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Theme 1. Psychological characteristics of the modern world and activity in it.

Modern psychology is a very extensive system of modern scientific disciplines, at different stages of formation associated with different areas of practice. How to classify these various branches of psychology? One of the challenges the classification is contained in principle in the development of mental activity. 1) a specific activity, 2) development 3) the relationship of man (as a subject of development and activity) to the society (in which it operates and development) Accordingly, in the psychological side can be chosen as the basis of classification of branches of psychology.

Technology. Unknown, fortunately or unfortunately, but we live in the modern world, which is, of course, is very different from what it was a few decades ago. For example, today it is commonplace and even mundane are the things that used to be unthinkable: in homes and apartments, as well as in all educational institutions and offices of various companies, you can always find a personal computer, laptop, netbook, or any other similar device. Also surprise nobody abundance and variety of different gadgets and unexpected devices that perform certain functions, quietly, but irreversibly transforming the daily lives of every human being, beyond recognition by changing its shape and making, on the one hand, it is easier and easier, and with the other, much more difficult. However, having mastered the basics of handling a variety of devices and a host of technical innovations, you can open a new world full of different opportunities that are not available before, which make the daily lives and the gray routine of some pleasant moments that can brighten it and cheer up.

Competition is poorly understood not only in psychology but also in marketing. Economic development in the field of competitive strategies are not sufficient for understanding the psychology of competition. And in the psychology of competition problem is often reduced to the problem of conflict, which has grown to a separate branch conflict- psychology.

According to J. Alston, American culture, with its enhanced competitive environment, has developed a way of " impersonal competition." A distinctive feature of which is that the competing individual does not know with whom to compete. This impersonal most successful way of competition coincides with the way to achieve maximum results with different competitive units, studied in experiments. Eydman EV for the Development of strong-willed regulation. When instructions to compete with the rival better results than do the best you can with the instructions.In adults with instructions to compete with an imaginary opponent better results than with instructions to compete with a real equal opponent. The group under 14 years the results are better when the instructions compete with the famous equal opponent than with an imaginary opponent.

These results suggest that the competitiveness of the individual to adolescence depends on competition, competition in the social group. What matters all sorts of comparisons and rankings. In adults, the same as the formation of the imagination is important to install " impersonal competition" to the competition with an unknown or idealized opponent. In today's ever-changing, unpredictable and turbulent world, only this competitive setting can lead to survival and development.

Human resources represent a potential human capacity to work, mental or physical activity. Human potential tends to a constant increase. This is due to the fact that over time, the company or organization are beginning to demand more return on their employees. That is why the development of human resources is one of the key issues of company management.

One of the most difficult periods for each employee is his adaptation of the enterprise.Notonly that newcomers are required to familiarize themselves with all organizational moments, they also have to take a certain place in the team and go through severe psychological pressure. Of great importance is also the introduction of a person in a new position - namely, familiarity with public duties. Enormous value in the course of these processes is the company's management policies on these issues. It is also important and a friendly atmosphere, and methodological support is required. For example, large firms have practices such as lectures and seminars for the new staff, as well as the implementation of training program. Problems of human resources of the enterprise. One of the major problems faced by the human resources of the enterprise, is the lack of attention to this issue. Nevertheless, the management of people requires special knowledge and skills and mechanisms. So, the first thing you should pay attention to - the development of leadership in the team. Moreover, it should be specific to the working moments, rather than employees' personal relationships. Unfortunately, domestic enterprises often disregard. One more this important issue organization is lack of attention, or the need for a complete disregard for human resource management. Nevertheless, it should understand that the frames do not have the ability to self-regulation. Clear policies should be developed on this issue. One of the most serious shortcomings of modern management is to consider the organization apart from the staff. So, sometimes the workers are not ready for a change in the enterprise.

Human resource management system has set itself two main objectives:

• Continuous analysis of the situation with the staff to ensure timely provision of the organization;

• To provide staff with the most comfortable conditions in which they can effectively fulfill their labor and intellectual potential.

In order for human resources management in the organization to be effective, it must be compliance with a number of mandatory conditions:

• objectives should be clearly stated and be achievable borders;

• Analysis of the enterprise to be profound and complex;

• personnel should be fully provided with all necessary resources to operate;

• Each employee must perform the duties that correspond to the level of its development;

• employment process should be carried out using the most modern technologies.

What type should be a modern man of the 21st century, that has changed in people over the last century, even in the last 15 years. After all, if you look back, we can see the differences of generations, people have become communicative, intelligent and easily trained. In our time, a man appreciated that once considered insufficient or unacceptable behavior in society. Let's see, what should be a modern man. First of all educated, we are not even talking about higher education or the education received in the prestigious Swiss University. Education is a professional human skills in the area in which it operates. Modern man is engaged in constant self-education, read books, attend courses to develop their skills. Previously, it was enough to get a college education, not even profile. Employers believed that, if the employee was able to get a higher education, it means clever. But now graduated nothing says and does not characterize the modern man. In our time communication skillsis very valuable. Even if we are not talking about the device to work in the modern world is very difficult to account for closed people. Society requires communication, stories about yourself, about how you spend your time and where you go. If the company say that you love to spend time at home and rarely go to the movies, then this company you will not accept. We need constantly to share emotions, thoughts and so on. What type should be a modern man, according to psychologists.Quickly adapts to changes, easily react to changes, does not stay long in one place, easy to make new acquaintances, and is not afraid to act. Young people used to sit in social networks and playing computer games. On the one hand, it develops some skills, but on the other hand, destroys many other qualities in a person. If you look back and look at the recent events that have occurred in our country, answering the question of what type should be a modern man, it must be said, it must have its own position in life and be able to defend it.

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