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Components of Visual merchandising .

There are certain things which a retailer needs to take care of while proceeding with the process of displaying his products. These components when combined together in a proper ratio will make a successful outcome.

The main goal of display is to showcase the products within the overall display area. Customers give three to five seconds of their attention to window display. The retailers visual message should be handed to the customer in that short period of time. It should not be like a successful TV advertisement, where the product is forgotten altogether and only the concept of the commercial remains in the mind of the viewer. The arrangement of window display should go with the product and should not stop them to make it discernable to the eye.

Color: The right choice of colors is vital: Color is one of the most powerful tools in the Visual merchandising segment. It is a visual perceptual property. Colors can be associated with emotions. It attracts attention and pulls more customers into the store. A retailer should focus on the right choice of color that would match with the theme of display. It is not possible to satisfy everyone all the time, but it is possible to cultivate the taste of customers gradually and purposefully. The right choice of colors in the display items can turn walkers into stoppers and significantly convert them into customers. It is therefore mandatory to choose the right color for the right theme of display. A Halloween display would require black color in the display theme. Valentines theme should be ruled by red color supplemented with pink and white. A display of babys accessories should reflect light shades of pink and blue colors. A Christmas display should contain colors of red, green, gold and silver.

It is essential to display themes to appropriately support he product. A theme is a display of sale items of similar categories e.g. a display of kitchen accessories. It’s essential to have themes for all retail displays. They can be romantic, wild, or capricious, and capture people’s imaginations. A good theme will lure the customer with a shopping mood into the store. Themes mainly depend upon the retailers imagination and creativity. Focusing on the right theme rather than creating a display with expensive raw materials is the key to successful window display. A shoe store theme can be a group of elves buying shoes. A theme for display of casual wears can be a group of mannequins sitting casually at a get together in different poses. Related themes will tug the heartstrings of the customers and will pay off.

Display: Display should complement the retailers’ other strategies. The content of the display should complement the in-store environment and other marketing strategies of the retailer. If the retailer has a specific logo, the colors of the display can reflect the same color of the logo, eg. McDonalds display; the clown is of the same color, red and yellow as in their logo.

Use of monitors: To attract customers it’s a good idea to use monitors, as they are a cost-effective alternative to printing and maintaining in-store signage. Their large, high definition images and modern looking and what’s more, they are quite flexible in location, positioning, and messaging.

Cleanliness: Neat and clean arrangement is the foundation of an inviting a successful visual display. A beautiful display can be ruined by a cracked sign holder or an unclean display environment. Effective cleaning schedule of showcases and display fixtures is required.


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