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C) could been admitted

D) had been admitted

E) were admitted



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Bapttairr 002


Text 1 Auction Fever



BapHllll'T 002

72. What did the man lose?

A) a wallet

B) a waffle

C) a scarf

D) a pipe

E) a file

< J: reHKC


" Twenty-five dollars for this beautiful table. Who'll give me thirty? Thirty! Thirty-five? Thirty-five. Who'll give me forty? " In this situation an auctioneer is trying to get people to bid higher and higher on items up for auction. Though experienced auctiongoers are usually careful never to bid too high, many people find auctions so exciting that they can't stop themselves. Instead of trying to beat the auctioneer for a bargain, they go all out trying to beat the other bidders.

" Auction fever", as it's called, happens to all kinds of people at all kinds of auctions. Two Missouri farmers at an auction once bid against one another for the same used wheelbarrow- finally one got it for many times what a new one would have cost. A doctor and his wife couldn't resist bidding high for a cabinet at a country auction. They had already paid for the cabinet before realizing that it was too big to fit through the door of their house.

Sometimes a person will bid for things be can't possibly afford. One man at a New York auction bid for and got hundreds of thousands of dollar's worth of rare paintings. When presented with the bill, he confessed that he had no money. In fact, he was completely broke. At other times the excitement of an auction is so great that people bid even when there is nothing to bid on. According to one story, a man was so busy bidding that it took a long time to notice that he had lost his wallet. He told the auctioneer, who said: " A wallet

73. What do auctioneers do?

A) try people to bite

B) try people to bicker

C) try people to beat

D) try people to bid

E) try people to bind


74. How much money was in the wallet? A) $3000

B) $1500

C) $2000 D) $2500 E) $1000

75. What did they realize having bought the cabinet?

A) it was too long

B) it was too big

C) it was too short

D) it was too narrow

E) it was too small

containing $2, 000 has been lost in this room. The owner is offering a reward of $200 for its return." " $225, " said someone in the back of the room.

Experienced auctiongoers get annoyed at the victims of auction fever because they drive prices up. But the experts admit that staying calm is hard, even for them. " Auction is theater, " says one auction guide." It happens in public; it has a script and a plot, and if well produced, it should have a driving pace and build to a climax." Another called t.l.ie auction " the greategt game ever invented for grownups." To really control bidding, you would have to do the

76. What do experienced

A) buy themselves

B) bid too high

C) borrow money

D) sell themselves

E) lend money

· rs never do? aucttongoe.


ed with theater?

impossible: make auctions dull.



71. How the auction was called according to another guide?

A) " the greatest quid ever invented for grownups"

B) " the greatest gloss ever invented for grownups"

C) " the greatest game ever invented for grownups"

D) " the greatest goal ever invented for grownups"

E) " the greatest purchase ever invented for grownups"

77. What does auction have to be compar

A) a script and a ticket

B) a script and a play

C) a script and a stage

D) a script and a light

E) a script and a plot


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