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Exercises. 3. Give the Russian equivalents:

3. Give the Russian equivalents:

to centre attention on, to the right, to the left, a setoffigures, and so on, a sequence of reasonable operations, to put out answers, to take in information, to store information, such as, to express mathematical and logical relations, hardware is useless without software, by using physical analogs, numerical measurements


4. Give the English equivalents:

налево, направо, выдавать информацию или данные, последовательность разумных операций, правый столбик, ряд цифр, и так далее, сосредоточивать внимание


5. Translate the words of the same root. Define speech parts:

to centre – a centre, to add – addition, to compute – a computer – computation, to mark – a mark, to inform – information, datum – data (mind! a date), to perform – performance, reasonable – a reason, to operate – operation, business – busy, to subtract – subtraction, to multiply – multiplication, to divide – division, logic – logical, arithmetic – arithmetical, measurement – to measure, relation – torelate


7. Memorize the following definitions:

1. A machine, which performs a sequence of reasonable operations on information, is a computer. 2. An analog computer is a machine, which computes by using physical analogs of numerical measurements. 3. A digital computer is a machine, which computes by using digits or numbers. 4. A hybrid computer is a machine, which combines some properties of digital and analog computers.


8. Answer the following questions:

1. How many operations does a modern computer perform? 2. What kinds of operations does an automatic digital computer perform? 3. What is a computer? 4. What is a very simple example of a computer? 5. Why does a computer take in and store information or data? 6. What kinds of modern computers do you know? 7. How does an analog computer compute? 8. How does a digital computer compute? 9. What is a hybrid computer? 10. What is hardware? 11. What is software?


9. Choose the 3rd form of the given verbs:

took, takes, take, taken; thought, think, thinks; arrive, arrives, arrived; did, done, do, does; speaks, speak, spoke, spoken; saw, seen, see, sees; was, were, is, am, be, been, are; writes, wrote, written; has, had, have; expresses, expressed, express; receive, received, receives


10. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the use of Indefinite, Continuous, and Perfect Tenses in the Active Voice:

1. My friend studies at the department of Electrical Engineering. I study at the same department. We do research. Student Ivanov also does his research. We discussed various problems at the seminar. They did many operations on the computer ES-1045. Yesterday we went to the Institute library. I answered all the questions at the exam in mathematics. We shall solve this algebraic problem. They will do their work in time. I shall compare my results with yours. 2. When you came he was calculating his problem. She was discussing some questions with her instructor. I shall be waiting for you at 6 o'clock. 3. He has given a short answer to my question. I have just come from the Institute. They have already gone home. They had written the program for the computer by June.


11. Fill in the blanks with the following verbs in the Present Indefinite Active:

to express, to compute, to receive, to perform, to store, to calculate, to put out, to take in, to do, to display


1. A computer... or.... 2. Modern automatic digital computers... more than 100 mln. additions, subtractions, multiplications, or divisions in each second. 3. A computer... information or data... a sequence of reasonable operations on information and... answers. 4. The hardware inside the computer... arithmetical or logical relations such as adding or subtracting, comparing or selecting.5. When computers... results, they... them.


12. Give the proper tense of the verbs given in brackets:

1. An ordinary business adding machine (to be) a very simple example of a computer. 2. When a computer (to do) reasonable operations, it (to compute) or (to calculate). 3. When I (to come) into the room my friend (to compile — составлять) a program. 4. A computer (to store) information which it (to receive). 5.... (to come) to the laboratory, I... (to show) you how to calculate by using a computer. 6. The electronic computer ES-1045 just (to perform) its calculations.


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