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Упр. 38. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод инфинитива цели.

1. To avoid heavy traffic the police recommended an alternative route. 2. To open the safe door you have to turn the knob counter-clockwise. 3. To overcome resistance the officer may use all necessary means of arrest. 4. To preserve everything which cannot be removed from the crime scene, the officer must learn to use modeling clay, plaster casts, camera, and fingerprint equipment. 5. To found a forensic photo laboratory at the St. Petersburg District Court in 1889, E.F.Burinsky, an outstanding Russian forensic photographer, used his own money.


  § 32. ПЕРЕВОД ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЙ С ОТРИЦАТЕЛЬНЫМИ МЕСТОИМЕНИЯМИ И СОЮЗАМИ   В отрицательных предложениях часто употребляются отрицательные местоимения и союзы: NO- никакой, ни один NO ONE- никто NONE- никто, ничто, ни один, никакой NOBODY- никто NOTHING- ничего, ничто NOWHERE- нигде, никуда NEVER- никогда NEITHER…NOR…- ни…ни… При переводе таких предложений перед сказуемым русского предложения следует поставить отрицание " НЕ". Например. No stranger should be in the room during the interrogation. Ни один посторонний человек НЕ должен присутствовать в комнате во время допроса.  

Упр. 39. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод местоимения " NO".

1. No drugs were discovered during the search of the detainees. 2. Drug abuse recognizes no national boundaries and police now work in close liaison with law enforcement agencies worldwide. 3. No suspect can be forced to submit to a polygraph test. 4. No man can be wise on an empty stomach. /Eliot/. 5. The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything. 6. No man is useless while he has a friend. /Stevenson/.


Упр. 40. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод сказуемого в отрицательных предложениях.


1. A good police investigator is a man who misses nothing which may be a clue to the detection of the criminal. 2. Police action alone can never be sufficient. We as a society must tackle the problem of crime together. 3. Never point your gun at anyone unless you intend to fire it. 4. He called the police station but no calls were answered. 5. Under no circumstances should an interrogation last so long that the suspect becomes exhausted or shows signs of discomfort because of hunger or thirst. 6. Neither the chairman nor the committee members visited the meeting. 7. No one was injured during the incident. 8. When protecting a crime scene, the officer must remember that nothing must be touched or moved. 9. Never ask pardon before you are accused (otherwise you will show yourself guilty). 10. None of your answers is correct.

§ 33. БЕЗЛИЧНЫЕ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ В безличных предложениях нет конкретного действующего лица. В английском предложении функцию подлежащего выполняет местоимение " IT", за которым следует глагол " TO BE" в личной форме и прилагательное или причастие II. В таких предложениях " IT IS (WAS)" не переводится, а прилагательное и причастие переводятся наречием, кратким причастием или оборотом типа " говорят", " считают". Например. It is important to begin investigating a crime as soon as possible. Важно начать расследование преступления как можно скорее.

Упр. 41. Переведите следующие безличные предложения.


1. It is possible to establish the subject of a crime by traces left by parts of the human body, i.e. hands, feet, teeth. 2. It is difficult to deal with mentally ill hostage-takers whose actions cannot be easily predicted. 3. Usually it is more practical to tape-record the interrogation. 4. When investigating a crime it is necessary to establish the type, system and model of the weapons used. 5. It should be emphasized that the use of the lie-detector can be risky, especially if the operator of the equipment is poorly trained and incompetent. 6. It is better to have a little than nothing. 7. It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. /Aesop/.



  § 34. ОБОРОТ " THERE IS (ARE)" Оборот " THERE IS (ARE)" переводится на русский язык " ИМЕЕТСЯ, (ЕСТЬ)" Предложения с этим оборотом следует начинать переводить с обстоятельства места или времени, если оно есть в предложении. Отрицательна форма оборота " THERE IS NO" переводится " НЕТ". Например. There is a full-time department in our university. В нашем университете есть (имеется) дневное отделение.  


Упр. 42. Переведите следующие предложения с оборотом " there is (are).

1. There is an indisputable connection between drug abuse and crime. 2. There are many branches of law - civil law, commercial law, international law, parliamentary law, and others. 3. There is a difference between an arrest for a misdemeanour and an arrest for a felony. 4. There is no place more delightful than home. /Cicero/. 5. There are books of which the backs and covers are the best parts. /Dickens/.

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