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Problems of rendering phraseological units.

1) phraseological units (PlU) – a smart Aleck 2) Semi-idioms (SI) – chain reaction 3) Phraseomatic units (PmU) – pay attention.

1)Sem structure is complicated: denot m-g, imagery component; emotive charge; stylistic ref.; evaluative comp.

T-r sh preserves all components, but it’s not easy as they are nationally specific(for a rainy day – на черный день-image).

2) polysemy of many set expr. (fun& games-веселье; весёленькая работка). 3) form alike, m-g-dif. (lead smb by his nose – водить за нос).4) similar, but not identical (lose one's head(mind)-потерять голову(сойти с ума)) 5)can resemble a non-idiomatic expr. (go in couples).

To phraseological correspondences: a)Phras 1) equiv (kill time-убивать время) 2) analogue - dif.image (w/ naked eye – невооруж. глазом.) 3) selected synonym (pay the devil(coll) – сам черт ногу сломит(coll) – трудная задача(neut)) 4) antonymic t-n (don’t count chicks bf.. hatched).

b)Non-phras: 1) loan t-n – to retain nation.specificity (the tip of the iceberg-верхушка айсберга); 2) descrip. - by free w-g (cemetery votes); 3) by words – as a result dif.level (stroke of luck-удача).

Difficulties: 1)make appropriate choice; 2)smtm have to look for contextual corresp.; 3)sh be aware of PIW; 4)quite often modified for expressive purposes; 4) the authors of parallel dictionaries of idioms realize that in many cases it is insufficient to merely translate their linguistic meaning in order to understand all the implications and associations which are culturally relevant. That's why very important information is supplied in linguistic and extralinguistic commentaries. e.g. Thumbs up! ~ Отлично! Чудесно! Вот это здорово! (восклицание, выражающее удовлетворение или удовольствие)

30. Translation of terms

Term is a language unit that has a strictly limited sense in a particular branch of human knowledge or practical activity, the translator should bear in mind important properties of terms: 1) terms must be systemic; 2) they must be independent of a context: 3)they must be, ideally, monosemantic; 4) terms must have precise definitions: 5) terms must he brief; 6) they must be stylistically neutral.

B.A.Klimzo: requirements that are set totranslate terms adequately: (a) to retain the brevity of a SL term; (b) to render precisely the notional content; (c) not to create an equivalent that will coincide with some existing term in TL.

2 groups of dictionaries: 1) traditional translation linguistic dictionaries of terms(linguistic information connected with synonyms, peculiarities of form, derivation, combinability); 2) explanatory conceptual translation dictionaries of terms(conceptual information about respective notions) -Explanatory English-Russian Dictionary of Currency and Credit Terms' by B.V.Fedorov

Eng=> Rus: 1) equivalents, e.g. mortgage note - ипотечная ценная бумага (one-level full equivalents); 2) variant correspondences duty — налог, сбор; таможенная пошлина; 3 ) borrowed translation - a) transliteration: eurocredit - еврокредит,.b) transcription - on-line - он­лайн (прямая связь с компьютером компании); c) loan-translation - asset play - игра активами; 4) periphrastic explanations - floor trader - член биржи, непосредственно участвующий в торге за свой счёт; 5) decoding as a means of handling a shortening th at is translated in a different place of the dictionar y, e.g. D-mark - Deutsche mark -немецкая марка. 6) c ombined translation: a) borrowed translation + equivalen t; b) borrowed translation + periphrastic explanatio n, e.g. spot market -рынок «спот»: рынок реальных финансовых инструментов в отличие от рынка срочных контрактов;

Dif. types of transformations: 1) concretizing of meanin g, e.g. cabinet crowd - кабинетные дилеры; 2) generalization of meaning, e.g. competitive trader - член фондовой биржи в Нью Иорке 3) additions? e.g. trade date — дата заключения или исполнения сделки. 4) omissions - annual reports and accounts - годовой отчёт компании, 5) grammatical substitutions annual accounts - годовая отчётность.

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