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Bapll3llT 004

86 What kind of jeans did he make?. for people who wanted to look tidy

B) for carpenters

Text 3

Marketing Magic

C) for working cowboys k ·

D) for people who wanted to wor t11

the garden


Why would anyone who lives in a city where the drinking water is clean, goods- tasting, and free of charge pay $1.50 for a glass of bottled water? Odd though it may seem, this is a daily occurrence in New York City and has been since 1977, when Perrier water was first introduced in the United States Perrier, a lightly carbonated water from the south of France, is chic. It became that way because the company that bottles Perrier had a very smart marketing strategy.

A marketing strategy is a plan for presenting a product so that it will be as attrac.tive as possible to potential buyers, regardless of any intrinsic merits the product may have. Before Perrier came to the United States, Americans rarely drank bottled water, and then only when they feared the local water supply was contaminated. But the Perrier people changed that by appealing to Americans who were highly conscious of three things: health, weight, and fashion. Perrier was presented as a sparkling, natural drink, free of alcohol and other dangerous chemicals. But not only was it good for you, it was French. Therefore it was sophisticated as only a French drinking water could be. With this strategy, Perrier sold over 40 million bottles of water in the

Un it.: d States in one year.

E) for people who wanted to look glamorous

resent Perrier? ·

87.. How di the new mareting s e hol and other dangerous chemicals

A) sparkling, nat': 11'a1 drink, fre hol some chemicals.

B) still natural dnnk, free of acoh l' containing vitamm A

C) still natural drink, fre of a coin vitamins.

D) sparkling, natural drink conta h l g d other dangerous chemicals

E) still natural drink, free of alco o an


88. What is Perrier?

A) a lightly carbonated water

B) a lightly pure water

C) a heavy carbonated water

D) a lightly cartooned water

E) a lightly coordinate water..

89. Mohan Murjani was mterested m.

A) something which was loose

B) something practical and durable


was v
something which was very cheap.

Another exam ple of marketi ng magic is " designer jeans." For over a

D) something

. h ery expensive whtc

hundred years, miners, fanners, and cowboys have worn jeans because they were made of sturdy blue denim that didn't wear out. They were simply the best work pants in the world.

But a Hong Kong busi nessman, Mohan Murjani, wasn't interested in

E) something wh. h 1 oked glamorous


ic 0 wear blue
Who were the first peope to ds

A) miners traders and swineherd

B) miners' farmers and shepher s


selling something practical and durable. For him, jeans were a marketing

C) miners, ' traders and farmers s

problem and he wanted a new way of presenting them to the public. He

decidt! d to make a new kind of jeans, not for working cowboys, but for people who wa nted to look glamorous. Ann Murjam succeeded. By 1978, 17% of all jean sold were tight- fitting designer jeans. They cost no more to make than c0, l, oy jeans. but they S('ld for four or fi ve times as much. Why? Because p.: opk wi ll pay more for fashion t h: m they will for work clothes. And if the ma rketmg strategy is rig.ht, aJl)thi ng can be made fashionable



85.. What did the company ha\ e·)

A) smart marketing magic

B) smart market ing strategy

C) smart marketi ng task

D) man mark.: t mg 1mag.:

i'.) m3r1 market ing group



vk. comlbastau

D) miners, farmers and cowboys

E) miners, hunters and cowboy

91. Where is this water from?

A) the east of France

B) the north of France

C) the west of France

D) the south of France

E) the south ofFlander f Murjani's jeans?

92. What was the design o

A) tight and short

B) tight and stnpped

C) loose and 1._; omfortable

D) black and tight

E) tight-fitting


Bap113ITT 004



· ogressive people?

Text 4


Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson one of the American presidents of the past, was born in Virginia in 174J. When he was fourteen years old his father died and the young boy was left to choose for himself what to do..

Jefferson studied literature and languages. He also studied to be a lawyer, and later he wrote many of the Virginia laws. One of the laws for which he worked very much to allow every child to go to school free. Schools in America were only for the children whose parents were rich.

When Jefferson was still a young man, he was one of those who wanted freedom from England. His most outstanding achievement was as a chief author of the Declaration of Independence, a statement of human rights and liberties. It was read to the happy people on the 4t11 of July, 1776.

95. What have been kept up by Amencan pr

A) Jefferson's best things.

B) Rights.

C) Experience.

D) His novels.

E) Jefferson's best traditions.


96. Jefferson was born in-----

A) Seventeen fourteen.

B) Seventeen thirty three.

C) Forty seventeen.

D) Fourteen seventy.

E) Seventeen forty three.


97. How old was be when his father died?

Jefferson also drew up the constitution for his state, Virginia, and served as its governor. He was sent to France as the foreign minister of the USA, and afterwards was President Washington's Secretary of State. few years later he became the country's third president, serving in this position for two terms.

The author of the Declaration of Independence did another important thing for the American people. He worked out a plan for.a university where the students and teachers could live and work together m

a village built for them. It was one of the first schools to teach science. Today it is the University of Virginia.

Thomas Jefferson did many useful things during his lifetime, and he always thought about helping ordinary people. He was a practical and theoretical scientist.

Jefferson's best traditions have been kept up by American progressive people in their struggle for peace and democracy.

Complete the sentences



Jefferson studied to be----'

A) A lawyer.

B) A president. I

A) 13.

B) 14.

C) 4. D) 15. E) 40.


98. What did he write?

A) Novels.

B) Virginia laws.

C) Menus.

D) Articles.

E) Poems.


99. Jefferson was a governor of ·

A) California.

B) Luisiana.

C) France.

D) Virginia.

E) Utah.


100. He became the country's--




C) A school teacher.

D) A writer.

E) A minister.


94. How long did he serve in the position of President?

A) 2 terms.

B) A term.

C) 3 terms.

D) 2 terms and a half.

E) 4 terms.


A) 2nd.

B) 4th.

C) 23rd.

D) 1" '-.

E) 3rd.






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