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Упр. 11. Переведите следующие предложения.
1. The state power is divided between three main branches: the legislature, the executive and the judicature. 2. A constitution can be changed by a special procedure. 3. The British unwritten Constitution has been developing for over 700 years. 4. The first three Articles of the U.S. Constitution establish three main branches of power: legislative, executive, judicial. 5. The principle of separation of powers was developed by the French political philosopher Montesquieu in the 18th century. 6. The constitution defines the state flag, hymn, and coat of arms. 7. Under the constitution individual citizens have duties to the State and the State has certain duties to protect the human rights of the citizens. 8. Under the British unwritten Constitution there is no separation of power (that is, of the legislature and the executive). The British legislature and the executive mix together. Ministers sit and answer for their policy in both Houses of Parliament. МАТЕРИАЛЫ ДЛЯ САМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНОГО ИЗУЧЕНИЯ Прочитайте тексты и выполните упражнения к ним ТЕКСТ А Упр. 1. Прочитайте текст без словаря CONSTITUTIONAL LAW
Constitutional Law is the law that defines the governmental organization of a state, establishes its powers, and limits the use (применение) of these powers. The subjects of the Constitutional Law are: 1. the definition of the structure of the government, including (включая) the qualification, duties and privileges of people holding (занимать) government offices; 2. the definition of the powers of the government, including the distribution (распределение) of legislative, executive, and judicial functions among separate (отдельный) organs; 3. the creation (создание) of a sphere of individual liberty (in a bill of rights); 4. provision (положение) for a legal method of making changes in the constitution. It is common (общепринято) to include in Constitutional Law certain provisions relating (относиться) to education (образование), patents, copyrights (авторское право), the Armed Forces (силы), rules (правила) of judicial procedure, official salaries (оклад), taxation, and administration.
Упр. 2. Подберите к представленным в колонке А словосочетаниям английские эквиваленты из колонки В. А В 1. вооружённые силы 1. to hold government offices 2. свободы личности 2. the distribution of powers 3. судопроизводство 3. individual liberties 4. занимать правительственные посты 4. to make changes 5. некоторые положения конституции 5. copyright 6. распределение полномочий 6. the Armed Forces 7. вносить изменения 7. judicial procedure 8. авторское право 8. certain provisions of the Constitution