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How does the extract help to reveal the main idea of the novel?

C Test your knowledge of stylistic theory:


1. Stylistics deals with   a) shifts of meanings and their stylistic functions; b) combinations of meanings; c) structure of speech.  
2. Stylistic devices fall into the following groups:   a)figures of quantity and figures of quality;. В)Lexical, phonetical and syntactic; с)Lexical, grammatical and phonetical  
3. Periphrasis aims at a) beauty of expression; b) taboo on words; c) transfer of meaning.  
4. Personification belongs to a) the metonymic group; b) the metaphorical group; c) the ironic group.  
5. Synonyms are used a) to characterize the object spoken about precisely; b) to produce humorous effect; c) to make the speech less monotonous.  
6. In the sentence «The pennies were saved by bulldozing the grocer» we come across a) metonymy; b) metaphor; c) irony.  
7. The sentence «The magi were wise men - wonderfully wise men» we can see b) an antithesis; a) hyperbole; с) understatement.  
8. In the sentence «Jim stopped inside the door, as immovable as a setter at the scent of quail» the simile is used a)to impart expressiveness to the utterance; b) to produce a humorous effect; c) to enable the reader to visualize the scene completely.  
9. The phrase «She cried and wailed over them» contains a) synonyms; b) antonyms; c) hyponyms.  
10. Indicate the sentence which constitutes a simile: a) «She writes novels as Agatha Cristie»; b) «She is as talkative as a parrot»; c) «She sings like Madonna».  
11. Archaisms may be used in a literary text a) to show that the speaker is attached to usage of unusual words; b) to create the historic atmosphere; с)to produce humorous effect.  
12. Terms belong to a) super-neutral vocabulary; b) the bulk of neutral words; c) sub-neutral vocabulary.  
13. Bookish words are used in the colloquial context a) they elevate the speech; b) they produce humorous effect; c) they characterize the speaker as a well-educated person.  
14. The word “Philoprogenitiveness” a)Is bookish; в)Is neutral; С) is colloquial.  
15. Poetic words are used in poetic diction a) due to the poetic tradition only; b) to create the romantic atmosphere; c) to produce the effect humour.  
16. Jargon words can used within a certain professional group a) to make speech expressive; b) to show that the speaker also belongs to this group; c) to stress the informal character of communication.  
17. Jargon words and slang words a) are characterized by the same degree of degradation; b) differ in their degree of degradation.  
18. Slang is used a)to make speech more easy; b)to make speech more expressive; c) to produce humorous effect.  
19. In the sentence «Ain't it awful, Sam?» the underlined word is used a) for the sake of characterization; b)to produce humorous effect; с) to make speech expressive.  
20. Vulgar words are a)permitted in educated speech; b) not permitted in literary speech; с)permitted in any speech.  
21. Elliptical sentences and complete sentences a) perform the same functions; b) perform different functions.  
22. Asyndeton is used a) to accelerate the tempo of the speech; b) to characterize the education of the speaker; c) to impart expressiveness to the speech.  
23. Break-in-the-narrative is a) a case when the speaker does not bring the utterance up to the end being overwhelmed by emotions; b) a deliberate abstention from bringing the utterance up to the end c) a case when the speaker does not finish the sentence by chance.  
24. Anadiplosis is based a) upon the absence of the indispensable elements in the sentence; b)upon the interaction of syntactical structures; c) upon the excessive use of syntactical elements.  
25. Inversion is used a) to make speech less expressive; b) to emphasize the subject of speech; c) to make the speech sound formal.  
26. In case of inversion the emphasized element occupies a) the initial position; b) the final position instead of the initial position; c) the usual position.  
27. Parallelism is used a) to make the recurring parts more conspicuous than their surroundings; b) to make the speech less expressive; c) to create the rhythmic structure.  
28. Anaphora is used a) at the beginning of the sentence; b) at the end of the sentence; c) at the beginning and the end of the sentence.  
29. The syntactical device used to interrupt the line of thought is a) detachment; b) parenthesis; c) repetition.  
30. The sentence «You don't know what a nice - a beautiful, nice - gift I've got to you» contains a) repetition; b) detachment; c) anadiplosis.  
31. Formality characterises a)literary style; b) documentary style; c) scientific style.  
32. Expressiveness characterises a) literary style; b) documentary style; c) scientific style.  
33. Objectivity characterises a)literary style; b) documentary style; c) scientific style.  
34. Wide use of non-verbal means characterises a)literary style; b) documentary style; c) publiсistic style.  
35. Belles-lettres is A) style в) genre с) sublanguage.  
36. Drama is A) style в) genre с) sublanguage.  
37. Professional is a)Style в) genre с) sublanguage.  
38. Author, reader, reality are the participants of a) text activity; в) oral speech activity; с) analyses activity.  
39. Analyses of the literary text presupposes a) semantic, metasemiotic, metametasemiotic levels; b) semantic, metasemiotic levels; с) Semantic level.  
40. Stylistics is devided into A)theoretical and practical; b) theoretical and historical; c) theoretical and functional.  
41. Style can be a)individual; b)personal; c) private.  
42. The main substyles of literature are a)poetry, drama, prose; b) poetry, drama, comedy; с) poetry, drama, essey;  
43. The syntactical device used to reproduce two words is a) detachment; b) parenthesis; c) repetition.  
44. The factor that influenced the development of English literary style is a) Christianity b) industrial revolution c) science development  
45. The prototype of modern prose is a) saga b) allegory c) satire  
46. Intertext is a notion, based on the ability of the texts to a) borrow elements from the other texts b) organize elements in the other texts c) exclude elements from the other texts  
47. Scientific popular style combines features of a) Scientific and literary b) industrial revolution c) Scientific and publicistic  
48. The style, distinguished by its ability to copy other styles is a) scientific b) literary c) documentary  
49. Diplomatic, legal, business are the substyles of a) scientific b) literary c) documentary  
50. TV, radio, newspaper are the a) genres of literary style b) substyles of publicistic style c) science branch


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