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Задание № 3. Переведите предложения, обратите внимание на глаголы - сказуемые в форме страдательного залога.

Переведите предложения, обратите внимание на глаголы - сказуемые в форме страдательного залога.

1) New locomotives to be built by the end of the year will have ventilating fans of a new type.

2) One of the most important railway problems is the problem of increasing train speed.

3) The new locos to be produced for the October line are expected to develop maximum speed of more than 200 km/h.

4) We saw the new locomotive start from the station.

5) Fuel oil supply to the diesel engine is provided from the oil tank through filters by two pumps driven by electric motors.

6) Fifteen 1, 800hp diesel-electric locos are to be delivered to the Brazilian Railways, all of them having been produced by the Hungarian plants.

7) The first World Locomotive Exhibition are stated to have been held in Vienna in1873 and in Paris in 1878, a Hungarian locomotive being awarded the Grand Prix in 1878.

8) The Hungarian Type DYM-11 1, 000 hp diesel-locomotive built for the Egyptian Railways was developed on the base of DVM-8 locomotive.

Вариант №10.

Задание №1. Переведите текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы к нему.

«Solar power”

The sun is our most important source of energy. It warms the earth's atmosphere, vaporizes water from the oceans, drivers the resulting clouds by means of winds to the continents, where they cause rains and rivers. These drench the thirst of people, animals and of plants which draw their energy directly from sun and pass it on to us when we eat them. That has been going on since prehistoric times. Now it can do a little more. It could provide all the energy needed by a modern industrial society worldwide for the indefinite future; which no “conventional” energy source could do. It could do it easy, without the pollution and hazards associated with those exhaustible sources. Most people still would like that, especially if they knew that it can be done profitably. They are not supposed to be aware of that, and a major effort is expended to make them believe that it would require economic sacrifices rather than benefits. In the 1970s, there was widespread enthusiasm, and a genuine grassroots movement emerged in the U.S., in anticipation of an imminent transition to an economy based on the solar sources of energy that came in the wake of the first “oil shock” and boycott (1973). There are some, who fear a transition to solar power, and they are very powerful and determined. Instead of being confined to a few small

”niche markets”, new solar technologies could easily have supplied a double -digit percentage of energy used by now. All that we maintained at the time was that it could be very substantial starting profitably almost immediately. It was /is the prime example of confluence, rather than conflict, of environmental and economic wellness. It is essential for sustainable development worldwide, i.e. also in industrial countries. The main key to serious direct solar energy is that the sunlight first be focused, concentrated. Inexpensive, high-grade focusing devices could have been available by easy mass- production in the 70-s.

Вопросы к тексту:

1) What is the sun for our life?

2) What could the sun provide for the mankind nowadays?

3) When and why was a widespread enthusiasm concerning solar energy?

4) What is the main key to serious direct solar energy?

Задание №2.Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания: to vaporize, exhaustible sources, solar technology, to focus, a photovoltaic power plant, to refract, an encapsulated module, to tackle a problem, diffuse, to provide, a modern industrial society.

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