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Speakers and debates
Rule 16 The Speakers’ List is opened following a Motion from a delegate and the subsequent approval by the Chair. A Delegation can add its country name to the List pending only if it is not already on the List. The delegate may either raise his/her placard when the Chair calls for Delegates to do so or send a note to the Chairpersons stating their desire to be added to the Speakers’ List. Speakers must keep their remarks germane to the subject under discussion. Rule 17 The Security Council shall by default be in Formal Debate unless otherwise advised by the Chair. Delegates should refer to the Speakers’ List for the speaking order. Rule 18 A Delegate may only address the Security Council if he/she has received permission from the Chair. Rule 19 A Speaker may not be interrupted by another Delegate unless that Delegate has risen to a Point of Personal Privilege. Point of Order cannot interrupt a speaker. Only once a Speaker has concluded and the floor is given back to the chair, a delegate may move to a Point of Order. Chapter VI Speeches
Rule 20 Motion to Set Speaking Time. A Delegate may move to set a time limit on speeches after a Speakers’ List has been established. The Chair may either rule the Motion dilatory at his/her discretion or put it to vote. If there are more than one Motions to Set the Speaking Time, they will be voted upon in order of the most disruptive first. Rule 21 A Chair may call a Delegate to order if his/her speech is not relevant to the subject matter being discussed. Rule 22 Time Limit When a delegate exceeds his/her allotted time, the Chair may call the Speaker to order without delay. However, the Chair has the discretion to be flexible (within reason) about the time limit to allow a Delegate to finish his or her thought in order to account for the varying fluency of English among the Delegates. Chapter VII Yields
Rule 23 Only during substantive formal debate, a Delegate may yield any remaining time at the end of his/her speech in one of the following manners: · 24.1. To Questions. The Chair will use the remaining time to entertain questions for the Speaker from the Security Council. Delegates wishing to ask questions shall raise their placards and wait to be recognised by the Chair. The Chair shall rule questions that are rhetorical, leading or not relevant to the Speaker's speech out of order. Only the Speaker's answer shall be subtracted from the remaining speaking time. · 24.2. To Another Delegate. A Speaker wishing to give the remaining time allotted to his/her speech to another Delegate can do so. That Delegate has to immediately take the floor. A Speaker that has been yielded to cannot yield his or her time again. · 24.3. The Floor will automatically be given to the next speaker on the Speakers list. If a specific yield has not been established by the Speaker, the floor will automatically be given back to the Chair. During Moderated Caucus the floor will also automatically be given to the Chair.