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Образец 32

Gale Company 97 Games Road Account number Statement period 01/01/2001 01/01/2002
Beginning of Period Current Activity End of Period
Due SEC Available Payment/Applied Filing Fees Incurred Due SEC Available
$0, 00 $16, 32 $1, 032.16 $937.50 $0.00 $110.98
Transactional details    
Transactional Activity Dnte Description Receipt Date Reference Number Amount Balance
10/23/2001 44-52 10/23/2001 SINGLE 11/05/2001 SINGLE 10/23/2001 0230 10/23/2001 K-6 11/05/2001 K-6 $938.00 $954.32 $937.50 $16.82 $94.16 $110.98


Проектная заявка

Проектная заявка требуется при обращении за финансовой поддержкой в международные и национальные кредитно-финансовые структу­ры Для того чтобы у спонсоров возникла уверенность в успехе инвестиции и результативности гранта, следует обратить внимание не только на проектную заявку, но и сопроводительное письмо.

Из содержания письма должно быть понятно, кто (частное лицо или организация) обращается за поддержкой и какой проект предлагается рассмотреть, в какие сроки и каким образом проект может быть реализован, почему у спонсора может возникнуть интерес к проекту.

ОБРАЗЕЦ 33_________________________________________________

Dear Mr. Director General

I represent an international group of scientists currently working on assess­ment methods of institutional, social, cultural, political and economic development in various regions of the world, especially in those under transition. By that time the group has published some preliminary analytical papers which are now being widely used by the economists on the spot.

I am writing you because the Programme of Activities of your organization for the coming three years introduced a new subject area — Economic Evaluation Tools — within the Economic Sub-programme, and the project«Preparation

Of Case Study Analyses on the Application of Valuation Methodologies in Countries under Transition» can contribute to the Programme. The project is 12 months long; it can be started in January 2003 and finished in January 2004. As you will see in the attached outline the project is in direct implementation of the components of the Economics Sub-programme which is to enhance the capacity of various countries in valuing resources.

We consider a global network of institutions involved in carrying out and ap­plying valuation methodologies to be a significant output of the project. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully, Thomas Jeffery Professor of Economics, Cambridge University


После того как договоренность со спонсором о предоставлении инве­стиций или гранта достигнута, составляется подробная проектная заявка.



ОБРАЗЕЦ 34______________________________________________________________________________________

Section 1 - Project Identification

1.1.Title of sub-programme 1.2.Title of the Project 1.3.Geographical Scope 1.4.Implementation 1.5.Duration of the Project Commencing: Completion:   Economics Preparation of Case Study Analyses on the Application of Valuation Methodologies in Countries under Transition   Interregional International 12 months January 2003 January 2004 (Expressed in US$) $100, 000  



For International Organization


Jack Kelly



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