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Environmental outlook

In modern times, it forms an idea of ​ ​ the person as a subject, and the world - an object that manipulates people. It approves the absolute value of the human mind and external nature as they do not have, then, accordingly, its value disproportionately lower. The discoveries and inventions hardware man felt his mastery over the forces of nature. Nature does not have to exist and develop " just so", it must serve man. Nature becomes devoid of any intrinsic value recognized manipulated in the name of scientific knowledge and progress. This last step in the alienation from nature was the first step towards environmental crisis.

In modern times, it formed ecological outlook, which is characterized by the complete opposition of the psychological nature of man and the world, the perception of the nature of the object and the dominance of pragmatic interaction with it.

There are eight stages in the development of ecology:

The first stage - reflects the primitive knowledge accumulated by people, including primitive, in close contact with nature and subsistence farming. It began many centuries and ended in the first century to the new faith.

The second stage - the accumulation of factual material, but scientists ancient, medieval stagnation. Period: I-III century BC - XIV century AD

The third stage - the continuation of the collection and the first attempts to systematize the enormous factual material accumulated by the beginning of the great geographical discoveries, and the colonization of new countries - the Renaissance. Period: IV to XVIII century, inclusive.

The fourth stage - is associated with major botanical and geographical discoveries, promote the further development of environmental thinking; premise of ecological ideas; highlighted in plant ecology and animal ecology. Period: the end XVIII - the beginning of XIX century.

The fifth stage - the emergence of evolutionary ecology, deepening environmental studies, the beginning of the study of the relationship. Period: from the beginning of the XIX century until the second half (1866) XIX century.

The sixth stage - the definition of " environment", the dominance of research out environmental trends - the study of natural assemblages of species, continuously tunable with respect to changes in environmental factors, ie, factorial autecology. MS Gilyarov called this point in time factorial reductionism. Period: the second half of (1866) XIX to the middle (1936) XX century.

The seventh stage reflects a new - systemic approach to the study of natural systems, the formation of the general environment, as an independent fundamental biological science, the dominance gynecological direction - study of the processes of material and energy metabolism, development of quantitative methods and mathematical modeling. Period: 40-70 years. XX century. The specifics of this stage - a view of the primacy of competitive relations in ecosystems and belittling the significance of evolutionary factors, the dominant paradigm is discrete.

Eighth stage - the " greening" of science; the establishment of environmental sciences, taking into account human activities, ie social and political orientation. The increase in interest in the study population (population ecology), the dynamics of formation biogeocenosis due to anthropogenic disturbances. Much attention is paid to stationary studies. The basic methodology - the system analysis. One of the main directions - long environmental monitoring at different levels (ground, regional, global, and so forth.). Period: from 80-ies of the XX century to the present. Specificity - the rejection of the primacy of competitive relationships in cenosis; phytocenology paradigm shift in the paradigm of continuity is discrete; development of methods and theories of environmental monitoring. In the last decade there was an association of a number of trends in recent periods. Scientists recognize how continuity and discontinuity of vegetation - in nature there is this and that, forming a new paradigm - of biodiversity.






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