1. Stylistics deals with
| a) shifts of meanings and their stylistic functions;
b) combinations of meanings;
c) structure of speech.
2. Stylistic devices fall into the following groups:
| a)figures of quantity and figures of quality;.
В)Lexical, phonetical and syntactic;
с)Lexical, grammatical and phonetical
3. Periphrasis aims at
| a) beauty of expression;
b) taboo on words;
c) transfer of meaning.
4. Personification belongs to
| a) the metonymic group;
b) the metaphorical group;
c) the ironic group.
5. Synonyms are used
| a) to characterize the object spoken about precisely;
b) to produce humorous effect;
c) to make the speech less monotonous.
6. In the sentence «The pennies were saved by bulldozing the grocer» we come across
| a) metonymy;
b) metaphor;
c) irony.
7. The sentence «The magi were wise men - wonderfully wise men» we can see
| b) an antithesis;
a) hyperbole;
с) understatement.
8. In the sentence «Jim stopped inside the door, as immovable as a setter at the scent of quail» the simile is used
| a)to impart expressiveness to the utterance;
b) to produce a humorous effect;
c) to enable the reader to visualize the scene completely.
9. The phrase «She cried and wailed over them» contains
| a) synonyms;
b) antonyms;
c) hyponyms.
10. Indicate the sentence which constitutes a simile:
| a) «She writes novels as Agatha Cristie»;
b) «She is as talkative as a parrot»;
c) «She sings like Madonna».
11. Archaisms may be used in a literary text
| a) to show that the speaker is attached to usage of unusual words;
b) to create the historic atmosphere;
с)to produce humorous effect.
12. Terms belong to
| a) super-neutral vocabulary;
b) the bulk of neutral words;
c) sub-neutral vocabulary.
13. Bookish words are used in the colloquial context
| a) they elevate the speech;
b) they produce humorous effect;
c) they characterize the speaker as a well-educated person.
14. The word “Philoprogenitiveness”
| a)Is bookish;
в)Is neutral;
С) is colloquial.
15. Poetic words are used in poetic diction
| a) due to the poetic tradition only;
b) to create the romantic atmosphere;
c) to produce the effect humour.
16. Jargon words can used within a certain professional group
| a) to make speech expressive;
b) to show that the speaker also belongs to this group;
c) to stress the informal character of communication.
17. Jargon words and slang words
| a) are characterized by the same degree of degradation;
b) differ in their degree of degradation.
18. Slang is used
| a)to make speech more easy;
b)to make speech more expressive;
c) to produce humorous effect.
19. In the sentence «Ain't it awful, Sam?» the underlined word is used
| a) for the sake of characterization;
b)to produce humorous effect;
с) to make speech expressive.
20. Vulgar words are
| a)permitted in educated speech;
b) not permitted in literary speech;
с)permitted in any speech.
21. Elliptical sentences and complete sentences
| a) perform the same functions;
b) perform different functions.
22. Asyndeton is used
| a) to accelerate the tempo of the speech;
b) to characterize the education of the speaker;
c) to impart expressiveness to the speech.
23. Break-in-the-narrative is
| a) a case when the speaker does not bring the utterance up to the end being overwhelmed by emotions;
b) a deliberate abstention from bringing the utterance up to the end
c) a case when the speaker does not finish the sentence by chance.
24. Anadiplosis is based
| a) upon the absence of the indispensable elements in the sentence;
b)upon the interaction of syntactical structures;
c) upon the excessive use of syntactical elements.
25. Inversion is used
| a) to make speech less expressive;
b) to emphasize the subject of speech;
c) to make the speech sound formal.
26. In case of inversion the emphasized element occupies
| a) the initial position;
b) the final position instead of the initial position;
c) the usual position.
27. Parallelism is used
| a) to make the recurring parts more conspicuous than their surroundings;
b) to make the speech less expressive;
c) to create the rhythmic structure.
28. Anaphora is used
| a) at the beginning of the sentence;
b) at the end of the sentence;
c) at the beginning and the end of the sentence.
29. The syntactical device used to interrupt the line of thought is
| a) detachment;
b) parenthesis;
c) repetition.
30. The sentence «You don't know what a nice - a beautiful, nice - gift I've got to you» contains
| a) repetition;
b) detachment;
c) anadiplosis.
31. Formality characterises
| a)literary style;
b) documentary style;
c) scientific style.
32. Expressiveness characterises
| a) literary style;
b) documentary style;
c) scientific style.
33. Objectivity characterises
| a)literary style;
b) documentary style;
c) scientific style.
34. Wide use of non-verbal means characterises
| a)literary style;
b) documentary style;
c) publiсistic style.
35. Belles-lettres is
| A) style
в) genre
с) sublanguage.
36. Drama is
| A) style
в) genre
с) sublanguage.
37. Professional is
| a)Style
в) genre
с) sublanguage.
38. Author, reader, reality are the participants of
| a) text activity;
в) oral speech activity;
с) analyses activity.
39. Analyses of the literary text presupposes
| a) semantic, metasemiotic, metametasemiotic levels;
b) semantic, metasemiotic levels;
с) Semantic level.
40. Stylistics is devided into
| A)theoretical and practical;
b) theoretical and historical;
c) theoretical and functional.
41. Style can be
| a)individual;
c) private.
42. The main substyles of literature are
| a)poetry, drama, prose;
b) poetry, drama, comedy;
с) poetry, drama, essey;
43. The syntactical device used to reproduce two words is
| a) detachment;
b) parenthesis;
c) repetition.
44. The factor that influenced the development of English literary style is
| a) Christianity
b) industrial revolution
c) science development
45. The prototype of modern prose is
| a) saga
b) allegory
c) satire
46. Intertext is a notion, based on the ability of the texts to
| a) borrow elements from the other texts
b) organize elements in the other texts
c) exclude elements from the other texts
47. Scientific popular style combines features of
| a) Scientific and literary
b) industrial revolution
c) Scientific and publicistic
48. The style, distinguished by its ability to copy other styles is
| a) scientific
b) literary
c) documentary
49. Diplomatic, legal, business are the substyles of
| a) scientific
b) literary
c) documentary
50. TV, radio, newspaper are the
| a) genres of literary style
b) substyles of publicistic style
c) science branch
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