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Session: Development Opportunities from Doha

Moderator: H.E Mr. Ernesto Zedillo - former President of Mexico

This session with its distinguished panelists, Mr. Jeremy Hobbs from Oxfam International, Mr. Thomas Aquino from the Government of Philippines and Mr. Peter Eigen from Transparency International, brought a fairly broad set of is­sues to the discussions. They also generated sufficient interest and a high degree of audience participation/interaction. The interventions including those from the audience largely recognized the considerable development opportu­nities, that can potentially be realized from Doha particularly in my view, from further market access through trade liberalization and rule making.

There were several perspectives offered, not least from the panellists them­selves, with Mr. Hobbs, citing the findings of their recent Oxfam study on the role of trade and globalization in the fight against poverty [www.maketradefair.com]. In examining the trade and poverty reduction link­ages, trade was viewed as an important though not always a sufficient factor in addressing poverty. A; cess to assets, and in some instances the case for direct interventions (while noting the possible efficiency aspects of such ac­tions) were highlighted. For development opportunities to be realized and for trade to lead to rapid growth, development, and poverty reduction the impor­tance of addressing and setting the trade rules and practices to the benefit of developing and poor nations was advocated.

Trade and poverty reduction linkages were also discussed from the perspec­tive of a developing country, such as Philippines, by Mr. Aquino, and in his presentation he set out some of the possible elements to maximize the devel­opment opportunities and outcomes from Doha for his country. Taking ac­count of domestic constituents and political processes, assessing net gains and losses, facilitating export growth in developing countries with improved market access in key employment intensive sectors such as agriculture, and the issue of special and differential treatment were raised in this context. In addition to trade (export) expansion highlighted by the discussant, the bene­fits of import liberalization for all countries, including developing nations, was emphasized by many participants in the discussions that followed. The role and importance of technical assistance and capacity building for developing and least-developed countries to raise understanding and facilitate the imple­mentation of the WTO Agreements was stressed. The increased need for tech­nical assistance and the role of other multilateral, regional and bilateral sourc­es of assistance were also discussed.




Презентация проводится для ознакомления реальных и потенциальных партнеров с деятельностью компании, общения со слушателями и обсуждения деловых предложений. Эффективная презентация должна быть визуально интересной и содержать ключевые моменты. Любая прзентация ориентируется на достижение следующих целей: распространение информации о компании или конкретной деятельности, установление новых контактов, обучение слушателей чему-либо новому, обретение перспективы в дальнейшей работе.

Для того чтобы презентация достигла указанных целей, нужно знать аудиторию, ее потребности и уровень понимания.

К отличительным особенностям презентации относятся следующие и технические моменты:

• демонстрация осуществляется на площади приблизительно в 1, 2 м высоты и 2, 4 м ширины;

• используются отдельные листы бумаги или слайды;

•на каждом листе выделяется от 3 до 5 основных вопросов;

• отдается предпочтение не словам, а диаграммам, таблицам и другим графическим материалам;

- текст должен быть легко читаемым на расстоянии.

При подготовке презентации следует придерживаться следующей структуры:

- название презентации с указанием фамилии автора и его места ра­боты (1 лист);

• краткое содержание (1 лист);

• основное содержание (10—15 листов), в котором излагается не более 5 главных вопросов;

• итоговая информация (1 лист).

ОБРАЗЕЦ 30_________________________________________________

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