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Theme 13. Psychology of stress - and self-management.

• Active overcoming motivation, attitude to stress as an opportunity to acquire personal experience and opportunities for personal growth;

• Positivity " I- concept" self-esteem, self-esteem, self-awareness of the importance of " self-sufficiency";

• Active attitude: the more active attitude to life, the greater the psychological stability in stressful situations;

• Positive thinking and rationality;

• Development emotional-volitional qualities and skills of self-control;

Information and instrumental resources of stress - is the ability to:

• To monitor the situation (extent of human exposure are adequately assessed);

• use the methods or ways of achieving the desired objectives (skills, ability, success);

• Adaptive, interactive technologies of change ourselves and environmental situation, information activity and efforts to transform the situation of interaction between the individual and the stress- situation;

• A cognitive structuring and understanding of the situation.

Behavioral stress-resistance resources - models and strategies overcoming (coping) behavior.Role - a set of rules defining the behavior of people in a given social position.

Self-regulation (Latin regulare -. Subject to certain rules) - involuntary and

arbitrary detention of submission of mental activity and behavior (structure activities) to goals and objectives; the ability to manage their emotions, ambitions, behavior, especially in emotionally and cognitively challenging situations; the ability to control the level of psychological stress.

Self-efficacy - A sense of competence and efficiency.

Symptom - (from the Greek σ ύ ёπ τ ο ёα -. Case, coincidence, sign) - a particular feature, a particular manifestation of a disease, pathological condition, or disorder of any process of life.

Syndrome - a set of persistent symptoms of anything, manifested in certain situations or circumstances.

Mental burnout syndrome - multivariate construct that includes a plurality of negative psychological experiences and maladaptive behavior as a consequence of prolonged and intense stresses of communication.

Burnout occurs as a response to the situation of emotional intensity and

cognitive complexity.

The syndrome of professional burnout - a set of persistent symptoms, manifested in the negative emotional experiences and attitudes about their work (profession) and the subjects of business communication. According to the model Maslach and Jackson, burnout is a three-dimensional construct including emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment reduction. Emotional exhaustion - feeling of emptiness and fatigue caused by work. Depersonalization - a cynical attitude to the recipients (the subjects of business interaction: clients, patients, students, colleagues, partners). In the social sphere, depersonalization implies senseless, inhumane attitude to customers who come for treatment, counseling, education and other social services. Reduction of professional achievement - the emergence of a workers' feelings of incompetence in their professional field or dissatisfaction with the results of their work.

Strategy behavior - behavioral syndrome characterized by updating the adaptive mechanisms of self-regulation. Stress - a state of mental pressure, mental obstruction, which occurs in the course of activity, as a rule, in extreme or difficult conditions. The mechanism of stress - it is non-specific physiological and psychological manifestations of adaptive activity with strong, extreme for the body affects (Kitaev-Smyk L.A., 1983). Stress - " a condition in which a person finds himself in circumstances that hinder its self-actualization" (Savenko S.).

Stress Management - Management section, focused on the theory and practice of stress management in the organization (organizational stress); prevention of occupational stress and increase resistance to stress of employees (personnel). The main areas of stress management in Western countries are:

• The development and application of medical and organizational assistance program in stress situations (personal grief, environmental disasters, conversion or phase-out of production, the mass dismissal of workers, transfer of organization, etc..). Assistance programs focused on the individual, based mainly on the use of traditional therapeutic and psychotherapeutic agents;

• rehabilitation and adaptation programs aimed at reducing psychosocial risks, general health and quality of life improvement. These programs involve the use of traditional methods of psycho-hygienic methods: the rational organization of work and rest, the structural and functional changes in the organization, exercises, diet, and mental relaxation. As part of the adaptation, programs are conducted targeted employee training, specialized training, created a group of the sensitivity for improving of business interaction and corporate cohesion.

Stressful situations - kind of extraordinary psycho-social, including professionally- difficult, situation, which makes high demands on the objective of human adaptation possibilities and determines changes in mental state, as well as the quality of the interaction in the system " subject-situation". Stressful situations are characterized by the presence of strong or numerous stimuli that threaten the loss of health, physical and information resources, social status, respect, control over the situation, and others. The structural and substantive parameters of stressful situation differs from the usual (optimal) and cause an increase of mental tension as emotional or informational stress and lead to the mobilization of resources for adaptation of the subject of the situation. Stressful situation is a complex and multi-layered phenomenon for the understanding of which requires detailed analysis of the stress parameter. For the systematic description of a stressful situation as a complex psychological phenomenon should be defined its different levels parameters- both objective and subjective characteristics. Stressful environment - a set of stressful physical and social variables of the outside world.

Stressful environment - a general term that characterizes the types of stressful situations in the socio-psychological space of the individual.

Stressful events - especially meaningful life episodes, with cause and effect in the form of strong emotions and changes in semantic attributes of personality living space. Stressful events - a fragment of a situation correlated with a certain time interval and semantic, valuable or existential experiences.

Stressful stimuli (stressors) - individual objects or actions that violate homeostasis of the body and cause stress reactions.

Stressful situation - a situation that contains some objective and subjective characteristics of the potential risk of stress response of participants - subjects of this situation. This implicitly stressful situation. Structural and substantive elements of the stressful situation is a predominantly implicit determinant of stress response, aimed at mobilizing the adaptive capacities of man. Transformed into a stressful situation for the person as a result of the subjective (cognitive) representations situatsii.Emotional stressful situation related, on the one hand with subjective significance of the situation (the motivation of achievement, emotional appeal, and others.), on the other hand - with the uncertainty of the situation, which includes an assessment of the probability of a successful development, outcome and consequences of this situation for the man. Evaluation of probability values depending on the degree of uncertainty of the structural (objective) components of the situation for the subject of the situation, that means from its knowledge-concept needed to understand the actual requirements of the situation, and those personal resources, which are necessary to adapt to these requirements. Information stressful situation occurs due to the quantity and quality of available information, which operates the subject of the situation in the time slot.


Stressors (stressors) - external and internal factors, at a result of which a person is under stress.

Stress resistance - system dynamic characteristic that determines a person's ability to withstand emotional stress or to cope with many stressful situations, actively transforming them or adapting them, without prejudice to his health and quality of performed activities. Synonymous concepts - emotional stability, psychological stability. Components of stress resistance: the ability to predict the development of situations in life, and thus avoid the stress impact; the ability to control emotions, developed volitional qualities of personality (the ability to act in the direction of their goals and objectives, to mobilize the psyche in extreme-situational circumstances), possession of skills of self-control; the ability to withstand a longer and stronger than in the usual conditions, stress (emotional, volitional and physical); the ability to withstand peak loads in extreme conditions; Activity in the transformation of stress situation; experience in solving stressful situations and possession of effective ways to overcome them; flexibility of adaptation processes in response to the different times appearing and disappearing stressors and their complex combinations; the ability to complete self-fulfillment, personal growth with timely and adequate resolution of intrapersonal conflicts; satisfaction of self-realization.

Attitude- Favorable or unfavorable evaluation reaction to something or someone that is expressed in the opinions, feelings, and goal-directed behavior.

Physiological stress - a direct reaction of the body to the impact of the clearly defined stimulus, as a rule, physical and chemical nature.

Frustration (lat.frustratio - deception, vain expectation) - a mental " condition disorientation of consciousness and activity of the person that occurs as a result of any obstacles and contradictions motive remains unsatisfied or inhibited satisfaction " (V.S. Merlin). The frustration caused by " objectively insurmountable (or subjectively understand) the difficulties arising on the way to achieving the goal as the solution of the problem." Frustration - internal conflict of personality between its direction and objective capabilities, with which a person does not agree (Platonov, 1984). The frustration associated with unmet needs, desires, as well as failure, failure.

Figuratively speaking, frustration - it's stress " collapsed hope." This condition is accompaniedby pronounced negative-individual experiences, such as stress, anger, anxiety, frustration, apathy, despair, a sense of the crash. Frustration arises when faced with frustrating situations and leads to distress. Frustrating situation - a critical life situation, a necessary feature of which is the presence of a strong motivation to achieve the goal (to meet demand) and to overcome the obstacles hindering the achievement. Frustrating situation classified by the nature of the frustrating motives and the character of " barriers". The internal barriers include personal obstacles to achieve goals, to external - barriers that do not allow the subject to get out of the situation, or to change it.

Emotional exhaustion - the main component of " burnout syndrome";

It manifested in feelings of reduced emotional tone, loss of interest in surroundings, indifference or emotional glut, the appearance of aggressive reactions, outbursts of anger, depression symptoms.

Emotional stress - state of pronounced psycho-emotional experiences by human of conflict situations in life that limit acute or long-term the satisfaction of his social and biological needs.

Empathy (Greek empatheia) - sensually emotional responsiveness of the

subject to the experience (feelings, emotions) of the other person, a reflective sensuous

Emotive-motivational reactions of solidarity, rejoice, empathy with others.

Emotional exhaustion is manifested in feelings of emotional surge in

a sense of emptiness, exhaustion own emotional resources. Human feels that he can not be given to work as before. There is a sense of " muted", " dullness" of emotions; in the most severe manifestations are possible emotional breakdowns. Emotional tension - a non-specific response of the body and the personality in response to an activation difficult situation.

Eustress - it's stress, have a positive impact on the psycho-physiological state of a person, causing a state of vitality and mobilization. Self-concept - a form of self-consciousness, which is manifested in a relatively stable, to a greater or lesser degree of perceived ideas of an individual system on itself, on which he is building relationships with other people and attitude to himself. Self-concept as a set of all currently representations about itself includes beliefs, evaluations, set of installations aimed at himself and behavior trends (R. Burns). I - functional part of psyche, which includes various components: " Knowing I", " Empirical I", Material I", " Social I", " Spiritual I" (James W., 1981); The Superego, It (Id), the unconscious sphere of instincts, I-Ideal, the Super-ego - the perceived component (Freud, 1989). The strength of the I-concept is defined as the result of selection by man himself from the environment, which allows to feel him as the subject of his physical and mental conditions, actions and processes, to experience the integrity and identity with itself in respect of its past and present and future. Formation of I is based on the activities of education and self-education, development of social experience and memory. I-concept determines the course of action of people and is a key determinant of their sense of life as a happy or tragic.


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