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Vk.comlbastau. 67· Mr Sandford that his son is going to London.

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67· Mr Sandford... that his son is going to London.

A) say

B) tell

C) says

D) tells

E) is saying


68. Double agents live in a perpetual state of fear

A) perpetrated ·

B) perfect

C) ceasing

D) temporary

E) constant


69. l), t's meet at nine o'clock if it... convenient for you A is be ·

B) will be

C) is

D) are

E) shall be


70. Choose the correct answer.


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Text 1

International Business - With a Twist


. Some of the world's most accommodating businessmen specialize in gttmg you what you want at a fair market price. But they're businessmen with a difference - they're smugglers who deal only in what's illegal.

A smuggling operation is complex, so it has to be businesslike. It has managers who plan trips, make deals, and arrange for purchases and pick-ups. It has travelers who deliver the goods, and specialists who recruit and train them. In fact, smugglers frequently have legitimate businesses on the side. A travel agency is helpful because the modem smuggler is a world traveler. When a good

smuggler was arrested recently, he had airline tickets " from Geneva to Bangkok by ay of Frankfurt, Nicosia, Istanbul, Beirut, Vancouver, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Mamla, and Jakarta."

The best places for smuggling operations are border cities and seaports. In

? ne such city, annual sales at local stores amounted to $6, 900 for every person m town. But the average person only made $ 3, 575 per year. A tiny seaport is the world's third largest importer of Swiss watches- every year; it buys 50 watches for every person in the city. Obviously, the people in these cities are not

He_ --

__ the work if y·ou hel p him

buying all this merchandise- it is being bought by smugglers.

A) Finish. ·

B) Finished.

C) Shall finish

D) Is finish.

E) Will finish.



JleKc11Ko-rpaMMaTn-'lec1rnii TecT


.. As one expert wrote, " the ingenuity of the smuggler's mind is virtually

hm1tless." In addition to special vests for carrying gold, there are other types of smuggling equipment. A diplomat was arrested in London with 298 watches sewn into his coat lining. British officials discovered a car with a special gas r containing 2, 581 illegal watches. But some smugglers don't need special empment. A good diamond smuggler can hide two or three small diamonds in his mouth and still carry on a normal conversation.

.. What makes people smuggle? Profit is definitely a motive. Over $1.5 bih? n in illegal gold alone is smuggled every year, not to mention a multi­ mllhon dollar art smuggling trade and a thriving business in illegal diamonds. But many smugglers love excitement as much as profit. As one said, " You don't feel happy unless you have a line open and somebody making a run for you."



71. How many watches were hidden in a gas tank? A) l, 581

B) 2, 781

C) 2, 581

D) 1, 681

E) 2, 681



22 vk.comlbastau

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72. What does " accommodating businessman" mean?

A) helpful

B) easy-going

C) busy

D) hard-working

E) cunning


73. Where was diplomat arrested?

A) in the USA

B) in London

C) in Liberia

D) in Luxembourg

E) in Libya


74. What do Swiss people export?

A) wallpaper

B) watches

C) waffle

D) walnut

E) walrus


75. What do in fact smugglers have?

A) rivals

B) experience

C) followers

D) legitimate businesses on the side

E) much money


76. What do many smugglers love as much as profit?

A) fame

B) interest

C) attention

D) surprise

E) excitement


77 · Who was arrested recently?

A) a gold smuggler ·

B) a ticket smuggler

C) a tobacco smuggler

D) an oil smuggler

E) a silver smuggler



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Text 2

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