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Hotel guests have to fill in registration cards during the check-in.
Who has to fill in registration cards during the check-in? What kind of guests have to fill in registration cards during the check-in? What do hotel guests have to do during the check-in? What do hotel guests have to fill in during the check-in? What kind of cards do hotel guests have to fill in during the check-in? When do hotel guests have to fill in registration cards? 1. The head chef has to plan daily meals. (Who, What kind of..., What) 2. In a small hotel the manager may be the owner of the hotel. (Where, Who, What) 3. The concierge can make theatre bookings. (Who, What, What kind of...) 4. Hotel managers must offer hospitality to their guests. (Who, What, Who... to) 5. In some hotels the concierge may be in charge of room keys. (Where, Who, What, What kind of...) 6. The receptionist must send the signed registration cards to the cashier’s office. (Who, What, What kind of..., Where... to) 7. Receptionists may take messages for the hotel guests when they are out. (Who, What, Who... for, When) 8. The concierge has to speak different foreign languages to the hotel guests. (Who, What, What kind of..., Who... to) 9. The front office employees must speak foreign languages because they have to help guests from other countries. (Who, What kind of..., What, Why) 10. Booking clerks have to answer a lot of phone calls. (Who, What kind of..., What, How many) 11. The front desk clerks can help visitors in many ways. (Who, What kind of..., What, Whom, How) 12. The receptionist must help guests with the hotel formalities. (Who, What, Whom, What... with, What kind of...) 13. The assistant manager can manage the hotel when the general manager is absent. (Who, What kind of..., What, When) 14. The concierge must help guests with letters and packages. (Who, What, Whom, What... with)
V. Transform the sentences using the modal verb MAY and translate them into Russian: (в значении предположения с оттенком неуверенности = “ВОЗМОЖНО, МОЖЕТ БЫТЬ”) MODEL: 1) Perhaps the hotel manager is at the reception desk now. - The hotel manager may be at the reception desk now. Возможно, менеджер гостиницы сейчас за стойкой службы приема. 2) Perhaps he will be back soon. - He may be back soon. Возможно, он скоро вернется. 1. Perhaps the maitre d’hotel is in the dining-room. 2. Perhaps the receptionist will take the message. 3. Perhaps the guest doesn’t want to leave the key with the concierge. 4. Perhaps my fellow-students will not choose “Hospitality Management” as their major. 5. Perhaps the hostess will greet the new guests at the entrance. 6. Perhaps you know our managing director. 7. Perhaps the guests will like our food and beverages. 8. Perhaps the concierge will help you with the theatre tickets. 9. Perhaps the wine steward is busy at the moment. 10. Perhaps this guest will leave a complaint or perhaps he 11. Perhaps this gentleman is the hotelier or perhaps he is not. 12. Perhaps I will mail the package or I will not. 13. Perhaps the young lady is our escort. 14. Perhaps she will know where to check in. VI. Transform the sentences using the modal verb MUST and translate them into Russian: (в значении предположения с оттенком уверенности = “ВЕРОЯТНО, ДОЛЖНО БЫТЬ”) MODEL: 1) The hotel manager is probably at the reception desk now. - The hotel manager must be at the reception desk now. Вероятно, менеджер гостиницы сейчас за стойкой 2) He will probably be back soon. - He must be back soon. Вероятно, он скоро вернется. 1. This student is probably in the first year. 2. He will probably choose “Travel and Tourism Management” as his major. 3. The doorman probably knows all the directions. 4. This is probably his mission. 5. He will probably show you the way. 6. The receptionist is probably the most important person in the hotel. 7. You are probably a chambermaid. 8. I am probably mistaken. 9. The concierge will probably come in a minute. 10. The “Information desk” is probably on the mezzanine. 11. She will probably help you with the travel arrangements. 12. She probably has all the information about tours and visits. 13. This young lady is probably our guide. 14. She probably knows where our coach is. VII. Insert can, may, must, need, have to:
1.... we use your guide book? - Yes, you.... 2.... I answer the phone call on your desk? - No, you... not. I’ll do it myself. 3. I... explain you the details of the itinerary. I know it perfectly well. 4.... you... handle many tour groups in summer? - Yes, I.... Summer is high season here. On the other hand, I... not... work as a guide in winter. 5.... your fellow-students work as guides during their holidays? - No, they... not. They... not speak English well enough. 6.... I open the window and smoke here? - I’m sorry, but you... not smoke on the coach. 7.... all your guests sign in the hotel register? - Yes, they.... Such are the rules. 8.... the local guide speak a little slower? - No, she... not. Our coach is leaving in ten minutes. We... hurry up. 9.... we reserve the table in advance? - No, you... not. You... just drop in any time. 10. Our general manager has got a cold. He... come today or he 11. The night manager... stay awake all night long. 12.... my roommate go on this sporting tour without preparation? - No, he... not. This tour... be very difficult for him. - It... be 13. I’m a tour guide. I... go to work even at weekends. 14. The resident manager lives at the hotel, so he... not... to walk long to get to his office. 15. The chef... be in the kitchen now. I saw him there a minute ago. 16.... our maid make up your room right now, sir? - No, she... not. My roommate is sleeping now. 17.... the animator speak foreign languages fluently? - Yes, he.... Why... he know foreign languages? - He... communicate with 18.... our managing director go on business today? - He... because the business meeting starts at noon sharp.
VIII. Translate from Russian into English:
1. Работники службы приема этого отеля должны бегло говорить на двух иностранных языках. Таковы правила. 2. Ты умеешь переводить с русского на английский? - Умею. - Ты можешь перевести обзорную экскурсию? - Боюсь, что не могу. 3. Можно мне воспользоваться телефоном в вашем офисе? - Нельзя. Это телефон нашего директора-распорядителя. Он может быть недоволен. 4. Консьержке часто приходится заниматься письмами? - Да. Ей приходится отправлять по почте письма и пакеты. Часто ей приходится принимать сообщения для гостей. 5. Работник службы приема должен приветствовать и встре-чать гостей. Ему нет необходимости помогать гостю с ба-гажом. Но он должен помочь гостю заполнить бланк регистрации. 6. Можно нам оставить чаевые на столе? - Конечно, можно. 7. Кто может помочь нам заполнить бланк регистрации? - 8. Директорам ресторанов приходится каждый день прини-мать решения о закупках и продажах. 9. Как часто шеф-повар должен дегустировать блюда? - 10. Мне не приходится принимать решения самому. 11. У нашего местного гида простуда. Должно быть, она сегодня дома. Может быть, она и приедет завтра, а может быть, и нет. 12. Как долго вы должны оставаться в отеле по вечерам? Вам приходится оставаться на ночь, если есть проблемы или жалобы? - Обычно мне не приходится оставаться допоздна. 13. Когда я могу позвонить вам? - А чем я могу вам помочь? - Я должен заказать такси в аэропорт на завтра. - Я могу это сделать прямо сейчас. 14. Консьерж, вероятно, очень знающий и общительный человек. Должно быть, она знает несколько иностранных языков. Возможно, она поможет нам заказать билеты в театр. Может быть, у нее есть информация об экскурсиях и посещениях.