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Vk.comlbastau. 11. Cafeteria is situated




11. Cafeteria is situated....



Text 3



Bapeairr 002



Text 4

A) on the first floor

B) on the ground floor

C) in the large hall

D) on the second floor

E) in the waiting area


12. The number of staff members of the Club is

A) 9

B) 6

C) 4

D) 7

E) 5

13. There are nine... in the Club.

A) permanent staff members

B) temporary staff members

C) wardens

D) cleaners

E) buildings


14. lnfonnation about the training can be found in a(an)

A) entrance hall

B) main building

C) museum

D) brochure

E) library


15. There are............ programmes iu counseling at the moment.

A) 5

B) 6

C) 2

D) 3

E) 4

16. The design of stamps in Australia is usually supervised by....

A) the Royal family

B) the Queen

C) British Post

D) Australia Post

E) the Royal mail


17. Topics are sent for final approval to....

A) local schools

B) a group of graphic artists

C) the Board of Directors

D) a designers' committee

E) members of the Royal family


18. In the search for suitable subjects, people are invited to... ·

A) research a number of topics

B) produce a list of topics

C) give an opinion on possible topics

D) vote for every topic

E) interview each other

19. What picture is the most popular one on Austra 1i.an stamps? ·

A) Flowers

B) Birds.

C) Kangaroos.

D) People of power.

E) People.


20. The picture of Father Christmas surng at the beach ··. ·

A) was considered the best stamp design of the year

B) arose lots of discussion

C) wasn't noticed by anyone

D) was offered by the Queen

E) was approved unanimously



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21. He had a terrible temper... everybody liked him

A) that ·.

B) unless

C) as if

D) so that

E) but


27. He behaved very... I think.

A) selfishy

B) selfishful

C) selfishly

D) selfishably

E) selfish


22. ··· the cafe was crowded, we found a table.

A) although

B) so that

C) thus

D) accordingly

E) in order to

28. Mary went to the skating rink two hours ago... has been skating ever....

A) and... since

B) from... till

C) when... since

D) but... for

E) and... for


23 · Angela is... good with animals.

A) amazingly

B) amazingably

C) amazingfully

D) amazing

E) amazinge


24.. Her.husband was told that he was too old to work he was d' h d with no pension. ···' 1sc arge

A) in spite of

B) however

C) otherwise

D) more

E) nevertheless


25. If a thing is worth doing, it is worth d ·

A) best omg... ·

B) well

C) gooder

D) good

E) worsebetter


26. Margaret's alarm clock didn't alee her up this morning... she left her


apartment later than usual, missing the first bus today.

B) and

C) before

D) so then

E) what

29. Hugo talks... he didn't know me.

A) and

B) so that

C) as though

D) however

E) unless


30. The families were told to evacuate their houses immediately....

A) in the time when the water raised.

B) when water at that precise moment threatened.

C) when up was going the water.

D) at the time when the water began to go up.

E) when the water began to rise.


31. That was nothing to do with... we are interested in.

A) but

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