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на тему: «Global International Scientific Analytical Project»

по дисциплине: «Иностранный язык»


Выполнил Исьемин А. А. Шифр 110122

Факультет: УНИИ ИТ

Направление: 230400 «Информационные системы и технологии»

Группа: 21-ИТ



Орел, 2012 г.

GISAP (Global International Scientific Analytical Project) — the international scientific project functioning under the aegis of the International Academy of Sciences and the Higher Education (London, Great Britain). The project unites scientists from the various countries of the world for the purpose of advance on world level of progressive ideas, theories and concepts in all spheres of scientific thought, and also maintenance of interest of the public to modern questions and achievements of the academic science. The purposes of the project are reached by means of carrying out superiority and conferences on scientific analytics which pass several times a month in the online mode. By results of scientific actions collections of scientific articles are published.



The GISAP project started since autumn of 2010 when the first international conference «Current trends of development of scientific thought» was carried out. Action was devoted to various sciences: from medicine to the international geopolitics and architecture, and in the online mode it was carried out in London (Great Britain), Washington (USA) and Odessa (Ukraine).

Annually by the project it is carried out about 30 actions having a form of the international scientific and analytical competitions and scientific conferences in which scientists from the various countries of the world take part.

The international scientific and analytical GISAP project in the activity is guided by permission of such tasks, as globalization of scientific activity and an intensification of dynamics of its development. Modern approaches of the separate states to development of the scientific systems in each country are unique. The science can be focused on creation of new types of the goods and the services, capable to satisfy need of people and a market demand, can be the sphere of the state attention, without causing financial interest of private corporations (in that case in vanguard of scientific thought fundamental sciences will develop here), venture methods of development the sciences based on risky investments in scientific researches of the private capitals can be popular, the science can become the formal institute financed avariciously and deprived of interest from business. There are also countries in which to development of a science it is not given any attention. Thus " idea" and «scientific creativity» — the categories not dependent on geographical or socio-economic factor, and therefore in any state emergence of the whole segment of the scientists, capable to introduce in a science something new is possible. The GISAP project also is focused on work with them.

Today in the majority of the Post-Soviet states the science is deprived of public financing, has no all-social value, is formalized and corrupted. Thus traditions and achievements of the Soviet science which direct " successors" are schools of sciences of these states, remain today property of all mankind. Besides, the Post-Soviet countries represent the extensive territory, cultural, historically and linguistically homogeneous that erects this region in the category unique from the point of view of development of scientific communications. At all the potential, the Post-Soviet science since the beginning of the 90th years was torn off from the international scientific processes. Proceeding from it on the former Soviet Union for 2011 the test program of the international scientific and analytical project was realized.

At the same time, the perspective vector of development of the project assumes: at global level consolidation of representatives of the scientific and educational public of the states of all continents for the purpose of development of the world science and maintenance of progress of mankind; at level of research activity of specific scientists — the international recognition and advance of scientific ideas and their authors.

Structurally International scientific and analytical project consists of two spheres of functioning: spheres of carrying out actions and sphere of self-organizing of participants of the project. The sphere of carrying out actions is expressed in the organization of championships in scientific analytics and scientific conferences. The sphere of self-organizing of participants of the project consists in their association in National federations of scientific analytics. Regional implementation of the project is based on partnership МАНВО with the representatives in the separate countries who can have the status of the tournament managing director or the manager of National federation of scientific analytics. Besides federations of scientific analytics of the separate countries, within the project are formed continental and the World federation of scientific analytics. Championships in scientific analytics are carried out according to special regulations МАНВО, winners come to light according to results of estimation of scientific researches on the basis of specially developed formulas.

The international scientific and analytical project has a global form of realization, is based on development of open international scientific communications, сориентирован on competitive passion and creative development of innovations, uses the mechanism of professional estimation of scientific works, and also system of incentives for increase of research and debatable activity of scientists.

Copyright of the general name and the name of components, realization technique, visual and material signs, symbols and logos of the International scientific and analytical GISAP project, and also on used at carrying out championships in scientific analytics of system of estimation and formation of ratings, belong the International academy of Sciences and the higher education (МАНВО; London, Great Britain).

Scientific activity within the project is carried out in two possible formats: championships in scientific analytics and scientific and practical conferences. Participation in superiority means by itself " competitive" process within which besides implementation of the expert estimation, all participants assume the obligation to study, estimate and introduce the comment to all other works in the scientific section. Thus, authors of reports can participate in process of identification of winners and prize-winners of championships in scientific analytics and to develop scientific discussions. Unlike superiority, participation in conference doesn't demand from the scientist any additional actions, except representation of the research, however and doesn't provide greatest possible attention and job evaluation from scientific community and other interested persons.

Besides participants of superiority, estimation of scientific works is carried out by the international experts (the professional scientists, specializing on the corresponding branches of science). Results of estimation of scientific works carried out within the project are defined by a way of application of special mathematical formulas in which expert estimates have bigger value, rather than a score of other participants of superiority in scientific analytics is considerable.

All the time of implementation of the project as his experts was supported by scientists from Azerbaijan, Argentina, Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Brazil, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Greece, Georgia, Israel, India, Iran, Italy, Kazakhstan, Canada, Cyprus, China, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Moldova, Nigeria, Norway, Poland, Russia, Syria, as the USA, Turkey, Ukraine, Finland, France, Montenegro, Sweden, Switzerland, South Korea, Japan.

Following the results of carrying out scientific and analytical superiority and GISAP project conferences in publishing house of the International academy of Sciences and the higher education the collections of scientific works available in printing and electronic option are issued. Collections have the British numbers ISBN and represent the A4 format book with a soft cover, volume of 200 — 300 pages with illustrations. Depending on the country of origin of materials of superiority and conferences, working languages of actions and published collections of scientific works are languages of international communication — English and Russian, and also national languages of participants of superiority and the conferences, having the status of languages of presentation of reports.

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