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Grammar Review. Времена группы Indefinite (Active) употребляется:
Времена группы Indefinite (Active) употребляется: 1) для констатации факта совершения действия или 2) для выражения обычно совершаемого действия в настоящем (V, V+(e)s), прошедшем (V+ed/ 2fV) или будущем (shall/will+ V) времени.
Времена группы Continuous Active выражают длительные, незаконченные действия в процессе их совершения и переводятся на русский язык глаголами несовершенного вида. Continuous Tenses образуется по формуле to be + V-ing.
Времена группы Perfect Active выражают действия, законченные к определенному моменту в настоящем, прошедшем или будущем. Perfect Tenses образуется по формуле to have +V-ed / 3fV.
3. Read and memorize the following word combinations: a set of figures – ряд цифр, набор цифр а right-hand column – правый столбик to take in (put in) – принимать (информацию) a sequence of reasonable operations – последовательность разумных операций an ordinary business adding machine – обычная канцелярская суммирующая машинка
1. Suppose you sit down with a pencil and paper and centre your attention on adding a set of figures. You add first all the digits in the right-hand column, then all the digits in the next column, and so on – until you finally arrive at the answer. When you do this, you are computing. 2. When you stop at a street corner, looking first to the left for any coming car, then to the right, to cross the street or to wait on the sidewalk – you are computing. 3. When you are walking along a poorly marked path in the woods, thinking if you are really on the path or have lost it – you are computing. 4. When you are taking in information or data, performing reasonable operations (mathematical or logical operations) on the data, and are producing one or more answers – you are computing. 5. A machine can also do this. It can take in information or data perform a sequence of reasonable operations on the information which it has received, and put out answers. When it does this, it is computing. 6. A very simple example of a computer is an ordinary business adding machine which prints on paper tape the number entered into its keyboard, and also prints a total when you press the total key. A complex example of a computer is a modern automatic digital computer, which in each second can perform more than 100, 000, 000, 000 additions, subtractions, multiplications, or divisions. 7. A computing machine can take in and store information because the hardware inside the machine expresses arithmetical and logical relations, such as adding or subtracting, comparing or selecting. A computer can also put out information; display the answers when it receives them. Hardware is useless without software which is computer instructions and programs. 8. The modern computers are of three kinds called analog, digital, and hybrid. An analog computer computes by using physical analogs of numerical measurements. A digital computer computes by using the numbers (digits) and yeses and noes expressed usually in 1's and 0's. A hybrid computer is a machine which combines some of the properties of digital and analog computers.
Notes: until you finally arrive at the answer – до тех пор, пока вы наконец не получите ответ to cross the street or to wait on the sidewalk – чтобы перейти улицу или подождать на тротуаре a poorly marked path– едва заметная тропинка if you are really on the path or have lost it – действительно ли вы находитесь на тропинке или заблудились yeses and noes expressed usually in 1’s and 0’s – да и нет, выраженные обычно единицами и нулями