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The role of science in addressing the current global crises

(environment, energy, demographic)

The crisis of modern technological civilization and ways of development of

a technological civilization based on the values of scientific rationality, considering knowledge as a powerful transformative force. For a long time Bacon's slogan " Knowledge - force" sounded with hope and confidence.

Scientific and technical progress, in addition to a variety of positive

trends, creates conditions and opens new opportunities for the development of military equipment. And this technique under certain conditions can seriously threaten the very existence of mankind.

The most acute problem is the environmental issue of our time, the

development of which leads to an increase in the ecological crisis on a global scale. The essence of the environmental problem is clearly detected and the deepening contradiction between the productive activities of mankind and the stability of its habitat.

The problem of preserving identity in the modern world takes on another,

completely new dimension. For the first time in human history, there is a real danger of the destruction of the biogenetic bases, which is a prerequisite of being an individual person and his formation as an individual bases, which are connected in the process of socialization of the various programs of social behavior and values, stored and produced in the culture. It is an existential threat to human corporeality, which is the result of millions of years and that bioevolution begins to actively deform the modern technological world. This world requires the inclusion of a person in an increasing variety of social structures, which is associated with giant loads on the psyche, stress, destroying his health.

As a result of widespread ideology of consumerism in the human mind strengthened the dangerous misconception that the purpose and meaning of his life is the production and consumption of things. And it is certainly causes great damage to the spiritual world of the individual, limits the possibilities of its comprehensive development. Out of this situation many thinkers stamped self-restraint in the production and consumption, making the ideology of the " new austerity.

Addressing global challenges of our time - this is a common cause of all mankind. Humanity must develop effective forms of cooperation that would enable all countries to work together in spite of differences of socio-political, religious, ethnic or other ideological orientation. And for this it must be based on certain basic value orientation. Many modern philosophers rightly believe that such basic orientations can be the values ​ ​ of humanism. In the philosophical literature, there are different interpretations of the concept of " humanism." Historically, most often by the humanism understood the system of attitudes aimed at meeting human needs. In this sense, the concept of " humanism" coincided in meaning to the concept of " humanity", " humanity". Humanism as a certain system of value orientations and attitudes, taken to its logical end, gets the value of the social ideal.

With this approach, man is regarded as the ultimate goal of social development, which is in the process of creating the necessary conditions for the full realization of all potentials, to achieve harmony in the socio-economic and spiritual spheres of life flourished concrete human person. In other words, the ultimate goal of mankind is obviously to achieve full implementation of the principles of humanity as a triumph of the human element. Humanism in this sense should not be taken unilaterally, just as the full realization of the human element in the spiritual, moral and ethical relations.

To the global problems of today include environmental, demographic and cultural challenges of the crisis, the problems of war and peace. More recently, the status of a global the problem of terrorism. The reasons for the emergence of global problems include: increased growth of human needs, the increased scale of the technical means of influence of society on nature, the depletion of natural resources. A feature global problem is their close relationship and so that the deterioration of one of them entails a worsening of the entire chain. For this reason, global challenges must be integrated, coordinated the efforts of the international community.

Scientists are sounding the alarm in connection with the aggravated demographic problem, which is caused not only by the recession, but also new trends in the development of family and family relations. This is, firstly, the occurrence of incomplete families, secondly, disintegrating and fragile families, thirdly, the occurrence family unconventional, in principle incapable continue kind. A particular problem is the problem social bundles, the presence of economic disparities, " social bottom" and marginalized.

Three-quarters of the population in developing countries live in unsanitary conditions, and nearly one-third in absolute poverty. In conditions of rapid scientific and technological progress is saved the situation de facto inequality of opportunities and different schemes of rational control in relation to men and woman, constant shortage of demand intelligence and organizing women. Science has responded to the global environmental problem of the creation of a new industry - social ecology. Its objectives are: the study of extreme situations arising owing to imbalance in the interaction of society and nature, asking man, technological and social factors contributing to the ecological crisis and the search for ways out of optimal him identify means to minimize the negative environmental consequences of destroying disasters, creation of programs to address environmental issues, ways consideration ecological reorientation of the economy, Technology, education and public awareness in general.






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