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The Adverbial Complement of Manner/Обставина способу дії
The complement in the contrasted languages is of common lexical and syntactic meaning. It characterises the action of the verb by indicating the way in which it is performed and the means it is performed by (how? in what way? by what means?). The expression of the manner of action in English and Ukrainian may be performed by lexical and lexico-syntactic means. Isomorphic is the expression of this complement by the following means: 1. By qualitative adverbs or adverbs of manner/ adverbial phrases:
2. Equally possible in Ukrainian is also the expression of attendant circumstances by infinitival phrases. Cf. I woke up in the morning to find myself famous. (Byron). Я прокинувся вранці, щоб дізнатися, що я став славетним. Or: Я прокинувся вранці і дізнався, що я став славнозвісною людиною. 3. By prepositional nouns or other nominal parts of speech that have indirect case forms for their equivalents in Ukrainian (which are not available in present-day English): She looked with interest at the girl Вона з цікавістю подивилася/глянула on the platform. (Christie) на дівчину, що стояла на платформі. ...I am the Cat who walks by himself. Ліс гомонить... на тисячу надів, на (Kipling) тисячу голосів. 4. By an infinitive preceded by a conjunction: She moved her hand as if to stop him. Вона ворухнула рукою немов аби/ (Cusack) щоб зупинити його. Sometimes there may be two complements of manner or attendant circumstances in a sentence, one or both of them being optional, not obligatory: He stood there, reading it, and sort Він стояв собі там, читаючи, з якимсь of stroking his bare chest and недоумкуватим виразом обличчя, і stomach, with this very stupid водив рукою, ніби чухаючи голі груди expression on his face. (Salinger) й живіт. Allomorphism is observed in the expression of English complements of manner with the help of the gerund and the nominative absolute participle construction, having semantic and partly functional equivalents in Ukrainian diyepryslivnyks and indirect case forms of nominal parts of speech. Cf. You learn a language best by hearing it spoken. (Carnegie) Найкраще вивчати іноземну мову, чуючи її в живому мовленні. Не was wearing a raincoat, the collar half-turned up. (Snow) Він був у дощовому плащі з піднятим коміром. Besides it was Mr. Curry, straw hat tipped a little to one side, cane beneath his arm... (L.P. Hartley) Поруч був пан Каррі в брилі ледь набакир та ціпком під рукою... The corresponding meanings of manner may often be expressed in Ukrainian with the help of adverbs, adverbial phrases and nouns in indirect case forms. А тепер парами, все по парі, все по парі. Свирид на превелику силу витяг з води Луку. (Коцюбинський) Співають, ідучи, дівчата. (Шевченко).