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Упр. 7. Расставьте предложения в порядке, соответствующем отправлению правосудия от момента совершения преступления до выхода преступника из тюрьмы.


1. The accused is taken before a magistrate.

2. The police find out who committed the crime.

3. At the trial the prosecutor presents the evidence against the accused.

4. The suspect is arrested.

5. The prisoner is released from the jail.

6. The judge sentences the offender to prison.

7. The magistrate sends the case to a grand jury.







Упр. 1. Прочитайте вслух следующие слова, обращая внимание на чтение буквы " G".

1. age, damage, knowledge;


2. general, forgery, dangerous, intelligence, legislative, magistrate, originate;


3. belong, drug, go, government, great, legally;


4. according, proceeding, driving, lawmaking, committing.


Упр. 2. Подберите русские эквиваленты данных интерна-циональных слов.

to classify, condition, conspiracy, element, license, obstruction, result, theoretically, terrorism, type, vandalism, voluntarily


Упр. 3. Перепишите, переведите на русский язык и запомните следующие слова.


accidental, age, to be present, to commit, condition, conscious, to consider, dangerous, to drive, harm, however, illicit, insane, insurance, intent, to involve, malice, omission, to possess, to prescribe, proceeding, to prohibit, property, to range, several, traffic, voluntary, way, willful

Упр. 4. Перепишите, переведите и запомните слова, связанные с преступной деятельностью.

arson, assault, battery, blackmail, breach, burglary, damage, drug, forgery, homicide, kidnapping, larceny, manslaughter, murder, perpetrator, pocketpicking, rape, road, robbery, shoplifting, speeding, treason, weapon


Упр. 5. Перед чтением текста 11 обратите внимание на перевод следующих слов.

Mens rea (лат.) – преступное намерение, преступный умысел;

Actor (зд.) – преступник.

Упр. 6. Прочитайте текст и скажите, каковы основные элементы понятия " преступление" и какие существуют виды преступлений.




A crime is any act or omission prohibited by law and punishable by the state in judicial proceeding. There are some necessary theoretical elements in a crime:

1. The act must involve a conscious, voluntary harm.

2. The act must have been legally prohibited at the time it was committed.

3. The perpetrator must have had criminal intent (mens rea) when he committed the crime. If the criminal act was " willful, or done with malice", criminal intent is present. However, there are several conditions under which in commission of a criminal act mens rea does not exist. They are: a) if the actor is below the age of criminal responsibility; b) if the actor is considered to be insane; c) if the actor was involved into committing the criminal act; d) if the act is accidental.

4. There must be some legally prescribed punishment for anyone convicted of the crime.

Crimes are not all of one type. They range from a minor traffic violation to murder. Some crimes can be classified in such a way:

- crimes against the person - homicide, murder, manslaughter, assault, battery, bodily harm, kidnapping, blackmail, rape;

- crimes against the property – theft, larceny, shoplifting, pocketpicking, robbery, burglary, criminal damage of property, forgery, arson;

- political offences – treason, terrorism, conspiracy;

- public order offences – breach of the peace, obstruction of police, unlawful assembly, possessing weapons, drug trafficking, vandalism;

- road traffic offences – dangerous driving, speeding, drunken driving, driving without a license or insurance.


Упр. 7. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. What is a crime?

2. What is " mens rea"?

3. When does criminal intent exist?

4. In what criminal cases mens rea does not exist?

5. What are crimes against a) the person; b) property?


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