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Задания для аудиторной работы

I. Рассмотрите самостоятельно следующие вопросы:

а) Логическое развитие в переводе [3; 56]

б) Целостное преобразование [3; 61]


II. Казакова Т.А. Практические основы перевода.

  1. Упр.1, с.114-115.


III. В каждой из предлагаемых ниже фраз есть слово или словосочетание, нуждающееся либо в расширении, либо в сужении значения. Опираясь на внутрифразовый контекст, переведите их, пользуясь приемом конкретизации или генерализации.[3; 70]

  1. His hands were short and broad.
  2. There was a similar campaign about 10 years ago.
  3. From her corner she could see every inch of the big room.
  4. It turned my limbs leaden.
  5. Our challenge now is to promote ideas of freedom.
  6. The lady’s hat was an elaborate affair of ribbons and feathers.
  7. Martin’s performance at the exam was, unfortunately, far from perfect.
  8. It was perfectly clear to me that my previous pattern of life was gone for ever.
  9. If you make up your mind to visit Madrid I can be of some help to you. I’ve got a nice little place there and I’m sure you’ll find it very comfortable.
  10. All the houses along the seafront promenade had black, blank windows, for this was a summer place, in February it was only half alive.
  11. She had been along in perfect health when she stepped off the kerb in Piccadilly and the car had killed her.
  12. Lames looked furtively at Irene, and across from her to Soames. “He’s fond of her, I know, ” he thought. “Look at the way he’s always giving her things”.


IV. Переведите следующие предложения, используя прием смысловой конкретизации при переводе выделенных слов и словосочетаний. [1; 84]

  1. Already the post-war reactionary offensive of Yankee imperialism is beginning to get the inevitable answer from the Latin American peoples.
  2. “Don’t look so smug about it”, the second doctor said bitterly. “It’s sweet for you to see my patients go wrong and yours recover”.
  3. If father were to loose his job, which could quite easily have happened, we had nothing to fall back upon.
  4. Much water (to use a euphuism) has flowed along the Fleet Ditch during the past two hundred years, and its culvert may need attending to.
  5. It was some time before I came to suspect that all was not as it appeared to be in our little world.
  6. My feelings then would have been even stronger had I known that Karl Stock was to be burnt in the incinerators of Majdanek.
  7. Alerts were followed by periods of unease.


V. Не переводя всего предложения, определите, каким словом вы перевели бы существительное men, которое требует конкретизации.

  1. Before he left, Columbus also told his men to build a fort and moat to impress the Indians.
  2. The news trickled back that General Lee had issued orders that no private property in Pennsylvania should be touched, that looting world be punished by death… Not turn the men loose in the rich storehouses of the prosperous state?
  3. Scarlett was indignant that he had read her mind She Liked to believe herself a mystery to men, but she knew Rhett thought her as transparent as glass.
  4. Nowadays the only news was that which passed from mouth to mouth. Short of paper, short of ink, short of men, the newspapers had suspended publications after the siege began, and the wildest rumors appeared from nowhere and swept through the town.
  5. The Vikings began their expeditions from the Scandinavian countries about 800 A.D. and went on until about 1000 A.D. While trading, looting and conquering, these tall, blond, blue-eyed men found their way to the British Isles, the Frankish empire and the Mediterranean, to the Baltic lands, Russia, Byzantium, Iceland, Greenland and America.


VI. Переведите следующие предложения, используя прием антонимического перевода. Укажите какими причинами вызвана необходимость применения антонимического соответствия.[1; 85]

  1. Soames, with his set lips and his square chin, was not unlike a bulldog.
  2. He…had an old mother…whom he never disobeyed.
  3. “She was never well”, said Peggoty, “for a long tome”.
  4. Although British Ally is now dead and is probably only dimly remembered … the inner history of the paper has direct bearing events today.
  5. I had though that Bulmer’s sharp-tongued, jealous wife had cured him of his …peculiarity, but it seems old habits die hard.
  6. Britain’s adherence to the North Atlantic war alliance…increases the danger of war. It increases the insecurity of Britain.
  7. No free labour will be hired on this concentration camp project.
  8. He was not unfriendly to a particular type of a prisoner.
  9. I don’t dislike you, Mr Mont, but Fleur is everything to me.
  10. Rank-and-file trade unionists are loyal to the interests of working class, but the Right-wing Labour leaders are not.
  11. But my mind did not run so much on this as might be supposed.
  12. I was brought up in middle-class environment ignorant of much of the stern reality of life.
  13. But I found that throughout the betrayed land people knew the truth and were bitterly blaming their leaders for their lack of response to the Russian offer.


VII. В данном упражнении антонимический перевод является предпочтительным или единственно возможным. Перед тем как переводить следующие предложения, постарайтесь определить, в каких случаях у вас есть возможность выбора из двух или более вариантов, а в каких нормы русского языка диктуют единственный вариант перевода[3; 73]:

  1. He keeps the fortune from falling into the hands of greedy relatives.
  2. “Macon, are you awake? ”
  3. The ambulance was a long time coming.
  4. He stayed out of the sun during the middle part of the day.
  5. Alexander fought to hold a grin back.
  6. “Any objection to roast chicken? ” Jenny asked.
  7. The elder boys were still up, sitting around the TV.
  8. He followed her into a large department store, careful to remain out of sight.
  9. She keeps this room locked. The maids have been ordered to keep out.
  10. This was a mystery beyond the inspector’s power to solve.
  11. He entered the suite, trying to keep his knees from trembling. He almost blurted out, “Where’s the emerald? ”
  12. (In the Zoo) “Don’t the animal hate being locked up, Papa? ” the boy asked.
  13. Alice shrieked and clapped her hands to her ears to shut out the sound she had imagined.
  14. He left the form on the counter and walked out very quickly keeping a hand in his pocket to silence his keys.


VIII. Переведите следующие предложения. Укажите, как передаются значения союзов unless, until [1; 87].

  1. She never told until afterward how painful that duty was.
  2. I may mention here what I did not discover until afterwards…
  3. Postmasters shall not rent any part of any room or store…until a report has been made to the Division of Post Office Quarters, and authority received for such occupancy.
  4. No person shall be eligible for appointment as postmaster in the continental United States unless he is a citizen of the United States on July 30, 1947.
  5. Confidential papers should not be released from the post office unless authorized by the Department.
  6. I never returned from these trips to the war areas during the early days of conflict without marveling at the strength that lay in the rank-and-file members of Soviet Society.
  7. She had remained with him through his adversity, and had not left him until after his success.


IX. Зад.6, с.74 [3]

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