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Equivalence and Adequacy of translation.
E – gen sense – sense proximity of any 2 elements equated to each other. Narrow s.- (a) E of SLT and TLT, (b) E as type of lex correspondence bw SLT units and TLT correspond-s, (c) E of T-n which presupposes identity on all levels of SLT and TLT content, and (d) equivalent transl. Koller – 5 typesof E-ce: 1) denotational(the subject content of the text) 2) connotational(stylistic equivalence) 3) textual normative(to the language and speech norms) 4) pragmatic(communicative) E-ce 5) formal E-ce (artistic, aesthetic, individualizing and other formal attributes of the original). Komissarov(a measure of semantic community of a SLT and its translation on various levels): 1) level of the aim of comm. 2) situation described 3) way of describing the sit 4) m-g of syntactic structures 5) m-gs of lex units. Ex. (1). Одноэтажная америка – provincial am.; (1, 2). Watch the head – осторожно низкий потолок; (1, 2, 3, 4) this summer saw a number of terrible air-crashes. – этим летом произошло несколько ужасных авиакатастроф;.(all) – the fog stopped the traffic - Из-за тумана остановилось движение транспорта. Koller – dif. levels, Komis – hierarchy. Adequacy of tr. is understood in two senses: (1) the reproduction of the unity of content and form of a SLT by means of another language; (2) identical information conveyed by similar or identical means of a different language. The difference: 1) in terms of the character adequacy of translation is an evaluative category, thus an adequate translation means a good translation; an equivalent translation is a technical category referring to an established standard which implies the greatest possible identity or similarity of all content levels of a SLT and a TLT; 2) in terms of the object adequacy of translation refers to the procedure (process) of translation and thus it relates to the conditions of an interlingual and intercultural communicative act and determines the use of speech filters (semantic, combinatorial, word-building, etc), the choice of translator's strategies that meets the communicative situation. Equivalent translation is aimed at a desirable result and establishes to what extent the TLT corresponds to the SLT as both perform similar communicative functions in various cultures; 3) In terms of the content adequacy of translation is based on the actual practice of translation and approves of translation decisions of a compromise nature on condition that they better correlate with the communicative situation; equivalent translation presupposes maximum possible transference of the communicative functional invariant of the SLT. 12. Types of semantic correlation of English and Russian words. The semantic structure is determined by two factors: extralinguistic (how the language segments the outside world and embodies the results of its reflection by human mind in the meanings of lexical units) and intralinguistic(takes into account semantic links within the vocabulary system and thus determines semantic value of particular units.). The semantic structure of lex.units is a complicated structure(two aspects of lexical meaning (denotational and connotational)). A.L. Bourak: 3 key types of relationship between word-senses in SL and TL: (1) inclusion (hyponymy), (2) partial inclusion and exclusion (cross-language synonyms) and (3) exclusion (antonymy). 3 types of semantic correlation: 1) full semantic coincidence, 2) partial semantic coincidence(den.comp.: a) intersection - hair; b) inclusion часы - watch, clock; con.comp.: bobby-полицейский-policeman-cop), 3) absence of semantic coincidence. various causes of 3): 1)the difference in the systems of nominative means in English and Russian (cf. a fortnight - две недели, четырнадцать дней; by-line - строка в начале статьи (на которой помещается фамилия автора, художника или фотографа); 2)appearance of new coinages {self-cover - обложка из тиражной бумаги, drive-in - кинотеатр для автомобилистов, смотрящих фильмы, не покидая своих машин; «автокино»; ресторан для автомобилистов)'; 3)cultural words (Civil List - цивильный лист, самофинансирование - self-financing performance).
(13) Narrow – ready correspondences in bi-lingual dics (inside my room – у меня в комнате). Broad – used in regard to any means of textual T-n of a given unit that doesn’t coincide with a dic correspondence. (had fallen – набились). In 1974 Ya.I. Retsker published his monograph " Teoriya perevoda i perevodcheskaya praktica" Reg. Cor -s – 3 types: 1) equivalent 2) variant & contextual 3) correspondences resulting from T-n transformations. 1)refers to the sphere of lang, 2, 3)to speech. Komiss disagree – bc of mute points: 1) whether we take into account ways of establishing correspondences or the fact of their being registered in a bilingual dictionary 2)Variant correspondences also registered in parallel dictionaries so belong to lang too.3) Many correspondences that result from transformations than become dic-ry correspondences.
(15) equivalents - constant regular dic-ry correspondences which are used in T-n irrespective of context and are interchangeable with each other in all their uses. They are found mostly among – georg names, terms, some common nouns, not only in compound words and w-combis (dog-collar – ошейник). Taking into account denotational component: Full – coincide fully in denotational m-g (mass media – средства масс. инфо). Partial – coincide only in some of their m-g s (silver plate – 1)серебряная пластинка 2)сер. блюдо 3)столовое серебро. Denotational and conotational into account: Absolute – D & C coincide.(nitrogen – азот(terms)) Relative – D – same, C – dif.(гэбист (разг.) - KGBer (neutral)) Scholars criticized on some points: 1) equivalent sh not be understood as complete identity as some nuances of w.m-g can be revealed in derivatives and combinatorial capacity. (to tell Canterbury tales – рассказывать нескончаемые скучные истории – is retains just part of conn.(lacks m-g – tell stories about sex in funny, rude manner).
(16) VC – is a set of dic correspondences in TL used to translate, dep on the context, the same m-g of a SL UOT.(e.g. writing paper – писчая бумага; writing desk – письменный стол; the w. prof-n – пишущая братия.) – in SL m-g is general and broad while in TL concretized. usually – synonyms (общий – general meeting; common aims; mutual friend. Ya.I Retsker gives examples of semantically non-differentiated meanings of English words which have to be differentiated in translation into Russian, cf. justice may be translated by Russian справедливость or правосудие which are thought of as inseparable in the English word, while in Russian one of them does not necessarily presuppose the other. Partial equivalents sh not be confused w/ VC, as PE is used to translate dif mg-s of polusem word and belongs to vertical dimension forming a paradigmatic set; while VC belongs to horizontal forming a syntagmatic set, as are used to t-te the same m-g depending on their left or right environment. Carrier: 1) носильшик, подносчик (variants) 2)посыльный, рассыльный, курьер (variants) 3)возчик, перевоозчик 3)авианосец