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Vk.comlbastau. 100. When did he visit Nigeria?

BapHaHT 001


100. When did he visit Nigeria?

A) in the 1930s

B) in the 1820s

C) in the 1840s

D) in the 1830s

E) in the 1940s



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BapH3HT 002 CJJ)'mattHe

Text I Text 2

LThere Will be...........judges for various competitions.

A) 4

B) 3

C) 5

D) 8

E) 6

2. Picking up litter Will be the duty of....

A) the third team

B) the fourth team

C) the Beach Team

D) the Town Team

E) the citizens


3. Bags will be provided by the council....

A) for all the rubbish

B) for books and brochures

C) only for materials that can be recycled

D) only for food rubbish

E) for additional food


4. Wardens will be needed at the car park because....

A) they will clean the territory

B) they wiU collect dangerous bottles

C) they helped to organize the parking well last year

D) the parking last year was disorganized

E) they will collect parking fees


5. The celebration will be held on....

A) the last day of the month

B) the first day of the month

C) Saturday

D) Sunday

E) Friday

6. What worried Mr Gold most of all in the momm. g?.

A) Throat infections.

B) Headaches.

C) The chest pains.

D) Coughing fits.. kin

E) The thought of his past attempts to give up smo g.


7. Mr Gold never ran out of... ·

A) cigarettes

B) necessities

C) ties

D) food

E) newspapers


8. Mr Gold was successful because ··· ·

A) only his friends knew his secret

B) he smoked cigarettes secretly

C) everyone helped him..

D) he told about his plans to his friends

E) this was as an exciting adventure


9. Mr Gold used to travel across London to....

A) get cigarettes

B) see London at night

C) meet his friends

D) get exercise

E) buy food


10. Giving up smoki.ng was easy tior Mr. Go. ld because he

A) it was his private game, he was wmnmg

B) he smoked only 3 cigarettes every day

C) he smoked every other day.

D) he stopped smoking immediately

E) he smoked only good cigarettes




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