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Personality and its distinctive features. Category of personality in science. An individuality, personality, subject, identity.

The problem of personality - one of the central problems in psychology and other humanitarian, anthropological sciences: philosophy, pedagogy, law, sociology, medicine, economics, and so on..

Pedagogy interests of the individual as an object and subject of the pedagogical process, training and development. The philosophy focuses on identifying the essence of personality and its role in social development, in social progress. Psychology of the person interested in terms of its internal structure, occurrence of regularities of formation, development and characteristics of the social and psychological implications, the role of the natural, biological (genetic), social and other circumstances.

Personality - a specific person together the spiritual, mental characteristics, qualities that characterize him as an object (a product, the result) of public (and other) development and as subject of transformation of reality on the basis of its knowledge and attitudes to it.Consciousness of personality has socio-historical nature. Self-consciousness- is the highest level of human consciousness, the basis of the formation of his intellectual activity and personal autonomy in its judgments, assessments, attitudes, actions and deeds. Self-consciousness - awareness of personality of its abilities in the specific conditions of life and activity.

Factors of formation and development of personality, socialization of the individual. Man is not born a person, he becomes by it in the process of interaction with the social and natural environment, with material and spiritual circumstances of his life and work.

The leading role in the formation of personality is played by social factors: macro and micro social environment, upbringing, work.

Makrosocialenvironment - social system, state system, level of development of society and its ability to ensure the life and activity of people, features of the ideological and other exposure of mass media, propaganda, agitation, social, political, ethnic, religious situation in society.

Mikrosocial environment - is environmentof the direct contact interaction of human: a family, friendly company, school class, student group, the production, the labor collective and other relatively long relationship with the social environment.

Education, nurture - a specially organized process of formation and development of the person, especially his spiritual sphere. In the process of activity, including in its various kinds, social connections and relationships, the person takes possession of social experience and builds it, develops his creative and physical potential, will, character and skills of subject-practical actions, behavior .Social interaction reflects in the diversity of its species, especially in dealing with others.

The mental (and biological) human development is affected by artificial environment of his habitat. A big role in the formation and development of personality, the psyche as a whole and its individual functions is played by biological factor, the physiological characteristics of a person, including a feature of general and specific types of higher intellectual activity (UCI), brain morphology originality, improvement of its individual functional structures, the presence of certain disorders, abnormalities in the brain, in its parts. The mental development of a person also depends on natural factors: climate, geographical, geophysical, space and other conditions of life and human activity. A special role in the formation and development of personality, its separate areas and functional structures is played by the personality itself as one of the most important conditions for all the manifestations of external and internal influences on man.

Socialization of personality is the process of man's mastery of the social and socio-psychological norms, rules, functions, values, social practices in general. It is a continuous process of formation and development of personality through mastering by human of material and spiritual culture, social and personal relations, specific to the specific conditions of his life and activities. The process of socialization has two interconnected aspects. On the one hand, a person assigns a social experience, occurs it's internalization, subjectivation of objectivity. On the other - individuality manifests, externalization and objectification of subjectivity in his deeds, actions, in their results made. In the process of socialization of person arise appropriate relationship to the social facts and in general to the world, the selectivity in the perception and assessment of facts and events, develops subjectivity: a person begins actively, selectively and specifically interact with a medium, to express himself, his spiritual and physical potential. In the process of socialization man master’s social experience, beginning to understand the meaning of the world around him, there is awareness of itself in the world: system of semantic structures of personality are developing. In the system of semantic structures presented the understanding by human of meaning of different aspects of reality, the meaning of life, its existence, the prospects of development of the world, the terrestrial civilization, the whole picture of the world and its development trends.

Values of the individual - isreflection in the human psyche of some aspect of objects and phenomena of the world, which are meeting the needs of the individual, find the emotional response and, thus, gain personal value.

Valuable education system of personality- more complex compared to the mental constructs semantic structures. Except for understanding the meaning of social, natural, and technical living environment it contains also his relationship value judgments, need-deterministic position.

Socialization, formation and development of personality includes three interrelated processes:

- General socialization as becoming of citizen identity, assimilation and mastery of human system of social norms, rules, values, moral, aesthetic, political, legal, religious and other substantive nature;

- Professional-role socialization of the person as a person mastering professional roles, values, norms, attitudes, etc.;

- Professionalization as mastery by human of professional activity, specialty, professional skill.

Formation and development of the person associated with the formation of various " I" -images of personality: " I" -physical, " I" -physiological, " I" -sexual, " I" -social, " I" -activist, " I" -mental, " I" -Professional, " I" -Family and so on. The system of " I" -images of personality, coupled with their substantial content characterizes the " I" -Concept of personality as relatively stable system of representation about himself on which he builds its relations and interactions with other people and to himself.

Another attribute characteristic of personality is activity. Activity of personality is expressed in the relationship of man to what he does and what happens to him in life position, which he took, for the purposes and motives of his behavior and ways of action. The nature of activity of the person is manifested in the social and socio-psychological role functions that it performs, in its self-affirmation in the behavior and activities. At the same time, as is commonly believed in the national psychology, personality characterizes first by how, why, and for what reason he is doing something, implements, and exhibits and asserts itself. Psychological structure of personality is an integrated, systematic education, a set of socially significant properties, qualities, attitudes, relationships, actions, algorithms and human behavior that have developed in vivo and determine its behavior and activity.

Designed by K.K.Platonov personality structure includes four sub-structures, as well as a system of general and special abilities of the person: orientation of the personality; experience (professional, artistic, behavioral, etc.); the individual characteristics of mental processes (cognitive, emotional, volitional); biologically due to the substructure of personality (temperament and pathological changes in personality). Areas of personality: the intellectual and cognitive, emotional, volitional, need-motivational, psychomotor.

The psychology of interpersonal relations. Interpersonal relationships as a socio-psychological phenomenon. The concept of " group"

Under group, mass mentality (social psychology) is commonly understood as a real, living consciousness, the sphere of spiritual life of a community. This spiritual sphere of human activity is characterized by specific content (moral, political, professional, aesthetic, ethnic, environmental and others.), Oriented functioning level (from apathy, indifference to enthusiasm, lift, high-level functioning) and effectiveness.

Factors of developing of team, public (individual including) psyche:

• Historical experience of existence of consideration community, social groups;

• Lifetime experience of the social community;

• Experience of life of other similar communities of people, which becomes the property of the considered social group;

• Specific circumstances of life in which there was this social group, a community of people;

• Leading type (and other) of activities of the social community;

• features of ideological, educational and other purposeful information influence on the people of this community, and so on. (According to Slastenin V.D.)

The group is a human community allocated on the basis of a particular characteristic, such as social class, the existence and nature of joint activities and communication features of the organization, and so on.(According to Petrovskyi A.V.)

Intergroup relationships and interactions.

The problem of the individual and the group (team), most researchers considered from the standpoint of socialization.

The decisive role in the formation of personality structures in humans plays a social environment, cultural factors, and the totality of their actions. Personality - a complex and systemic phenomenon, above all, social development. Socialization of individual is the process of man's mastery of the social and socio-psychological norms, rules, functions, values, social practices in general. It is a continuous process of formation and development of the individual through the development by human of material and spiritual culture, social and personal relations, specific to the specific conditions of his life and activities.



Theme 12. Gender aspects of interpersonal interaction in manufacture. The woman - the chief. The interaction of man and woman. Psychological distinctions of women and men as subjects of the production process.

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