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Rapporteur for Reports: — European Bank for Reconstruction and Development; — North-South Centre; — Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development; Gsornia's admission to the Council of Europe. Other Activities: - attended two Parliamentary Conferences for the South-East Europe Stability Pact; - observed elections in Albania, Georgia, Latvia and the Ukraine. The Western European Union: - member of the UK delegation to the WEU Assembly (12 years); - leader of UK delegation (5 years)— Vice President of the Assembly (5 years); president of the Socialist Group (4 years); - rapporteur for several reports on defence and security issues. Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe: member of the UK delegation to the OSCE Assembly (7 years); - Leader of the UK delegation (2 years) — Parliamentary Assembly. Inter Parliamentary Union: - member of Executive Committee of UK Branch; - attended IPU Conference in Moscow. United Nations General Assembly Attended three UN General Assemblies as a member of the UK delegation and twice participated in debates on co-operation between the United Nations and Council of Europe. Non Governmental Organisations: - member of Amnesty International; - United Nations Association; - Links Europa. Source: www.coe.org Помимо резюме важно уметь грамотно составить сопроводительное письмо (covering letter), если вы отправляете резюме по почте или факсу. При составлении письма следует придерживаться следующей схемы: • сообщить о том, на какую вакансию вы претендуете и где вы узнали о вакансии; • написать о том, почему вы заинтересованы в вакансии и почему хотели бы работать в компании; • отметить, какие навыки и опыт соответствуют требованиям, предъявляемым к вакантной должности; • завершить письмо фразой о возможности прийти на собеседование по, предоставив работодателю право выбора времени и места.
ОБРАЗЕЦ 24________________________________________________________________________________ 10 Sane Street Surrey UK Tel/fsx Ms. Gale Games 21 Blackmail Road Cambridge 5 October 2004 Dear Ms. Games I would like to apply for the position of a Senior Sales Manager advertised in The Economist on 4 October 2004.
My work experience has familiarized me with many of the challenges of the sales domain. I am sure that this, together with my education and my understanding of the needs and expectations of the IT market, would be extremely relevant to the position. Moreover, my fluent French and proficient Spanish would be very helpful in developing the business in these countries As you will notice on my enclosed resume, the position you are offering involves the issues I have been in charge of for these years. I would be pleased to come for an interview at any time convenient to you. I look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Erik Davidson Enc: 1