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Contextual correspondences (CC) definits,types, uses.
- such correspondences which are used to t-te a SL unit in a particular linguistic context. Can be subdivide on usual and occasiona l, dependin on character of context. Usual used in fixed context (academic – 1)университетский 2) чисто теоретический 3) традиционный. But: an academic discussion of the matter – бесполезное обсуждение уже решенного вопроса). influence of fixed context can be easily found in phraseological phrases. (bring to light – вывести на чистую воду). Occasional are used only for a given occasion and not registered in dics. That’s why they are very individual and depend on T-r’s creative abilities. He is a hot sketch for a fighter, anyway – он такой прекрасный боксер, что дальше ехать некуда. 3-d group – various correspondences as a result of t-n transformations. (At last he found his voice – Он наконец-то обрел дар речи). Difference w/ occasional is that the former is governed by certain regularities. In the above ex. Transformation is made by a lex. Transformation of sense development which is necessitated by combinability rules. 18. Analogues as a special type of lexical correspondences. Drawbacks of translation analogues. - a variety of correspondences alongside equivalents and adequate substitutions. Ya.I. Retsker used it in connection with several TL correspondences for a given unit of translation when a translator has to make a proper choice on analogy with the choice of synonyms for a given context. A.V.Fedorov: means of rendering nationally specific concepts of SL which have no ready correspondences in TL L.S.Barkhudarov(broad sense): approximate equivalents which means that he considers them alongside other correspondences: (техникум - junior college, горсовет - municipal council). drugstore and аптека are only analogues, but not true equivalents A.V.Fyodorov(narrow sense): nationally specific concepts and phraseological units. drawbacks of unrestricted use of analogues: 1) they may weaken in a TLT national specificity, cultural relevance and local colouring (гласность - openness, publicity, frankness - glasnost which was supplied by the comment: a system introduced in the mid 1980s in Russia which allowed people and the media to express views in opposition to the official position, diametrically opposed to the closed society concept). 2) they may result in the unintended effect of bringing in certain connotations connected with a given concept in a TLlinguacultural community. Such connotations which are aroused by TLT may seem to be strange, out-of-place and improper for a situation described. For example, the English word peddler (торговец-разносчик) could hardly be translated by the Russian word коробейник which is proper to use only against the background of the Russia of the Nekrasov times.
19. The role of micro and macro-context in translation. Contextual substitutions. Linguistic contexts: macrolinguistic and microlinguistic. A linguistic context is a minicontext the boundaries of which are usually confined to the immediate environment of a unit of translation which is typically a word-group. This can best be illustrated by polysemantic words used in a concrete context (consumer - 1) истребитель, 2)потребитель, 3)клиент; заказчик; покупатель; абонент; подписчик; 3) биол. консумент, but consumer electronics it is translated as бытовая электроника. A macrolinguistic context by definition exceeds the limits of the immediate environment and stretches into a sentence, a group of sentences, a paragraph, a chapter or even the whole book. State-several states-" The Democratic party candidate won the election in several southern states ". " Five Go Adventuring Again" -«Новые приключения великолепно пятёрки». Finally, the role of a context is hard to overestimate when translating a word which undergoes great contextual semantic changes when it is impossible to use a dictionary correspondence, e.g. In an atomic war women and children will be the first hostages. Женщины и дети будут первыми жертвами в атомной войне. In view of these factors a translator has to resort to occasional contextual substitutions because: 1)to retain the necessary pragmatic effect,.. he said, glancing at a gentleman just entering, arrayed in a high hat and Prince Albert coat...-произнёс, взглянув на джентльмена в цилиндре и длинном двубортном сюртуке.... 2) to take into account combinability of words in TL, When she came to her own rooms, Carrie saw their comparative insignificance- Когда Керри вернулась домой, ей сразу бросилась в глаза относительная убогость её квартирки. 3) to create a proper stylistic effect, You '11 like him yourself, he is such a foolish old Polly (in English old Polly stands for a tame parrot (Chambers). Тебе он понравится, он - такая забавная мартышка.