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Текст 22
Задание 1. Слушайте и повторяйте:
Задание 2. Найдите соответствующий вариант перевода каждого английского словосочетания:
A. It is well known; to start something in motion (to put something in motion); stationary vehicle; violent shock; for this purpose; the starting period; to provide reasonable and comfortable starts; gear ratio. B. Момент запуска; сильный удар; привести что-либо в движение; для этой цели; передаточное число; хорошо известно; стационарное транспортное средство; обеспечивать приемлемый и удобный запуск.
Задание 3. Прочтите текст " Clutches" и составьте план текста на русском языке.
As it has already been mentioned, it is characteristic of аn internal combustion engine to develop little power or torque of slow rotational speed. It is also well known that more effort is required to start a body in motion than to keep it moving once it is in motion. Therefore it is desirable to allow the engine to attain increased speed of rotation before it is required to put the automobile, truck or tractor in motion. Obviously, a sudden connecting of rapidly rotating engine to the propelling means of the stationary vehicle would result in violent shook. Gradual application of the load along with some slowing of the engine speed is needed to provide reasonable and comfortable starts. For this purpose many types of connecting means have been used as a coupling between the engine and driving wheels. These devices are of mechanical, electrical and hydraulic types. The clutch permits the driver to connect the crankshaft to, or disconnect it from, the power train. A clutch or disconnecting device is necessary, since the automobile engine must be started without load. That is, it must not be required to deliver any power during the starting period. In order to deliver power to the engine the crankshaft must be rotating at a reasonable speed of several hundred revolutions per minute. The engine would start at speeds below 100 r.p.m. (revolutions per minute), but it would not continue to operate at this low speed if a load was immediately thrown on it. Consequently, a clutch is placed in the power train between the crankshaft and the transmission. The clutch permits the engine to run freely without delivering power to the power train. It also permits operation of the transmission so that the various gear ration between the engine crankshaft and the wheels may be obtained.
Задание 4. Закончите следующие предложения. 1. It is also well known that.... 2. Therefore it is desirable to allow.... 3. Obviously, a sudden connecting of rapidly rotating engine to.... 4. For this purpose many types of connecting means have been used as… 5. These devices are.... 6. The clutch permits the driver.... 7. The engine would start at speeds.… 8. Consequently, a clutch is placed.... 9. The clutch permits the engine…. 10.It also permits operation.... Задание 5. Образуйте наречие от следующих слов, используя окончание - LY:
Задание 6. Найдите ответ, соответствующий содержанию текста.
1. What types of clutches do you know? 2. What is a clutch used for? 3. Where is a clutch placed?
Задание 7. Передайте содержание текста на английском языке, используя следующие выражения: the text is about...; the text deals with the problem of…; the main problem of the text is...; it is worth mentioning....
Текст 23
Задание 1. Слушайте и повторяйте:
Задание 2. Найдите соответствующий вариант перевода каждого английского словосочетания: A. Gear ratio; synchromesh device; gear shifting; electromagnetic solenoid; vacuum booster; torque converter; gearshift lever; steering column; throttle opening. B. Рулевая колонка; преобразователь крутящего момента; рычаг переключения скоростей; вакуумный усилитель; передаточноe число; синхронизирующее устройство; переключение передач осевым перемещением; электромагнитный соленоид; дроссельная заслонка. Задание 3. Прочтите текст " Туре s of Transmission" и назовите основные виды трансмиссий.
In addition to the conventional three - speeds - forward - and - one - speed - reverse type of transmission found on many passenger cars and trucks, special types of transmission for heavy-duty bus and truck operations provide as many as ten speed forward and two speeds - forward - and - one - speed - reverse transmission with a two - speed auxiliary. Essentially, there is little difference between these various types of transmission except those providing more gear ratio and have, of course, additional gears and shifting positions. Many late - type transmission utilize synchromesh devices that make gear shifting easier; these devices assure that gears about to be meshed are revolving at synchronized speeds. This means that the gear teeth which are about to mesh are moving at the same speed. As a result, the teeth mesh without any gear clashing. A variety of devices to assist in the shifting of gears have been used. One type meshes use of an electromagnetic solenoid that, when energized, causes the gears to be shifted. In a second type of device, the engine actuates a vacuum booster that causes the gears to be shifted. Semiautomatic and fully automatic gear - shifting devices are also in use. These include overdrive controls and other automatic transmissions. On some of them the mechanism automatically selects the proper gear ratio according to engine and car speed and throttle opening. On others, a torque converter automatically varies the drive ratio, without gear shifting, to suit varying operating conditions.
Задание 4. Закончите следующие предложения, используя текст. 1. Essentially, there is little difference between these various types of transmission... 2. Many late - type transmission utilize…. 3. As a result, the teeth mesh.... 4. One type makes use of.... 5. In a second type of device the engine actuates.... 6. Semiautomatic and fully automatic gear - shifting devices include.... 7. Today cars using standard transmissions have....
Задание 5. Образуйте существительные от следующих слов: special, transmit, provide, operate, combine, employ, differ, vагу, shift, utilize, move, assist, use, link, act.
Задание 6. Найдите отвeт, соответствующий содержанию текста. 1. What is the purpose of synchromesh devices? 2. What is an electromagnetic solenoid? 3. What is a vacuum booster intended for? 4. What are semiautomatic and fully automatic gear-shifting devices? 5. Where is the gearshift lever mounted in modern cars with standard transmission? 6. What does the movement of the lever cause?
Задание 7. Передайте содержание текста на английском языке, используя вопросы задания 6 в качестве плана пересказа. При ответе используйте следующие выражения: The text is about…. The text deals with the problem of…. The main subject of the text is.... It is known, that…. It should be noted....