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Impact on women

Scented oils, perfumes and other fragrances have been adorned by people since early civilization. Today, fragrances can be found all around, from scented candles, to all your favorite bath and body products. There are numerous reasons why people wear perfumes, but ultimately it boils down to the fact that they make us feel happy. The reason we feel happy is heavily dependent on the individual. Today women are the main buyers of perfumes.

When women buy a fragrance, they are often influenced by the projected experience associated with that scent.

Floral Focus: Connecting a fragrance with naturally fragrant flowers is a logical, and effective, choice. Particularly if the fragrance you are selling has floral notes, featuring flowers heavily in your display makes sense. While photos of flowers may be effective, using silk flowers to add dimension and excitement to the display likely will attract more attention.

Soft and Silky: Many women select fragrances because they want to feel feminine. To reflect this desire for femininity, create a display that features soft and silky lines and materials. For example, cover the fragrance display with pink silk, using pillows to add softness.

All the Glitters: Attention-getting lighting can create a glittery scene that will naturally captivate potential buyers. Use spot lighting suspended from the ceiling or coming up from the ground to make the bottle of fragrance shimmer and glow.

Photos: Well placed, appealing photos can entice customers to purchase a product that they can't always see ahead of time. Create an image that fragrance buyers will be eager to embrace by using photos in your display.

An example of perfumes display


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