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Subject 7. Disadaptation and adaptation. Ability to sell itself. Ability to be happy.

In the most general view the concept " social adaptation" can be determined as follows: it is process of interaction of the subject and a social environment during which requirements and expectations of its participants are approved.

Social adaptation – process of adaptation of the personality or social group to new living environment by its active assimilation.

Social adaptation is performed in various spheres of activity of the person

Social adaptation – the integrative indicator of a condition of the person reflecting his opportunities to perform certain biosocial functions: adequate perception of surrounding reality and own organism; adequate system of the relations and communication with people around; flexibility (adaptability) of behavior according to role expectations of others. The most important element of this process is coordination of self-assessments, claims and the subject's opportunities with realities of a social environment. This coordination includes, first, the actual level of process - a condition of the environment and the social subject at the moment of time, and, in - the second, potential level - opportunities, tendencies and regularities of development both a social environment, and the social subject.

Follows from the aforesaid that, process of social adaptation is a mutually directed process, i.e. assuming mutual impact of a social environment and the social subject at each other. In the course of social adaptation are created: the skills of communication, behavior and activities accepted by an environment giving the chance of the personality to ego-trip, realize the requirements. Social adaptation is connected with other process connected with development by the subject of a social environment - socialization process.

Thus, concepts and processes of social adaptation and socialization to interactt and complement each other. On the one hand, socialization assumes to understand and acquire presence at the subject of a capability the changing activity conditions, with another - social adaptation – represents the mechanism and one of forms of socialization of the personality.

Stages of social adaptation. Social adaptation – process which represents unity of the following stages.

1. Adaptation shock which is understood as general disorder of functions of the social subject or system, owing to any shock of the sotsiogenny nature caused by sharp violation of habitual interaction with the external environment. It is one of the most painful stages of social adaptation, and the period of paralyzing fear and failure to act and, at the same time, primary, emotional assessment and attempt of the very first judgment of an essence of the happening changes. At this stage of social adaptation the subject for the first time faces need of development of new elements of a social environment and learns their positive and negative sides.

2. Mobilization of adaptation resources. Here for the subjects who managed to endure a stage of adaptation shock there comes the stage of deep judgment of a situation and concentration of efforts on conscious search of an exit from it.

3. Answer to " an environment challenge". It is a closing stage of process of social adaptation. Its content represents implementation of specific behavior model and activities which are chosen the subject taking into account own adaptive resources and opportunities, ideas of the events, and also the main characteristics of a social environment in which process of social adaptation proceeds.

There are also other approaches to allocation of stages of social adaptation. Number of researchers to a isolated exercises high-quality stages of social adaptation:

the first (initial) stage when the adaptive individual catches only rules of conduct, but a society value system internally to them isn't recognized;

the second stage (tolerance), it depends social environment, and the individual recognize an equivalence of standards of behavior concerning each other;

the third stage - devices, " accommodations" - is connected with reciprocal concessions: the individual recognizes and accepts an environment value system, but also representatives of this Wednesday recognize some of its values;

the fourth stage - complete adaptation, " assimilation" when the individual refuses former samples and values and completely accepts new.

Mechanisms of social adaptation. Consecutive change of the main stages of social adaptation assumes use on each of them of various mechanisms, each of which differs in the originality and adaptive opportunities appearing at the person or group and solving a problem of adaptation to new conditions of the activity with their help. Mechanisms of social adaptation can be classified on

to the different bases: in forms of their acceptance by the subject of adaptation. Two main mechanisms of social adaptation are allocated: voluntary and forced.

Voluntary adaptation represents a situation in case of which the new terms of activity offered to the subject Wednesday don't contradict his system of valuable orientations, beliefs and ideals and opens new prospects and opportunities and therefore, is accepted without resistance even if for this purpose it is necessary to make certain efforts before the subject. For example, an opportunity to make good office career or to receive a high salary can be considered by the person as the basis and need for change of a place of employment and adaptation in new collective, education, retraining, etc. The difficulties which are inevitably arising during development of the new environment and new conditions of activity are accepted by the subject as " difficulties of growth" through which it is necessary to pass, for receipt of the desirable. In the conditions of voluntary adaptation of change of a social environment to which the subject needs to adapt, first, don't prevent it to live and work with method, habitual, convenient and available to it. Secondly, peculiar earlier to the subject valuable installations, the principles and ideals, change in new conditions of activity without the special resistance and tension as he believed or was convinced of advantages and benefits new, in comparison with old. Thirdly, requirements which are imposed on the subject by a social environment are to some extent adjusted in such a way that become clear and available to it. Forced adaptation, on the contrary, a situation in case of which characteristics and properties of living environment, new to the subject, don't correspond and contradict its valuable and standard installations. However, at the same time, the subject can't but accept these characteristics.

That is, unlike voluntary adaptation, forced adaptation strictly forces the person to accept new conditions of activity. Without having made it, he won't be able not only to find a social niche, new to himself and new opportunities of self-realization, but also will lose available. For example, to keep life to itself and the relatives, an opportunity to work, study, etc., the person can agree to accept the most strict requirements of society or power, even contradicting his internal beliefs. On the means used in the course of adaptation the following mechanisms of social adaptation are allocated.

1. The mental mechanisms directed to forming and development of mentality of the subject, impact on it various factors of a social environment and adaptation of a mental warehouse of the individual under requirements of the environment. It is possible to carry mechanisms of mental protection, a mental injury, mental and psychological suggestion, etc. to this group of mechanisms of social adaptation.

2. The social and psychological mechanisms intended for prispo-

the individual's sobleniye by Wednesday through its development by various methods.

This group includes: cognitive mechanisms, i.e. adaptation by Wednesday through its research, studying and knowledge. Mechanisms of imagination, thinking, cognitive activity concern to them. the emotional mechanisms allowing the subject to adapt by Wednesday through those emotional conditions which it causes. In this case, emotional experiences of the individual in living environment, new to it, become a basis for adoption of relevant decisions by it forms of behavior and activities rather most adequate to the environment. It is possible to carry to these mechanisms to carry such as fear, concern, alarm, rest, etc. the behave ioural mechanisms representing the choice and implementation by the subject in a situation of a certain behavior model, new to it, and activities.

3. Social mechanisms. Treats them: the mechanism of social activities which can be considered as the universal mechanism of social adaptation. In the course of social activities inclusion of the subject in new system of the social relations, regulations and values is performed actually. Within social activities the subject purchases the new social statuses and roles allowing it to enter a new social environment. The external form of manifestation of adaptation processes allowing to draw conclusions about that, how successfully they proceed in each case, the adaptation behavior, i.e. process of interaction of the subject and a social environment during which mutual requirements and expectations are approved is and certain mechanisms of social adaptation are implemented. The subject can choose various forms of adaptation behavior in the course of the solution of tasks of social adaptation. It is possible to carry to the main forms of adaptation behavior: conformism or subordination of the subject to Wednesday when he completely fulfills the new requirements imposed to it; an innovation or updating by the subject of the environment when development of the environment is performed by the subject through certain changes of its separate parties, properties and characteristics; external decency or a ritualizm in case of which adaptation of the subject by Wednesday happens through external following to requirements, predjyaemy to it; at the same time, own, internal motives and the purposes of the subject can not match similar characteristics of its new social environment;

" leaving" of the subject of Wednesday, his self-isolation or a retritizm; such forpovedeniya is chosen a subject, most often, in case of insufficiency of its own social and personal resources for overcoming a stage of adaptation shock or when own purposes and interests of the subject essentially don't match and can't match similar characteristics of the environment; transformation by the subject of the environment or a mutiny, a revolt when the subject aims to transform completely environment according to the ideas of it.

Social disadaptation: concept, reasons. One of activities of the social teacher is prophylaxis of dezadaptivny behavior and SPR with the deadapted teenagers.

Disadaptation – rather short-term situational state which is a consequence of influence of new, unusual stimuli of the changed medium and signaling about disturbance of equilibrium between mental activity and demands of medium.

To Dezadaptatsiyumozhnoopredelit as the difficulty complicated by any factors of adaptation to the changing conditions, which is expressed in inadequate reaction and behavior of the person.

Allocate the following types of a disadaptation:

1. In institutions of education the social teacher most often faces with so nazyvayemoyshkolnoydezadaptatsiyey which as a rule precedes social.

The school disadaptation is a disharmony of a psychophysical and sociopsychological condition of the child to demands of school training at which mastering knowledge, skills becomes difficult, in extreme cases – impossible.

Social дезадаптацияв pedagogical aspect - a special type of behavior of the minor which doesn't correspond to the basic principles of behavior recognized everywhere obligatory for children and teenagers. It is shown: in disturbance of moral standards and the rights; in asocial behavior; in deformation of system of values, an internal self-regulation, social installations; alienation from the main institutes of socialization (a family, school); sharp deterioration in neuro mental health; Augmentation of a teenage alcoholization, predilection to a suicide.

Social disadaptation in pedagogical aspect - a special type of behavior of the minor which doesn't correspond to the basic principles of behavior recognized everywhere obligatory for children and teenagers. It is shown: in violation of moral standards and the rights; in asocial behavior; in deformation of a value system, internal self-control, social installations; alienation from the main institutes of socialization (a family, school); sharp deterioration in neuro mental health; Increase in teenage alcoholization, tendency to a suicide.

Social disadaptation – deeper degree disadaptation, than school. Asocial manifestations (foul language, smoking, alcohol intake, impudent tricks) and alienation from a family and school are peculiar to it that brings: to decrease or loss of motivation to the doctrine, cognitive activity; to difficulties in professional determination; to decrease in level of moral and valuable representations; to decline in the ability of an adequate self-assessment. Depending on degree of depth, deformation of socialization it is possible to allocate two stages of disadaptation:

To 1 stadiyasotsialnoydezadaptation it is provided by pedagogically started pupils

2 stadiyapredstavlen socially started teenagers. Social neglect is characterized by deep alienation from a family and school as main institutes of socialization. Forming of such children goes under the influence of asocial and criminogenic groups. Vagrancy, neglect, drug addiction is characteristic of children; they are professionally not oriented, are negative to work. In literature allocate several factors influencing process of disadaptation of teenagers: heredity (psychophysical, social, sociocultural); psikhologo-pedagogical factor (defects of school and family education); social factor (social and social economic operating conditions of society); deformation of the society; social activities of the individual, i.e. active selective relation to regulations and values of the environment, its impact; the social deprivation endured by children and teenagers; personal valuable orientations and capability to self-regulation of the environment. Except social disadaptation allocate also:

Pathogenic disadaptation – it is caused by deviations, pathologies of mental development and psychological diseases which cornerstone functional and organic defeats of nervous system are (mental retardation, intellectual backwardness, etc.).

Psychosocial a dezadaptatsiyuvyzvana gender and age and individual and psychological features of the child which cause their certain non-standard, the trudnovospituyemost requiring individual approach and special psychosocial and psychology and pedagogical correctional programs.



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