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Useful phrases and vocabulary.⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 13 из 13
Контракт Составление контракта по праву считается наиболее сложной и ответственной частью предпринимательской деятельности. Оттого, насколько профессионально подготовлен контракт, будет зависеть его эффективность. На практике используются различные виды контрактов, что определяется товаром, но большинство контрактов содержит вступительную часть (полное название организации, ФИО и должность лица, подписывающего контракт) и базовые статьи: • предмет контракта; • цена; • оплата; • обязанности сторон. • приемка товара; • санкции; • освобождение от ответственности; • порядок урегулирования возможных споров; • вступление контракта в силу; • прочие условия; • изменения и дополнения к контракту. Статьи могут быть объединены или включены в контракт в ином порядке. Ниже приводится образец контракта на переводческие услуги. ОБРАЗЕЦ 42___________________________________________________________ CONTRACT
Translation/Consulting Company represented by
Ms.Elis White Deputy Director hereinafter called «the Consultant» on the other hand
1. Work to be undertaken The Consultant undertakes, on the conditions, within the limits and in the man- 1 ner laid down by common agreement hereafter excluding any accessory verbal agreement: the translation from English into Russian of the present magazine Business i-nglish (issues No. to be specified in this paragraph in each contract); the reading and correction necessary for the «final corrected proof» version of Business English to be available for the printer. 2. Technical specifications The text shall be translated into Russian and delivered on paper and on diskette, software Word. 3. Planning The Consultant undertakes to translate the text and submit it to the Company I within one month from the date of receipt of the first text. The agreed timetable must be respected (Attachment 1). 4. Practical points — I'he English manuscript must serve as a model; it is important that the presentation be the same in the Russian version: bold type for titles, same paragraphs ind page break at the end of the article, etc. The checking of the proofs must be done with great care: punctuation, word separations at line ends, capital letters, accents, printer's errors, coherence of rules and typographical choices. The Consultant will take the necessary measures to ensure the above timetable will be followed during any absences. 5. Remuneration In return for fulfillment by the consultant of all his obligations under this contract the Company undertakes to pay a lump sum of $XXX for each issue. The Company accepts no liability in case of a Consultant's sickness or accident under this contract. Where appropriate the Consultant should insure himself against such risks. The sum will be transferred in favor of the Consultant to: (title and address of the Consultant) Beneficiary account: Beneficiary bank: 6. Rights The Consultant cedes to the Company the exclusive right to publish, or to have reproduced and published, in whatever form and in whatever country, texts translated by him and submitted to the Company under this contract. 7. Responsibility The Consultant is responsible for the translation in Russian. 8. Breach of contract The Company is entitled to regard as breach of contract failure by the Consultant to perform his duties under this contract. 9. Amendments The provisions of this contract may be amended only by written agreement between the parties. 10. Arbitration of disputes Any disputes between the Company and the Consultant regarding the terms of execution of this contract shall — failing a friendly settlement between parties — be submitted to arbitration in accordance with international laws. Done in two copies in English at London this day of 2nd April, 2004. On behalf of... Signatures_____ ______________________ Контракт на продажу/покупку товара составляется более подробно, т.к. целый ряд условий требует специальной оговорки. Структура торгового контракта в большинстве случаев содержит следующие статьи: • преамбула; • предмет контракта; • цена и общая сумма контракта; • качество товара; • гарантия качества; • сроки поставки; • сдача/приемка товара; извещение об отгрузке товара; • упаковка и маркировка; • условия платежа; • экспортная лицензия; • страхование; • рекламации; • непреодолимая сила/форс-мажор; • арбитраж; • прочие условия. ОБРАЗЕЦ 43___________________________________________________________ CONTRACT No.____ Moscow «__»________________ 200 Company TFE, hereinafter referred to as the Sellers, on the one part, and IT Companyjiereinafter referred to as the Buyers, on the other part, have concluded this Contract as follows. 1. Subject of the Contract The Sellers have sold and the Buyers have bought on terms_____________ worth of goods in quantity and assortment, at prices and according to the specifications attached hereto and considered as an integral part of the present Contract. 2. Price and total value of the Contract The price for the goods is fixed in US $ (US dollars) and includes the cost of tare, packing and marking. The total amount of the present Contract is $___________. The loading of the goods onto a ship, including the stowage in a hold as well as lighterage are fulfilled and paid by the Sellers. 3. Quality of goods The quality of the goods is to be in conformity with the requirements given in the Specifications attached to the Contract, the existing international standards. 4. Guarantee of quality The Sellers shall guarantee the quality of the goods sold for______ months from the date of delivery. Should the goods within the guarantee period prove to be defective or not corresponding to the terms and conditions of the Contract, the Sellers are to eliminate the defects or replace the defective parts. 5. Dates of delivery Delivery of the goods under the present Contract is to be effected in terms fixed in the specifications enclosed. The Buyers shall submit to the Sellers all the necessary shipment documents within maximum 15 days of the date of signing of the specification. The Sellers are granted the right of early delivery only with the written consent of the Buyers. The date of the Bill of Lading or the date stamped by the border station of the Sellers country on the railway or motor bill are considered the date of delivery. 6. Delivery and acceptance of the goods The goods shall be considered as delivered by the Sellers and accepted by the Buyers: — as regards the quality — according to the Quality Certificate issued by the competent body or by the Manufacture; — as regards the quantity — according to the number of cases and weight as shown in the Bill of Lading. 7. Notification of shipment Within 48 hours after shipping off the goods by sea, the Sellers notify the Buyers via cable of the following: — name of the ship; — date of the voyage; — denomination of the goods; — number of the Contract; — number of the Bill of Lading; — quantity of packages; — gross and net weights; — value of the goods; — number of the container, description of seals. 8. Packing and marking Packing shall provide full security of and prevent any damage to the goods during transportation by any kind of transportation facilities with respect to transshipments, as well as preserve the goods from atmospheric effects. Each package is to be marked in indelible paint as follows: — contract number; — package number; — gross and net weight; — name and code number of the shipper; — denomination of the goods. 9. Payment Payment for the goods delivered shall be made through an irrevocable Letter of Credit opened with confirmed Bank and advised through the Bank of England. The Letter of Credit is to be opened within__________ with the validity of________ to the /Ccount______. Payment for delivered goods shall be effected against presentation of documents for collection within days of the date. The payment shall be quaranteed by an irrevocable and unconditional letter of guarantee of the Bank payable on the first demand. 10. Export licence The Sellers will take care of and bear all the expenses connected with obtaining the necessary licence for the exportation of the goods under the present Contract. 11. Insurance The Buyers are to take care of and to cover expenses for insurance of the goods with the Insurance Agency from the Sellers' works up to the moment of arrival of same at the Buyers' works. 12. Claims Claims as to the quality of goods can be submitted within 180 days of the date of delivery in the case of nonconformity of the goods' quality specified in the present Contract; claims as to the quantity — within 90 days of the date of delivery in the case of missing packages and/or part of the articles missing from the package. 13. Contingencies/force-majeure Neither of the parties shall bear responsibility for complete or partial non-ful- fillment of any of its respective obligations provided non-fulfillment, is due to such circumstances as flood, fire, earthquake and other acts of God, as war or military operations emerging after the conclusion of the Contract, or embargoes laid by government authorities on exports. The party which encountered the circumstances preventing the fulfillment of its obligations shall immediately advise its counterpart in a written form possible duration and cessation of the contingencies, but not later than 10 days after. The facts listed in the notification shall be confirmed by the Chamber of Commerce, or any other competent body. 14. Arbitration All disputes and differences which may arise out of the present Contract or in connection therewith, are to be settled by the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission in accordance with the Rules of clerical work of this Commission. Submission of disputes in general courts is excluded. 15. Other conditions All dues, banks' charges included, taxes and customs duties levied on the territory of the Sellers' country connected with execution of the present Contract are to be borne by the Sellers and for their account. The Sellers have no right to assign to third persons their rights and obligations arising from this Contract without the Buyers' written consent. This Contract is drawn up in two copies, both of them being equally valid. 16. Legal addresses of the Parties The Sellers The Buyers
Useful phrases and vocabulary Преамбула
Гарантия качества
13. ТРАНСПОРТНЫЕ ДОКУМЕНТЫ Счет-фактура Счет-фактура (invoice), являясь просьбой об оплате, одновременно подтверждает факт реализации сделки. Она составляется с целью уведомления покупателя об отгрузке товара и содержит следующую информацию: • данные об экспортере (название и адрес поставляющей организации) — информация должна быть исчерпывающей (full name, business name, street address, city, postcode and country, phone number, e-mail); • данные об импортере (название и адрес организации-получателя) должны быть также максимально подробными и точными; • дата выписки и номер счета-фактуры (date of issue and number); • количество, описание и стоимость товара (quantity, description and cost); • стоимость фрахта и страховки (cost of freight and insurance); • общая стоимость груза и срок оплаты (total amount and remittance dates); • число, тип, содержимое и маркировка отдельных мест груза (number, type, contents and marks on packages); • номер лицензии на импорт (import licence number); • подпись экспортера (signature of the exporter). Счет-фактура может быть приложена к сопроводительному письму, в котором излагается какая-либо дополнительная информация. ОБРАЗЕЦ 44 Jenny J. Dobson SUNRAYS, Inc. 001 East District, FT 8181 INVOICE NO./GG-5436 June 6, 2004 Clark Autumn Daytime College, FX 028841
Коносамент Коносамент, или транспортная накладная (bill of lading), относится к числу наиболее важных документов при оформлении грузов к транспортировке. Коносамент состоит из следующих разделов: • дата вывоза груза (pick-up date); • номер грузоотправителя или заказа на поставку (shipper's number/ purchase order); • имя и полный адрес грузополучателя (name and full address of a consignee); • имя и полный адрес грузоотправителя (name and full address of a consignor); • количество отгружаемых единиц/штук (number of shipping units) по каждому наименованию; • наименование и описание (name and description) товара: материал, использование и упаковка. Если товар относится к категории опасных (hazardous), следует сделать особую отметку на упаковке; • вес каждой единицы (weight) и общий вес в конце списка; • плата за перевозку груза (charge) указывает на того, кто осуществляет оплату: грузоотправитель или грузополучатель; • вид оплаты: предоплата или инкассо (prepaid/collection) • ответственность — здесь должно быть указано «без оборота/без права обратного Tpc6oBannn»(without recourse), т.е. груз удерживается до получения платы за перевозку груза; • заявленная стоимость (declared value); • адрес и подпись лица, составившего коносамент; • подпись водителя, получившего груз, с указанием даты и количества мест; информация об обращении с грузом.