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Vk.comlbastau. BapHmrr 001 Jlc1<cHKo-rpaMMaTH' 1CCKHii rec-r

. ·- ·.:

BapHmrr 001 Jlc1< cHKo-rpaMMaTH' 1CCKHii rec-r

46. Put the following sentences into Indirect Speech.

" Y re()g YC'raJiblH BH.n,.n:)l(HM".

A) I told to Jim he looked tired

B) Isaid Jim he looked tired

C) Itold Jim he looked tired

D) I told Jim he looks tired

E) I said Jim he has looked tired


47. Don't be late... the lesson.

A) at

B) on

C) for

D) in

E) of


48. Choose the correct answer.

Please come my party __Saturday.

A) To/on.

B) In/to.

C) For/at.

D) To/for.

E) By/on.


49. Choose the word or phrase, which completes the sentence best: I'm really angryyou!


BapllllllT 001

51. Larry was so absorbed in his novel that he forgot about his dinner cooking.

A) excelled

B) determined

C) enlivened

D) engrossed

E) obliged


52. Choose the correct answer.

She serves peoplefood and drink.

A) On.

B) By.

C) For.

D) With.

) To.


53. Choose the right word: · b Mike... that his little brother is a very hard-workmg oy·

A) sleeps

B) says

C) asks

D) sweeps

E) tells


54. Choose the correct answer.

A) down

The train arrives __R0me --

4 p.m.

B) with

C) about

D) on

E) over


50. Choose the correct answer.

The phone is __ the computer.

A) To.

B) For.

C) In.

D) Next to.

E) Between.


A) At/at.

B) Near/on.

C) In/at.

D) For/to.

E) To/in.

55. After the alien spacecraft had hovered over the parkfor a shortwhile, it vanished.

A) landed

B) ceasing

C) cracked

D) disappeared

E) rose


18 vk.comlbastau 19


Bapaatrr 00I Jle1< CJO< O•rp3MMl1Tll'fCCKJ! i


56. 1\4 KHJIOMeTpa

A) quarter of a kilometre

B) one and four of a kilometre

C) one slashfour of a kilometre

D) one-fours of a kilo.metre

E) one-four of a kilometer


57. Choose the correct answer.

Iwant to stay home this evening.

A) At.

B) On.

C) With.

D) In.

E) To.


58. The speaker emphasized the need for cooperation in the project that we were about to undertake.

A) discussed

B) influenced

C) downplayed

D) displayed

E) accentuated


Bapnah> OOI

61. The boy... he is going to stay at home.

A) says

B) tell

C) tells

D) speak

E) say


62. ExaTh aino6ycoM 134.

A) to go to the 134 bus.

B) to get of 134 bus.

C) to have the 134 bus.

D) to take the 134-th bus.

E) to take the bus 134.


63. Choose the correct answer.

Tom is the gardcn.__his friend Sam.

A) By/to.

B) In/by.

C) In/to.

D) At/with.

E) In/with.


59. 1\2 KIDIOMeTPa

A) one and a second of a kilometre

B) half of a kilometre

C) one twos of a kilometre

D) one and a half of a kilometre

E) one and two of a kilometer

64. His involuntary reflexes betrayed his feelings.

A) permanent

B) unbelievable

C) unnecessary

D) uncontrolled

E) unreasonable


60. Fill in:

What do you see __ the picture?

A) in

B) at

C) on

D) into

E) to

65. Choose the right word:

He hasn't... any mistakes in his dictation.

A) does

B) made

C) written

D) said

E) spoken


66. Choose the right word: Has the bell...?

A) taken

B) turned

C) done

D) left

E) rung

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