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Vk.comlbastau. several of them, and the biggest ones are enom10us, with up to 30.000 people passing through every day

several of them, and the biggest ones are enom10us, with up to 30.000 people passing through every day. In order to keep this mass of people organized, everyone who trades in the same kind of product occupies the same general area. Dealers in the product also organize themselves into guilds, with a woman as the head. At the head of these women is another woman who serves as the " market master." These women make decisions about the day-to-day running of the market in areas like sanitation, rental charges, and fair pricing. They also see that market law is enforced.

Though social rewards may be more important to most of these women than profit, the market women in Onitsha, on the eastern banks of the Nigeria River, are famous for their skill at making large amounts of money. And they spend it in high style. They acquire servants, hire chauffeurs to drive their new caps, wear silk clothes and gold jewelry, send their children to reputable universities overseas, and influence the outcome of local elections. They do all this on money earned from a business that for them is hardly business, but a natural part of life.



93. Where do market women send their children?

A) to Venice for beads

B) to universities overseas

C) to Sahara for the salt

D) to Nigerian villages for cotton shirts

E) to Cairo for silk



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94. What is business for the Nigerian women?

A) a natural part oflife

B) a way to escape from their family routine

C) a risky undertaking

D) a natural pleasure

E) a real to.rture


95. What do " market masters" do?

A) buy goods in other cities

B) make pots, design cotton shirts

C) hire shopassistants

D) make decisions about the day-to-day running of the market

E) clean the area, wash the counters


96. How do market women spend their money?

A) in interesting style

B) in low style

C) in original style

D) in high style

E) in vulgar style


97. What kind of goods did he find at a Nigerian market?

A) silks from India, salt from the Sahara, clay water jars

B) wool from Cairo, salt from the Sahara, iron water jars

C) silks from Cairo, salt from the Sahara, clay water jars

D) cotton from Cairo, salt from the Sahara, wooden water jars

E) silks from Cairo, pepper from the Sahara, clay water jars


98. Who visited Nigeria?

A) Hugh Clapperton

B) Hugh Clarisson

C) Hugo C! arenton

D) Hugh Clapperstone

E) Hugh Clapton


99. What are the market women in Onitsha famous for?

A) for their skill at making large amounts of pots made of gourds

B) for their skill at making large amounts of goods

C) for their skill at making large amounts of clay water jars

D) for their skill at making large amounts of cotton shirts

E) for their skill at making large amounts of money




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