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Of Cause

because, as, since,


бо, тому що,



of place of time of condition of concession of purpose of results
where, after, till, until. if, unless. though, although, lest, that, in that, so that,
wherever. since, before, provided, despite, whoever, order that, so що, так
де, звідки, while, supposing, whatever, that, що/ й
куди, туди доки, поки, якщо, якби, хоча (б), дарма аби, щоб, для  
  як, аж поки коли б, якщо б що, хай, нехай того, щоб  

As can be seen in the table, co-ordinating conjunctions in the contrasted languages fall into the following subclasses:

1) Copulative (єднальні): and, nor, neither... nor, as well as, both... and, not only... but also; і/й, та, також, і... і, ні... ні, як... так і, не тільки... але й/і. Copulative conjunctions in the contrasted languages have a bilateral combinability. They connect separate components, com ponental parts of word-groups or clauses in compound sentences which are of equal rank, eg: In the afternoon he and Jolly took picks and spades and went to the field. (Galsworthy), " It was a cold fall and the wind came from the mountains". (Hemingway). По обіді він і Джоллі взяли кайла і лопати й пішли на поле. Була холодна осінь, і вітер віяв з гір. І пить будем, і гулять будем. (Ukr. Folk-song)

2) Disjunctive (розділові) conjunctions denote in both languages sepa ration. They are: or, either... or або, ато, чи, або... або, чи... чи, то... то, чи то...чи то, eg: " I must weep, or else this heavy heart will burst". (Byron) " I have nothing of the artist in me, either in faculty or character". (B. Shaw). Я мушу плакати, ато від горя серце розірветься. " Все пішло то на податі, то на борги, то на оренди". (Гончар) 3) Adversative (протиставні): but, still, yet але, проте, зате, однак, все ж and others. Eg: Andrew turned towards her distressed, yet still determined to carry out his intention. (Cronin) Ендрю повернувся до неї занепокоєний, але готовий здійснити свій намір. 4) Resultative (пояснювальні): so, hence так, що, тож/отож, тобто, а саме, як от, eg: The grass was drenching wet, so he descended to the road. (Galsworthy) У траві стояла вода, тож він вийшов на шлях. І він катапультується, тобто вистрілює себе з літака разом з сидінням. (Гончар). 5) The causal conjunction (for) is pertaining only to English, eg: The windows were open, for it was hot. (Galsworthy). The corre sponding semantic equivalent of this conjunction in Ukrainian are, бо, тому що, оскільки - all of subordinating nature which testifies its allomorphism in the system of co-ordinate conjunctions in the contrasted languages. Consequently, it is sometimes far from easy for Ukrainian students to differentiate Ukrainian causal clauses in a complex sentence. It is not so with the subordinating conjunctions introducing subordi nate clauses. These conjunctions also include in both languages the group

of the so-called connectives standing separate from regular subordinating conjunctions. Regular conjunctions of this group are: that, whether, if, що, чи, якщо/якби which are used to introduce in both languages subject, object, predicative and attributive clauses. Eg. Whether/if he is going to come or not is still unknown. The question is whether he is going to come or not. He asked if was going to come. I know that he is going to come. This is the flower that was bought there, etc. Similarly in Ukrainian: Чи він прийде ще - не відомо. Питання полягає в тому, що/ чи він ще прийде. Я вірю/знаю, що він прийде. Common functions in both contrasted languages are also performed by connective or conjunctive/relative (as they are often referred to) pronouns: who, what, which, how many, хто, що, який, котрий, чий, скільки; and by connective/ conjunctive adverbs: where, when, how, why, де, коли, куди, як, чому.

Subordinate conjunctions introducing adverbial clauses are of isomorphic nature, i. e. common in both contrasted languages, too. They express different sense relations and fall into the following groups:

1. Conjunctions of time: since, until, till, as long as, after, before, while, as soon as, коли, відколи, поки, аж поки, доки, аж доки, як, після того як, в міру того як, як тільки, тільки що, щойно, ледве.

2. Conjunctions/connectives of place and direction: where, wherev er, whence, де, де б, куди, звідки.

3. Conjunctions of cause or reason: as, because, since, seeing, бо, через те що, тому що, затим що, оскільки.

4. Conjunctions of condition: if, unless, provided, supposing якби, якщо, якщо б, коли б, аби, скоро.

5. Conjunctions of purpose: lest, that, in order that, so that, щоб, для того щоб, з тим щоб.

6. Conjunctions of result: so that, that, так що, отож:, тож.

7. Conjunctions of concession: though, although, as, even if, even though, however, wherever, whatever, whichever, хоч, хай, нехай, дарма що, незважаючи (на).

8. Conjunctions of comparison: as, as...as, not so... as, than, as if, as though, як, що, мов, мовби, немов, немовби, наче, неначе, начебто, ніби, нібито.

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