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The system «Human-machine-environment and the main factors affecting on its efficiency.

It includes a person, a car (or a set of machines), the subject of work, employees of the out of range of the machine and the environment (both external and internal). For subjects of labor, as is known refer processed products, soil (ground), transported goods, and so on that significantly affect the intensity and nature arising from the operation of the machines factors, and in some cases themselves can be their source. A special group, which is represented in the HME system, are those who involves in it, but not related to the management, use or maintenance of the machine. This group is divided into four stages: the machine-mikrocollective, machine-makrocollective, machine-region, and machine - the populations in each of which, there is a specificity of relationships, contacts and tasks.


Ergonomics. The concept of ergonomics. Ergonomics (from the Greek ergon - " work" nomos - the " law" or " law of works") - is an area of knowledge that comprehensively examines the labor activity of the person in the " Human - technics - environment" system in order to ensure the efficiency, safety and comfort employment. Therefore, the study of ergonomics based on the definition of patterns of mental and physiological processes that underlie certain types of work, studying the features of human interaction with the instrument and the objects of labor. On the emergence of ergonomics contributed problems associated with the introduction and operation of new equipment and technology in the XX century, namely injuries growth in production, staff turnover and so on, as the scientific and technological progress has started to gain momentum, and this required a new association sciences with the active involvement of psychology, hygienic and much more.

Modern ergonomics acts as an integrated science of work, which allows increasing the working efficiency by optimizing the working conditions and all the processes associated with it. Under the labor efficiency in this case is not only high productivity, but also a positive impact on the individuality of worker, satisfaction with their work. The data obtained by the ergonomics, used in the development of recommendations on the system of scientific organization. Ergonomics solves the problem of the optimization of employment, promotes occupational safety, hygiene and ensuring its safety. If occupational health in ergonomics is organized on the basis of the requirements of physiology and medicine, the ergonomic aspect of safety is achieved mainly with the direct intervention of psychology. It should be noted that the ergonomics are concerned not only with improving working conditions at the existing technology, but also the development of recommendations for the design of new technology and new work organization from the standpoint of the requirements of this science. Based on the psychological, hygienic and other conditions of work, it generates the corresponding requirements for the technics, including the technical means of safety.


The subject of ergonomics. The subject of ergonomics is the study of the system Human - machine - environment and its effects. Ergonomics considers the division of labor between man and machine, ensure safety compliance in cooperation with the mechanisms analyzes and distributes the responsibilities of operators, develops design jobs taking into account the anthropometric data, including for persons with limited employment opportunities. Ergonomics is based on psychology, sociology, physiology and medicine, occupational health, general systems theory, theories of management and work organization, occupational safety and health, some of the technical sciences and technical aesthetics.

Methodological basis of ergonomics. The methodological basis of ergonomics is a systems theory that allows you to get a comprehensive view of the manufacturing process and suggests ways to improve it, which includes the accounting dispositions, the nature of each worker, job satisfaction, which undoubtedly affects the efficiency and quality of work.

The purpose and objectives of ergonomics. The goal of ergonomics is the study of patterns of work processes, the role of human factors in the labor activity and increase production efficiency while respecting safety conditions.

In addition, ergonomics includes the study of conflict situations, stress at work, fatigue and stress, taking into account the individual characteristics of the employee.

Ergonomics gives a special attention to the selection process, training and retraining of specialists.

Creating an information base, communication, workplace design is recognized directly in the manufacturing process and relationships.

Development of common standards and criteria for the work of each profession in such circumstances is essential for safety; minimize accidents and optimizing working conditions.

At the basis of these goals can be formulated some main theoretical tasks:

1) Development of specific categories of ergonomics, which reflect the specificity of the subject, content and methods;

2) Search and description the connection between human labor and ergonomic parameters of technical systems and the environment;

3) Development of theoretical bases of designing human-operator activities, taking into account the features of technical systems;

4) Study of human and technical systems interaction patterns


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