accounting prior the completion of Bachelor studies at the Kyiv National Economic University,

c) Settlement of applicable fees for the exam of C1 as well as exemptions from the obligation of passing C2, C3, C4 and C5 exams; the level and mode of settlement of the aforementioned fees are stipulated within the provisions of addendum number 1,

d) submission the coordinator of the program on behalf of the Kyiv National Economic University along with adequate material justification in the form of documents of the fact of having passed of the C1 exam at the latest in the last semester of university education as well as settlement of all indispensable fees for the benefit of CIMA.

  1. The student takes the C1 exam Fundamentals of Management Accounting having settled to the bank account owned by CIMA of the required exam fee. The exam may be taken during any chosen semester of university education, which follows the period starting from the moment of registration of the given student with the CIMA programme until the moment of completion of the first degree of university education by the given student at the.
  2. A student, who had not passed the C1 exam prior the deadline of the completion of the first degree university education at the Kyiv National Economic University, does not receive any document which confirms his participation within the aforementioned programme, whereas subjects enumerated within the programme of the aforementioned specialty and passed at the Kyiv National Economic University are take into consideration into the university education programme being executed by the school.
  3. In the occurrence of the case in which the number of registered students at the KNEU & CIMA CBA program should be lower than 10, the programme will not be launched.


I hereby confirm that I have got acquainted with the above stipulated conditions at that I accept them.


Student’s number:


Student’s name and surname:



Date and Student’s signature

Addendum Number 1

The list of CIMA fees for Kyiv National Economic University students initiating university education as part of the Kyiv National Economic University & CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting interdisciplinary education programme, executed as part of the first degree university education programme at the Kyiv National Economic University starting from the 2015/2016 academic year

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