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R.S. Khakimov
(Sh.Marjani Institute of History, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan)
Author of this article examines the relationship between history and ideology. Apart from the purely academic approach allowing to create an objective picture of the past events, history is widely used for ideological purposes. This is facilitated by the ability of the characters, events, and symbols of the past to motivate people to those or other actions, to consolidate the society around the significant ideas. Often, the intervention of ideology in exposition of history leads to a distortion of the past. Attitude to the Tatar factor in world history is an example of such an approach. Despite the achievements of the humanities, a false “story” about the Tatars, the Golden Horde has been preserved until today. The rewriting of history does not always act as its distortion or excuse for specific policies. It may be caused by the need for a modern interpretation of the past in connection with the emergence of new problems. In such a case rethinking of the past becomes a way both of overcoming the backwardness of society in one or another sphere and of correcting missed opportunities. Some “birthmarks” of this system emerge in connection with the return of Russia to capitalism. Russia faces the task of overcoming the “Long Middle Ages" through assimilation of the achievements of modern civilization. Keywords: rewriting of history, ideology, Golden Horde, Russia, Tatarstan.
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About the author: Rafail' Sibgatovich Khakimov – Director, Sh.Marjani Institute ofHistory, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan (AS RT), Vice-president of AS RT, Academician of AS RT, Dr. Sci. (History) (420014, Kremlin, entrance 5, Kazan, Russian Federation); history@tataroved.ru
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