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The main pollutants


Huge concentrations of harmful substances harmful to nature and man. They poison the air, land, rivers, lakes, seas, and even the ground water with toxic substances such as mercury, arsenic, antimony.
The main pollutants of the biosphere, which is very detrimental effect on human health, flora and fauna. We recall these basic substances, although, as we know, there are many more:

1. Carbon dioxide. Formed during the combustion of fuels. Increasing its content in the atmosphere leads to an increase in its temperature, which is fraught with disastrous geochemical and environmental consequences.
2.Okis carbon. It is formed by incomplete combustion of fuel. It may impair the thermal balance of the upper atmosphere.
3.Sernisty gas. Contained in the fumes of the industrial enterprises. Exacerbate respiratory diseases, harms plants, corroding limestone and some tissues.
4.Okisly nitrogen. Create and could cause respiratory infections and bronchitis in infants. It promotes overgrowth of aquatic vegetation.
5.Fosfaty. Soderzhitsya fertilizer. The main polluter of water in rivers and lakes.
6.Rtut. One dangerous contaminants in food, particularly of marine origin. It accumulates in the body and harmful effect on the nervous system
7.Svinets. Added to gasoline. It acts on enzyme systems and metabolism in living cells.

8.Neft. Leads to disastrous environmental consequences, causes the death of plankton, fish, seabirds and marine mammals.
9. DDT and other pesticides. Very toxic to crustaceans. It kills the fish and organisms that serve as food for fish. Many are carcinogenic.
10. Radiation.

The exceeded permissible doses leads to cancers and genetic mutations.

Very dirty air. The most polluted considered Pavlodar, Karaganda, Zhezkazgan region. A large contribution to air pollution contributes vehicles. For example, in 1994 the total emissions of all the cars of the republic amounted to 1.2 mln. tons of harmful substances, which make up a large part of carbon oxides. As stated, the high concentration of carbon monoxide disturb the heat balance of the upper atmosphere.

Soil pollution. Land resources of Kazakhstan continues to actively degrade annually from agricultural output of about 250 thousand. Hectares of land. Soils are a number of regions of the country are polluted by pesticides and toxicants of industrial origin. Pockets of soil pollution from industrial enterprises formed in the vicinity of Ust-Kamenogorsk, Leninogorsk, Zhezkazgan, Shymkent, Karaganda. Here, the content of lead in the soil of copper, zinc, cadmium reaches several tens of MАC.

Military nuclear energy remains high background radiation areas of those where nuclear weapons were tested (Semipalatinsk, Aktyubinsk region) and where a large number of uranium anomalies occurrences and deposits (Kokshetau region).



TEACHING о about the relationship between society and nature


Concept of society's attitude to nature

The concept of consumer relationship to nature. Consumer society's attitude towards nature and its resources has been the dominant, if not in words, then in fact, in states like a market economy and a planned economy. At the present stage, when the dominance of man over nature is demonstrated particularly persistently and defiantly, consumer attitude to the nature of our country expressed the famous words of iv michelin: " we should not wait for favors from nature. Take them from her - our task" the logical result of consumer attitudes to nature sooner or later is, as already mentioned, its exhaustion, its degradation, which accordingly affect the individual and society.

The concept of non-interference in nature. This concept is the opposite of the previous. It can only be considered purely theoretical aspect, because in the process of social development people cannot intervene in nature, do not provide it a positive or negative impact. Proponents of this concept based on the fact that all processes in nature are carried out on the basis of objective laws of " nature knows best" and any attempt to interfere with nature in order to correct its defects without laws of its development and turn serious consequences for humans and for nature.

The doctrine of the noosphere. In describing the concepts of society's attitude to nature in the historical aspect should indicate the theoretical concepts derived from the theory of the noosphere, developed by Russian Academician V.I.Vernadsky, the French philosopher Teilhard de Chardin and others. V.I. Vernadsky in the first years of the XX century has set itself the question of science and man's place in planetary development. According to V.I. Vernadsky, the human mind is transformed into the main force. As a consequence, a person must take responsibility for the future development of nature.

The doctrine of the no sphere stresses the importance of the ideas of natural law and natural justice, pointing to the standards which should be regarded as a person seeking to establish a balanced relationship between society and nature, to ensure the balance and harmony in their relationships. Mastering nature, man transforms himself in accordance with the laws of nature, natural imperatives. Because of this it is able to retain me at every historical stage function of regulation and control of the social and natural processes.


The doctrine of the no sphere, developed in the first half of the XX century, in practice, is realized. It carries a huge potential, particularly in the context of the global environmental crisis. In recognition of the theoreticians of law, the doctrine of the no sphere can serve as a scientific and philosophical basis of the legal world in the future.

The concept of sustainable development. One of today's most popular and supported by the world community concepts interaction between society and nature - the concept of sustainable development. Her appearance, development and recognition due to the environmental performance of the United Nations. At the initiative of the UN Secretary General in 1984, it was created by the International Commission on Environment and Development, headed by Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem The report of the World Commission on Environment and Development, " Our Common Future" was presented to the UN General Assembly in 1987.

Central to this paper is the concept of sustainable development. Based on the fact that the main objective of development is to meet human needs and aspirations, sustainable development is defined as development that meets the needs of the present, but does not compromise the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In other words, sustainable development - is environmentally sound economic and social development Brundtland.




Address population issues as a means to OVERCOME the global environmental crisis


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