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Fishing methods

(Speaking-Reading- Speaking- Writing)

1.1. Read and pronounce correctly the following words:

Trawlers, demersal, bycatch, turtles, purse-seine, pelagic, crustaceans, drawstring, biodiversity, whales, salmon, invertebrate, tunas, mackerels, anchovies.


1.2. Read correctly and try to guess the meaning:

Commercial, dolphins, tunas, moratorium, genetic engineering, anchovies, sardines, migrate, mollusks, mackerels, lobster, carp.

1.3. Words for the text comprehension:

Trawler траулер
Net сітка
To drag тягнути
Bycatch вилов сторонніх гідро біонтів
Seal тюлень
Turtle черепаха
Purse-seine fishing вилов риби невідом
Pelagic fish пелагічна риба
Drawstring мотузка, яка затягує мішок
To trap ловити
Flatfish риби із сплющеною формою тіла
Demersal fish демерсальна риба
Sole камбала
Flounder камбала
Carnivore мясоїдний
Halibut палтус
Long-line fishing ярусний вилов риби
Fish school косяк
Whale кит
Hook гачок
Drift-net fishing дрифтерний вилов риби
Filament gill зяберна пелюстка
Fish farming вирощування, розведення риби
Mammal ссавець
Biodiversity біорізноманіття
Fish ranching пасовищна форма вирощування риби
Crossbreeding схрещування


1.4. Read and translate text A. Describe the following fishing methods:

a) trawler fishing,

b) purse-seine fishing

c) long-aiming fishing,

d) drift-net fishing


Text A

Fishing methods. The commercial fishing industry has developed a variety of methods in order to catch marine species. Trawlers are fishing boats that drag large nets across the ocean floor. These nets catch the desired fish, but they also damage ocean habitats and capture huge quantities of bycatch, unwanted species that have little commercial value. Bycatch include species such as dolphins, seals, sea turtles, and it amounts to almost one-third of total world catch each year. Purse-seine fishing is another method used by commercial fishermen. It is used mainly to catch large pelagic species such as tuna. The purse-seine net surrounds the fish and close like a drawstring in order to trap them. In the Pacific Ocean these nets have killed large numbers of dolphins, which often swim directly above the schools of tuna. The third method is long-lining, in which ships send out fishing lines up to eighty miles long. These lines are hug with thousands of bated hooks, and they sometimes catch dolphins, pilot whales, sea turtles and sea birds by accident. Finally, drift-net fishing used nets made of invisible filament mesh in order to catch and hold fish by their gills. These nets catch almost anything that comes in contact with them, resulting in the unwanted capture and sometimes death of marine mammals, turtles and seabirds. In 1993, the United Nations ordered a moratorium, or suspension, of large-scale drift-netting. This moratorium has significantly reduced the practice of drift-net fishing, but smaller drift-nets are still being used frequently in coastal waters. Aquaculture can be used to effectively remove pressure from overharvested fisheries and in doing so it can help to sustain marine biodiversity. Some other advantages of aquaculture include a high harvesting efficiency with no bycatch, a high yield of fish in a small volume of water, and the use of crossbreeding and genetic engineering in order to further increase yields.

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