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Functions of the English article; means of compen-n.

Article – yes in E, no – in R.=> problems.

When E=> R – we have to find compensatory means to render the f-ns of E art.

R=> E –choose proper art. consider-g var. ling & extra factors.

Def.art. f-ns:

1)pure gram f-n a) dropped (the white house);

b) by dif. morph.means (the poor – бедняки)+ lex(the Smiths)

2)thematic role a) synt means – w-order (There was a knock on the door); b) var lex means (under the circumstances – при сложившихся обс-ах) с) combi – gram+lexical.

3)demonstrative force: a) demostr.pronouns (этот, та)

b) adj., adverbs.


1) synt means – w-order.

2) numerals, indef. pronouns (один, некий, какая-то) Often it’s possible to restructure in imperson.sent in R. (when you hear a man – когда кто-то говорит)

3) emphatic pronouns and adj-s are used to replace an indef.art. used for emphasis (This White House is a prison – Этот белый дом – сущая тюрьма)


36. English absolute nominative constructions. 3 main problems: 1) of their identification, 2) of semantic connection between an absolute construction and the rest of the sentence, 3) choice of compensatory means.

I)1)abs.part.nom.cons-s(She stood up, her face smiling); 2)abs.nom.cons-s with a participle implied(The lecture over, we left the hall); 3)abs.nom. cons-ns by a" with/without" (I can't work with that noise going on); 4)abs.nom.part.non-subject constructions(Being remarkably fine and agreeable in their manner, Oliver thought them very nice girls indeed.)

II) semantic analysis reveals their functions(adv.modifiers): 1)of manner/attending circumstances(He leaned forward, his head supported on his clenched fists); 2)of time(The duty done, they left the place); 3)of cause/ result(The heat in the room, with all the windows shut, was intense); 4)of condition(With everyone working, it made a nice pool against the winter).

III)The choice of compensatory means in Russian depends on the type of logical subject:

a)coincides with the gram.subject of the sentence: 1)a verbal adverb phrase(He was so odd, standing there, so aggressive, bottle in hand and test-tube in the other); 2)an independent sentence(Finally she stood back and looked at him, her face smiling); 3)a subordinate clause(At once her face was cool again, the shyness back); 4)a prepositional phrase(With a sigh of relief she walked out, her head held high)

b) is not the same as the subject of the sentence: 1)a subordinate clause(Lord Steyne's visits continuing his own ceased); 2)an independent sentence(She blew him a kiss and then she was out the door, her handbag swinging on her wrist like a pendulum.); 3)a prepositional phrase(She was living with her invalid aunt who had brought her up, her parents being dead)

(37, 38) two structures that comprise an utterance:

1)formal gram and synt str-re 2)communic. – theme (given), rheme (new). Problem of rendering R w-o in En. (the problems of rendering the communicative structure of an utterance)

If monorhematic=> Take rheme from R sentence and put it in the beginning of E sentence (first comes first) + an indef. art.– на улице появилась толпа зевак – a crowd of idlers appeared on the street.

If dirhematic: 1)find boundaries of the theme and state its synt func-n.

2)if the theme is adv.mod it has to be transformed into subject. (Из-за тумана остановилось движение – the fog stopped the traffic)

3)if direct obj=> into subj + Active-Passive transf-n.(Музыку к этому фильму написал известный композитор. - The music to the film was composed by a famous composer)

4)if indir obj=> =//= Мне предложили другую должность. - / was offered a different job.

5)if begins with thematic verbs, then following transfor.:

a)=> it b)=> there c)=> noun

(Вошли в практику совещания экспертов – It has become common practice/there have been arrangements/Our reg activities)

В комнате установилась мёртвая тишина: The room turned deathly silent.(monorhematic), A deathly silence descended upon the room. (dirhematic)

E=> R. change in w-o in E even more emphatic as it’s unusual

1)fronting (This I say); 2)subj-verb Then came the turning point of the match.

Means: 1)synt restructuring (смертельно больной, он) 2)Lex-phras m-ns; 3)Special intensifiers(Bitterly did he – сколько горечи!)


39. Rendering Russian verbal adverb phrases in English. - attributive form of the verb which combines the features of a verb and an adverb. It’s gram.lacunae. to render VAPh: 1) the subject of the phrase and of the action denoted by a verb predicate is the same=> different from Eng abs.nom.phrases, similar to PartI. 2)problem to render perfective and imperfective forms. 3) two voice forms: active {причесывая ребенка...) and reflexive {причесываясь). 4) Verbal adverb can be a single-verb form and phrase with an object, an adverb. 5) Verbal adverbs and VAPhs can have stylistically marked forms (играючи, сожалеючи).

imperfective aspect forms of verbal adverbs and VAPh: 1) PartI ind or participial phrases with it often preceded by whilе, when, not(Из леса на дорогу выехал, стоя в санях на коленках, Цыган-Gypsy came driving out of the forest onto the road, kneeling in his sleigh); 2)gerundial complexes with the preps(Путешествуя, человек расширяет свой кругозор. A man broadens his mind by traveling); 3)subordinate clauses with as, while, when, since (Выходя вечером на широкий проспект, мы слышали звуки песен. -As we came on to the broad avenue that evening, we could hear the sounds of singing. 4) abs.nom.cons-s(a direct object-> the subject)- Скрипя лаптями, из подворотни вышел Аверьян, сторож. - His bast shoes creaking. Averyan, the watchman, emerged from the lodge; 5) restructuring the original sentence(Иван, не дожидаясь, когда смажут по уху, полез на полати. - Ivan didn 't wait to be given a thump on the ear; he climbed onto the bunk)

perfective aspect forms. two types: 1) expressing priority, 2) expressing the manner of an action not priority.

Type 1: 1) PartI ind( Отмахнул черные рукава. И, широко осенив его крестом, начал читать отходную - Не thrust back his black sleeves and, making the sign of the cross over the dying man, began to recite the prayer for the departed); 2) a finite form( Фома, выждав, когда кончат браниться^ проговорил опять..- Foma waited till they had stopped cursing and said once more); 3 ) PartII or participial phrase (разгорячась от водки с чесноком, Михаила заложил у целовальника и саблю и пояс. - warmed by vodka and garlic, Mikhail pawned the sabre and belt with the innkeeper); 4) A gerundial phrase (Он.., не ударив ее, выскочил на улицу. - Не … without actually striking her, rushed out into the street); 5) PartII perfe ct(Обогнав её, он приотворил высокую дверь и скрылся за нею. - Having overtaken her, he opened a big door and vanished behind it.)

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