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Theme 3. Psychological methods and means to improve the efficiency and quality of operations.

The methods of interactive learning can be classified:

1) heuristic conversation, 2) discussion method 3) " brainstorming", 4) a method of " round table", 5) the method of " business game", 6) competitions practical work with their discussion and others.

Heuristic conversation. The method was called from the rising to Socrates teaching method " heuristics" (c -. Find retrieves, open). This method is cleverly formulated by leading questions and examples encouraged students to come to self-correct answer. In its psychological nature of heuristic conversation, in the modern sense - is the collective thinking or conversation as the search for an answer to the problem. The pedagogy of this method is considered to be the method of problem-based learning (problem-searching conversation). Explain why heuristic conversation we do not see in a series of problem-based learning methods, although it is based on the thinking finding a solution to the educational problems. The fact is that in a conversation thinking search turns into a search for a collective, where there is an exchange of opinions, assumptions, guesswork, various embodiments of the intermediate solutions, which students seek truth in cooperation and mutual assistance in activating the thinking of each other. It should be borne in mind that this method assumes that students of a certain stock of knowledge, ideas, concepts. In preparation for the interview the teacher should: a) clearly define the purpose; b) draw up a plan, an outline; c) choose the visual aids; g) to formulate the main and ancillary matters. It is important to formulate and ask questions:

- They must be logically linked;

- They must correspond to the level of development of pupils;

- They do not prompt response.

Remember, the question is asked the whole group. After a short pause for reflection is caused by the student. It is necessary to attract other students to correct, clarify, complement the answer. Conversation - a sophisticated method, as it requires a certain exertion, the appropriate conditions, the skill of the teacher, who carefully listens to the answers, correct approves, erroneous comments, clarifies and involves the entire group in the work process.

Discussion as the interactive learning method has been successfully applied in education system in the West in recent years it has been applied in our educational system. Discussion Method (educational discussion) is " over the banks' heuristic conversation. The point of this method is to exchange views on a particular issue. It is an active method to learn how to defend their opinions and listen to others.

It is usually assumed that thinking is born out of a response to the opponent's statement in the discussion, therefore, it gives rise to differences of opinion and debate. However, the situation is just the opposite: the dispute, controversy generates thought, stimulates thinking, and academic discussion also provides a conscious assimilation of educational material as a product of thought it prorabotki.Metod discussion group used in forms of employment: in workshops, discussions, interviews to discuss results of performance of tasks for practical and laboratory sessions where students need to speak out. The lecture was a discussion in the full sense can not turn around, but debatable issue that caused several different responses from the audience, not leading to the selection of the final, the most appropriate of them, creates an atmosphere of collective reflection and willingness to listen to the teacher responsible for this controversial question.

Discussion at the seminary (practice) session requires forethought and thorough pre-training of trainees. We need not only a good knowledge (without debate pointless), but also the presence of the students 'ability to express their ideas, articulate issues to argue, and so on. D. Training enrich the students' debate on the subject, streamline and consolidate knowledge.

" Brainstorming" method. Method name born in the control system, as well as in research. It is widely used in economic management activity, management. The method consists in finding the answer to the complex problem of specialists through intensive statements of all kinds come to mind ideas, speculation, assumptions, random analogies. The golden rule of brainstorming - anything spoken parties not to question, criticize, and to ensure full freedom of expression of all ideas. This psychological freedom allows at ease, do not be afraid to put yourself in an awkward situation unfortunate remark, seem unwise, ridiculous and TD In this environment, it is born the most incredible, really crazy ideas, many of them in the future, after a thorough analysis can be screened but suddenly there is what we need to solve this problem. For this and afoot brainstorming.

Round Table method was borrowed from the field of politics and science. The training of the round table method is used to improve the efficiency of assimilation of theoretical problems by considering them in the various scientific aspects, with the participation of specialists in different fields. Roundtable method is applicable within the framework of student educational-methodical conference of students of different specialties in related disciplines important condition for the use of the round table - is the awareness of the need for a versatile consideration of theoretical issues from different perspectives and points of view on its practical implementation.

Method simulation game originally appeared not in the education system, and in the practical sphere of control. Now business games are used in a variety of practice areas: in research, in the process of project development, when the collective decision-making in real work situations, as well as in military affairs.

The method of the business game as a method of learning is an educational simulation of situations of the activity, which will teach students to models rather than real objects to teach future professionals to perform relevant professional functions. The business game is planned in advance (preparation of the script, roles, selection of situations and so on. D.) And held at the lab.

" Business Game" by placing the student in a situation of real action in the role of a specific actor makes him think concretely and in detail, with clearly perceived to achieve real tangible results. This situation exacerbates attention trainee makes purposeful thinking, and thus contributes to better learning.

Training - is one of the relatively new interactive teaching methods. Different situations that arise in the training groups, training, and being in this sense, conventional, gaming, for the student act as a very real situations in which we must act with full responsibility for the result of the action. A sense of responsibility is special, not only to himself but also to the partners in the group, as the success of every action - is the key to the success of the entire group.

In this aspect of the training method resembles the business game where too strong dependence responsible participants in the game apart. The difference of teaching methods is that one of them is learning the practical application of theory (on a " case-based theory"), and the other - the practical teaching of the theory (the " theory of living practices").


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