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Rule 28

Motion for the Adjournment of the Meeting.

A Delegate may move for the Adjournment of the meeting to suspend all Security Council activities until the next scheduled meeting time. The Chair may rule the Motion out of order without possibility of appeal or putting it to vote.

Rule 29

Motion for a Moderated Caucus.

A Delegate may move for a Moderated Caucus thereby suggesting a change from formal debate to moderated informal debate. A Delegate who moves for Moderated Caucus must suggest a time length of the caucus, speaking time for each individual speaker and justification for the Motion. The Chair may suggest a more appropriate caucus length speaking time or topic, or may rule the Moderated Caucus out of order without possibility of appeal. If the Motion passes, the Security Council will enter informal debate whereby the Chair will recognize at his/her discretion Delegates who raise their placards to speak about the issue at hand.

Rule 30

Motion to Extend the Moderated Caucus.

A Delegate may move to extend the Moderated Caucus if he/she feels that additional time benefits Security Council’s work. The Delegate moving for an Extension of the Moderated Caucus must suggest a length for the extension, which shall not exceed the duration of the original Moderated Caucus. The Chair may suggest a more appropriate caucus length or speaking time and put it to vote or may rule the Motion out of order without possibility of appeal.

Rule 31

Motion for an Unmoderated Caucus.

A Delegate may move for an Unmoderated Caucus thereby suggesting a change from formal to informal debate. The Delegate who makes this motion must suggest a length and justification for the Unmoderated Caucus. The Chair may suggest a more appropriate caucus length or topic and put it to vote or may rule the Unmoderated Caucus out of order without possibility of appeal. Once the Motion has passed, the Security Council will depart from the Speakers’ List and Delegates will carry an informal discussion on the topic specified in the Motion without leaving the conference room.



Rule 32

Motion to Extend the Unmoderated Caucus.

This motion is in order only to be used for the end of the conference. A Delegate may move to extend the Unmoderated Caucus if he/she feels that additional time would

benefit the work of the Security Council. The Delegate who moves for an Extension of Unmoderated Caucus must suggest a length for the extension, which shall not exceed the duration of the original Unmoderated Caucus. The Chair may suggest a more appropriate caucus length and put it to vote or may rule the Extension of the Unmoderated Caucus out of order without the possibility of appeal.

Rule 33

Motion to Table Debate on a Topic.

A Delegate may move to Table Debate in order to end debate on a substantive issue without voting any Draft Resolutions that may be on the floor. If the Chair rules the Motion in order, one (1) Delegate shall speak in favour and one (1) Delegate shall speak against before proceeding with a vote. If the Motion passes, the Chair shall entertain a Motion to Return to a Dismissed Topic.

Rule 34

Motion to Return to a Dismissed Topic.

If a Motion to Table the Debate is passed, the Chair may entertain a Motion to go back to a Dismissed Topic. In that event, the Chair will entertain one (1) Speaker in favour and one (1) Speaker against. If the Motion passes, debate on the dismissed topic resumes and a new Speakers’ List is established.

Rule 35

Motion to Close Debate / the Speakers’ List on a Resolution.

A Delegate may move to Close Debate in order to end debate on a Resolution whereby the Security Council will enter voting procedure on all amendments on the floor. If the Chair rules the Motion in order, there will be only one (1) Delegate speaking against the Motion.

Rule 36

Motion to Close Debate / the Speakers’ List on the Topic Area under Discussion.

A Delegate may move to Close Debate in order to end Debate on the Topic Area under Discussion whereby the Security Council will enter immediate voting procedure on all Draft Resolutions on the floor. If the Chair rules the Motion in order, there will be only one (1) Delegate speaking against the Motion.

Rule 37

Motion to Split the Topic Area.

A Delegate may move to split the Topic Area in order for the Security Council to come up with more than one resolutions referring to the same Topic. The delegate who moves will have to provide sufficient justification for the proposed splitting of the Topic Area.

Rule 38

Motion for a minute of silent prayer or meditation.

At any given time, if deemed appropriate by the Chair, there is the opportunity for a minute of silent prayer or meditation.

Any nation may move for a minute of silent prayer or meditation. The chair will allow at most two motions for silent prayer or mediation in each session. It is possible to add a special reason to the request. Any decisions concerning this motion are not subject to appeal.

Rule 39

Motion for a “Question and Answer” Period

A formal “Question and Answer” period may be instituted by the Chair, upon the request of a Council member, for the purposes of questioning the Representative(s) of a country on the issue at hand. The “Question and Answer” period shall be monitored by the Chair and conducted by the Council as a whole.


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