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Modal component in textual info. Renderin modality.

M-is connected with all kinds of personal evaluation. Can be objective & subjective. Narrow s – expression the m-g of reality or unreality. Br.s – all aspects of subjective attitudes, incl.speaker’s attitude to the content, to addressee, evalution of situation. M is expressed in the following ways:

1) forms of words; mood, tense forms. 2) M& semi-modal verbs. 3) M.words, phrases, particles, interjactions .4) Syntactic means(emphatic const, inversion). 4) voice& prosody in oral.

Dif-ties: intralang: 1)polysemy of the most means 2)synonymic means of exp.certain modal shades, therefore requiring to feel slightest nuances of the m.m-g. 3)contextual ambiguity – make it dif to t-te clearly.

Inter-lang: 1)preference for certain means in SL& TL (m.verbs< => particles). 2)absence of 1-2-1 corresp. (can-мочь).

T-n Problems:

Ru=> En:

1)particle dropped(что дома-то у вас); 2)by En interjection (ты что бродяга – hey, tramp) 3)by m.verb(наверняка-must have); 4)emphatic from of verbs; 5)compensated by lex intensifiers (сегодня же – today w/out delay); 6)sp.synt.patterns(да, говорите уже! -aren’t you goin’ to sp.)

En=> Ru

1)a Russian modal verb; 2) a Russian modal particle, a modal word or phrase; 3) lexical intensifiers in Russian; 4) syntactical means in Russian including different types of sentences;

Modal and semi-modal verbs in an English text are sometimes not translated at all, cf. Well, you never can tell, said Hurstwood. - Как вам сказать, -ответил Герствуд

33. Grammatical divergences of English and Russian at pre-textual level. Eng-analytical l-ge, Rus-synthetic l-ge.

At the pre-textual level all gram.phenomena in Eng& Rus to 2 classes: those found only in one of the two l-ges(gram.lacunae) and those found in both l-ges(partially).

Cases of grammatical lacunae: 1) a gram.category doesn’t exist in SL, but it is compulsory in TL. Rus=> Eng-to make an appropriate choice of the article, the continuous/non-continuous, perfect/non-perfect(Синие глаза его блестели возбуждённо. - His dark blue eyes were glittering with excitement). Eng=> Rus-indicate the gender of the nouns, choose the perfective or non-perfective forms(After dinner I sat and waited for Pyle in my room. - После ужина я сидел у себя в комнате и дожидался Паша. 2) A gram.category is obligatory in SL, but it is absent in TL. Rus=> Eng- to render Rus verbal adverbial phrases, indefinite personal sentences, etc, e.g. И маленьким литератором приятно быть в конце концов. - It must be quite nice to be a very minor writer, eh, what? Eng=> Rus-to render functions of the articles, complex object, absolute participle constructions, perfect forms of the infinitive. Etc(I heard her put a tray down on the end of the bed.

Cases of partial coincidence: 1) gram.forms differ in the range of their meanings(Rus. мог=Eng might(Past) but it-SubjII Pr; 2) g ram.category in Eng& Rus with the same meaning, but gram.forms don’t coincide(money (sing) - деньги (pl.) 3) gram.category in Eng& Rus, its meanings and forms correlate, but dif.Styl.effect(Pas.Voice): It would have damaged Anglo-American relations, the Minister would have been upset. - Ведь это нанесло бы вред англо-американским отношениям и расстроило бы посланника.


(34) Translation problems at textual level.

T-r sh pay attn. bc he is supposed to underst. the charac. and type of the text; apply respective criteria for evaluative t-n.

Fedorov: 1)informative, documentary & scientific texts;

2)socio-political texts; 3)literary & fiction texts.

Reiz criticizes bc all types are singled out on var criteria.

Her types: 1)content oriented texts: (news, commercial letters, specif.docs, user’s manuals, official docs, reports…)

Tasks: a)render precisely info content b)formal features sh conform to norms of TL(bc it sh be in usual way for reader).

2)form oriented: are characterized by specific form. Literary prose, fiction prose, poetry. Demands: a) retain aesthetic f-n & make appropriate impression on reader.

b) employ proper formal corresp.(a storm in a teacup – ненужное беспокойство (cont) ó буря в стакане (form)

3)addressee oriented: alw have a particular communic. aim. to make a desirable extra-ling effect.(ads, prayers, satire).

Require-s: a) effect of TL ah be similar to the TL effect;

b) so t-r is free w/ form and content in order to achive it.

4)audio-medial texts: charact-ed by graphic, acoustic or optic exp-n in add-n to lang means used.(TV, radio messages, commentary, plays, music, performances). Tasks: a)provide desirable effect for a TLT listener; b)to achive it, t-r has even more liberty than in 3).


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